Rearranging and Removing Portals

Thanks for the replies everyone. This has certainly helped me quite a bit in trying to understand this. So I think I have this.

You want to spend 10 minutes doing your activity.

Blizzard wants to increase your play time so they add 5 minutes.

You draw the line at 10 + 5, 15 minutes of doing your activity.

I don’t really spend too much time with transmog or pet battles to even be out in the old world enough. So thanks for the insight. Never really though about doing it on 10 or more characters.


When I “travel the world,” I go afk to take a dump.

I can! But can you not admit it’s awfully silly to remove a solution that results in players just using an awkward workaround? You’re kinda destroying your own argument here.

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And you’re complaining for the sake of complaining. Why would I travel with my alts if my main goal with those alts is to farm xmog, pets and mounts?

While that may be how you use alts, some of us like to have living characters. I don’t have a main. I have many characters.
I don’t have alts. I have many stories.

(Of course, as you can see, this toon is on a RP server. :stuck_out_tongue: )

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It’s also that they aren’t adding any value for that extra 5 minutes.

If suddenly old raids were more likely to drop the “right” xmog loot, or old mobs had a chance at dropping really neat stuff, or there were random phased max-level encounters and rewards you could stumble upon, or if the core gameplay of specs and combat were more fun/engaging baseline, it wouldn’t nearly be the issue that it is.

This is somebody’s(plural?) philosophy being forced into the game for the sake of…well, philosophy. It adds nothing and only takes away.


So, I wasn’t going to respond to this because I’m not super moved by this topic.

However, the more I think about this, the more it bothers me.

We had a LONG thread about problems with the mythic+ system. It was even a sticky thread for a while. Now it’s been un-stickied, only to disappear into the darkened depths, forgotten.

And we’ve gotten ZERO feedback about the issues put forth by the playerbase.

Mythic+ is current content. This is the content for THIS expansion, that we’ve been given to consume. And it has problems that go unaddressed – bugs, imbalances amongst dungeons, badly balanced classes, inequality with utility, etc.

But here we have a LONG explanation for the removal of portals. A change for which no one is loudly demanding. It’s like, this change comes out of the blue. And yet we have current expac issues that desperately need to be addressed.

Where on earth is the long discussion of mythic+? Where is the feedback, the response, the action? Can we get something like this written for that?

I canceled my sub over the state of mythic+ and the horrid healer balance therein. I’m waiting for a reason to resub, a glimmer of “we are addressing the problems”, but yet there’s nothing spoken.

But you have time to write a multi-paragraph explanation on portals.


To go farm other mounts and pets, and not just the Caverns of Time? Because you also want to level the alt or farm crafting materials or do other content besides farming CoT?

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EXACTLY! That is what everyone is saying! Why would I tie my alt off at Onyxia’s Lair so that i can’t play that alt when a convenient portal would make it so I can have both. You are advocating to not give players a choice. Everyone else is advocating to keep their choice to travel in the manor they see fit.

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You know what? It brings a tear to my eye seeing the forums united in such a massive way over a singular topic.

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Every time you people post this sadistic crap it makes me SOOOO glad they took master loot away

That’s great, if you’re only farming CoT. Which is something else that has been brought up many times. But you have to deliberately ignore stuff like that so you can keep posting about these pointless “solutions” to problems created by Blizzard.

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Sometimes you have to make choices.

True. In that case, I wouldn’t put it past them.


Dalaran Crater.
Dalaran Crater.
Dalaran Crater.
Dalaran Crater.
Dalaran Crater.

This portal is so ridiculously huge for Alliance. It makes getting to the northern third of a continent that is primarily Alliance controlled so much easier. This is easily my biggest gripe with losing the portals.

Caverns of Time was convenient, granted there are other teleports there that seem to remain intact. It would still be nice to have that in a central location regardless.


And there’s also no reason to remove choices that were already in place for no obvious benefit.


And sometimes Blizzard comes in and takes a dump on your choices because they feel they’re the “wrong” ones.

Are you telling me that it’s subjective that Blizzard is removing portals? I’m starting to think that you just like that word and keep using it, even when it doesn’t make any sense.


They objectively removed something from this game that was being used by players. You know…like they removed your master loot for no good reason.
They SAY they did it because its ‘tradition’ or some such crap.

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How is it subjective? There is literally no issue until blizzard has made it one.