Rearranging and Removing Portals

We have to make choices because Blizzard made one that made the player base angry. Weird.


The portals much like resurrection abilities are for player convenience not NPCs. In lore portals are very difficult to maintain. But, for player characters they are there to make travel easier. It makes no more sense to remove them than removing the ability to resurrect players after dieing.

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I really wish some here would buy a Websters

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They already explained the benefits they see in removing portals. You can oppose their ideas with unsubbing. I think this very thread is proof enough they won’t buckle up.

Blizzard: “We’re going to communicate a lot more and be much more effective at it”

Also Blizzard: “Eh, we heard what you guys had to say but we’re going to make these meaningless changes anyway.”


Not all choices are equal, let alone good.

“We’d love to hear your feedback.”

-gives feedback-

“No, you’re wrong.”

Classy as ever.


There are no benefits to taking away things in game that have been there for years arbitrarily. Why do people just blindly follow what they say? Taking away things that have been in game, put in the game by Blizzard themselves is absurd.


Communicate =/= change and agree with every minor complaints GD has.

You have to be immature or just ignorant to not understand that everyone is wanting the ability to make choices. And Blizzard is taking those choices away. Sometimes you don’t get a choice.


They talked about some benefits. But those benefits won’t actually happen because they refuse to update the world to encourage the type of exploration that they want to happen.

Going from Uldum to CoT is not exploration. It does not make the world seem bigger. It has absolutely no benefit to the player. It’s a pointless and petty change.


I had to laugh because Blizzard seems to have no issue resurrecting major lore characters over and over “for the sake of story,” which in itself does the story grave disservice.

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Blizzard…we are humans. You forget that.
Ever noticed when you complete a world quest with a bunch of other people and there’s a nice long line of people all riding to the next world quest…I swear at times it feels like I’m (and everyone else) is in an Ant Farm.
This ‘dev team’ wants nothing more than us to just follow set tubes that they can automatically switch pathways and have us follow different set paths the next day…in a nice orderly line ugh!

I Swear the endgame fantasy is that we are just BOTS that fork out money for the privalage of being bots :frowning:

Trust in this company seems to be pretty low and if the playerbase (people who spend the money) are a wasp nest, then Ion etc are whacking the crap out of it with a baseball bat :frowning:u

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Honestly, the problem for me isn’t the portals. I’m not even playing the game anymore. My issue is that, once again, we provided a metric ton of feedback on why we weren’t happy with this, and many people even suggested alternatives and compromises(we all know Blizzard loves compromising), and we were STILL told “well too bad, this is the way we want to do it. But please keep giving us more feedback, since we didn’t listen the first time!”

That feels so terrible. Over the years, what WE want to happen with the game has mattered less and less. They have a vision and by God they’re going to do what they want with this game, regardless of what the players think or want.

Add on the fact that everything they’ve put in this expansion is only busywork that’s intended to keep us in the game longer, instead of being fun content, and it’s driving players away in droves.


Ok I will ask this question then.

So you are upset about the 5-10 minutes extra added time. You want to keep things the same. I’ll use the example of the caverns of time raid. So you want to go there, you use a portal to go there and then run to the instance.

Would you rather have a portal to raid itself? It seems your goals are to be inside the instance and farming the transmog. So by having a portal directly to the raid, that would increase your time in the raid.

Now lets take it one step further. Would you like it so that the item you don’t have drops automatically? You’re there farming every week. I assume once you get the item, you’ll be done with the place. So wouldn’t it be better to just give you the item? Or do you like being there?

Where should Blizzard draw the line at convenience in World of Warcraft? I know taking away things already given to you is bad, like flying for example, but if you’re there for transmog and presumably will just abandon the raid when you get your items, would it be more beneficial to just give you a portal directly to the raid so you can get those items to stop doing the raid?

I have lost track of the times i have gone afk to do a short chore on a fp to a wq in the current zones and forgotten to go back. It’s even worse getting around old content. At least with portal jumping or managing hearth cds, I was a little more engaged before i went afk for the final fp. Now it will port to uldum, point to cot and alt tab and hope i tab back in before hitting fatigue. Or in Pandaria, afk forever on a fp from jade forest all the way to townlong. ugh. Just in time for the new raiding with leashes too. More seeing the world time = more accidental logouts while afk on fps/auto run. Great for those MAUs!


at least you all get to fly in those zones, isn’t that what you all want? to fly around? now you get to fly around!! and explore also with flying!! woohoo!!

Also Blizzard: “We want the world to feel ‘bigger’ so we’re taking your OLD world portals. By the by, we not only have tons of FLIGHT masters in NEW content, but also a cool little boat system too. You know, because having too many travel points (like portals) makes the world feel smaller”

Not contradictory at all.


There’s more, but some aren’t honestly as Apocalyptic (according to some) as others. I think we could break it into 3 whinges;

  1. MoP Shrines
  2. Legion Dalaran basement
  3. Northrend Dalaran Caverns of Time

which is addressed by;

  1. It’s old content, stop hearthing there.
  2. They had 2+ years of lazy convenience for content farming, with portals to non-cities, get over it. This is partially Blizzard’s fault for giving this crutch out to begin with.
  3. The only possibly valid one, if Zephyr, the NPC in Shattrath, is removed. No one can seem to confirm this one way or the other yet.
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What point are you trying to make? The flightmaster and boats don’t teleport you to the end location? So you do see the big world…