Rearranging and Removing Portals

No because COT is more than a single raid. I might want a dungeon achievement, or want to farm mog that drops from one raid instead of another.

Farming items and waiting for resets has been in the game since it started. I understand having to farm for things. This is nothing new.

Consider it a boss fight in a video game. Now you know that you have to learn the patterns and eventually find a way to beat it, but now instead of just going into the fight the boss has a 3 minute monologue that you can’t skip that you used to be able to. Just because they want you to be more immersed . It gets old fast.

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Not a solution.

Take your arrogant and condescending arguments, stuff them down a deep dark hole, and try again with an actual attempt at honest discussion on this topic. Your hateful tone is beyond tiresome.

No, I tab out when I’m on a flight path or boat. So I don’t see anything after having seen it once before.


Blizz WoW is possibly the most arrogant and stubborn dev team of any online game I’ve personally played. They rarely are willing to admit they’re wrong and take action, even against overwhelming negative feedback. Even when they feel forced to make a change cause enough people are quitting, they almost always do it in a grudging way where they don’t it how players ask, but in some half hearted compromise way too late so they don’t have to admit they were wrong and the players were right. Even if the proposed solution by the community is objectively the best way to fix whatever problem, they’ll seem to go out of their way to do it “their” way instead.

I still can’t believe it took them literally till the expansion was basically over to add a reasonable and fair legendary acquisition system that people were asking for since beta. One of the sour points of an otherwise pretty good expansion that could have been solved if they just listened to their player base instead of getting all prideful about their grand vision and whatever nonsense.

Lots of successful online games make it a point of pride to try to give players what they want where possible. Blizz WoW team on the other hand seem to just want to shove their allmighty game design philosophies down your throat and tell you you like it.


Again, lazy half-#$@% response simply saying, “Yeah, 5k is a lot of chatter, we aren’t really listening, but maybe some blue letters in some random order will calm you down.”


Please inform me what unique form of travel you are referring to for Warlock. You guys gave a better version of summoning (2 people vs. 3) to everyone at every instance portal.
Don’t use us to validate your bad design decisions.


Separate suggestion: You should equalize the old capitols in terms of convenience

Go ahead, keep the important stuff in the newest expansion’s capital, i get that

But stormwind and orgrimmar aren’t the hubs anymore- they haven’t been since cataclysm, and the world feels bigger when you can putter around in different places.


Well Blizzard, your theory didnt work.
I normally log in and play for somewhere around 8-10 hours a day while Im here pretending to work on websites and such all day long.
Yesterday I managed to force myself to log in for about 15 minutes total. Pretty much the same thing every day for more than a week now since this dumpster fire started over these portals.

So Kudos. Great job. In Bizzaro world, for getting the exact opposite of what you claim you wanted with this petty nonsense.


:+1: A multi expansion push to drive out emergent play style and funnel their preferred play style.

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Personally, I am fine with “some” RNG. But the level of RNG in WoW has increased into every avenue of the game over the years and it’s not fun or satisfying.

That said, I understand the RNG of raid drops. I do wish that there were an xmog run option for old content that excluded non-xmog items from the loot table, or allowed you to “grind up” items from that raid’s loot table to turn into currency to buy a piece from that raid.

I think RNG should be a potentially fast method of getting things, but offset by a (maybe slower) way of discretely achieving the rewards. I have pulled some boss’ slot-machine handles hundreds, maybe thousands? of times, and not got the one dumb thing I’m after. That feels bad.

There is certainly a balance to be struck between convenience and…gosh, it’s not challenge, idk what to call it, maybe “putting in the time to earn something?” IDK, flight paths seem a weird way to “earn” something, especially when it’s just another pull of an RNG lever. But anyway. I am not asking for everything to be handed on a silver platter. What I am asking for is that the things that are inconvenient be that way for a reason, which the removal of portals has no acceptable/logical reason, despite what the blues stated.


Those portals aren’t removed yet so I fail to see your point. If anything, you should be playing even more to make up for their loss in a week.

uh yeah…the portals in MoP temples that I used have been gone for some time now

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this doesnt make sense at all and im going to assume this is being implemented to squeeze just a little more time out of people to help numbers, somehow. “we want to make the world feel bigger by making you no longer go to places for travel, instead try this flight point and waste 15 minutes”

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Tai’s point was that they are disheartened by the attitude, rationale, etc presented by Blizzard and this change.

It’s a perfectly normal and “acceptable” response to have, and they vocalized it, whether you approve or not.

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Gotta love these people who will blindly defend anything Blizzard does.


It’s the only solution, actually. You realize that in 5 days, you will not have a choice in the matter?

The sound of inevitability, Mr. Anderson. :sunglasses: :business_suit_levitating:

I dont expect them to get it.
Well, not unless I say “MASTER LOOT” really sarcastically.

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Of course that is why they are doing it. They can give every excuse in the book, but no one is buying it. Well, ok, maybe a few white knights are buying it, but most people understand this is just a lie, and an excuse.

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Wasn’t it your ex-faction leader who stated; “Don’t look so smug, I know what you’re thinking!”

Unless you plan on posting an apology in the unlikely event that Blizz reverses this decision :smiley:

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This is complete BS - bring about the CoT portal.

How do you people not have stats on usage and game play? You should know that people think your new content is garbage and a lot of us only spend our time doing mount runs SPECIFICALLY TO THE COT

It’s the only fun I have left I’m 100% done with this game

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Don’t even respond to Tarc. He’ll just spew more nonsense. He’s never posted anything logical or reasonable. Not worth your time.