Rearranging and Removing Portals

The problem with this is time is more important for others than it is for some. I know for myself I have alts. I feel less enticed to play those alts when I have to travel a lot more to play said alts. You mentioned going to the movies. Yeah but are you going to that movie 2 or more times that day? I bet that 10 minutes of time you lost matters a lot more when you have to fit 6 movies into your day with limited time doesnt it? Sometimes I feel like people argue for the sake of arguing. And how come because its less inconvenient for you do you think that others should not have the choice to make things more convenient for them? You can still fly from Orgrimmar to CoT. You have that choice. But players are losing the choice to take portals and things that make the game more convenient for them. Why would you advocate against that? Because you participate in the alternative?


And you should take a moment to look up Tigole (Jeff Kaplan) and his epic rant about Everquest.

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Times the number of characters a player runs that instance on. Because, you know, they really really want that mount/pet/transmog, and running instances on multiple alts increases the chances of actually getting a drop.

I’ll still keep running instances for drops, but on only one or two characters. Then I’ll log out and do something else with my time. Because flying the same route over and over is boring. Blizzard should be doing things that keep people logging on, not pushing them to log off.


And it was boring and tedious, and did nothing to make the world feel “bigger” or “more alive” since you’d just AFK after the first few times. “That’s the way it used to be” is not a good argument for removing quality of life improvements that make the game more enjoyable.


Daddy Kap, named Tigole as an immature reference, who is now an Anti-Tox Crusader on Overwatch. I occasionally re-read his forum rants that are archived because what’s said around here is MILD by comparison, and it’s really funny.

Yeah. That’s the bottom line to all of this.


Putting the portals all in one place, I had agreed with that. Taking portals away from other places to force us to have to take longer travel routes just seems to me like a way to inflate that valuable Time Played metric. Ya’ll could have done this gradually over the years but, ya’ll have decided to do it during an expansion that isn’t as popular as previous ones and probably has a lower player Time Played metric because of it. It just seems too convenient.

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Just keep the alts in CoT, you don’t need to travel all the time, you can log off there.

Actually, if there’s a 10 minute delay for a movie and I didn’t plan right to get there barely on time I would be turning around because I clearly want to see the whole movie rather than miss the opening 10 minutes. Can’t really make the portal and in game travel comparison to going to a movie.

I’ll go see the movie another day when I have more time or plan better.

Going back to the game, it doesn’t mean I don’t want to do it, it means I’ll have to do it when I have more time, which means I might choose when I have more time to do something else entirely, which again means that the CoT portal in particular (which has a nice long thread already about why they shouldn’t be removing that portal, or any, frankly) is a bad idea.

Or it means I realize I need more time to play the game at all and choose to play something else and leave. (Not saying I’ll unsub over this issue, but I am saying that by removing portals they are removing gameplay options for me and players like me.)

Frankly I don’t understand why you’re defending this situation so blindly. It’s fairly cut and dry. People don’t want certain portals that have been available for quite a long time to suddenly disappear. Blizzard, in comparison, is failing to be transparent on the true reasons or else they’d have already said “okay guys, we’ll put all the Legion Dal portals in the portal room, we’ve heard you” or “we won’t mess with the Legion Dal portals” but they’re not doing that. They’re pulling some BS answer out of the nether and expecting us to smile and nod.

Heck, I didn’t even think the portal room itself was needed, but I thought it was neat that they were finally doing some future-proofing for new and current players alike… until I found out that they were removing items rather than moving.

Removing content should never be taken lightly, and that’s what they’re doing, without truly justifying it.


Just do unreasonable things so that Blizzard can remove content. Like parking alts in CoT so that you can experience all of the travel between…wait…


Ah yes, the inelegant and tedious solution to a problem that was created by Blizzard to “solve” a non-existent problem based on somebody’s misguided ideology! How simple. :smiley:


you’ve been trying to go see this movie for upwards of a decade. You’re not even sure you want to anymore because every time you get there there is a 1 in 20 or so chance that you’ll see what you want. There are annoyances back at home, the roads where closed on your daily commute and it already takes a while to sit through the previews.

NOW that 10 extra minutes begins to bite. Dumped on top of everything else. When running dragon soul is a joyless slog to reach deathwing. When you need a helper for hellfire assault who then has to sit a random distance away from gorefiend. When instances break with every patch, every expansion and 1 hotfix in 3. When you are drowning in petty niggles making it more of a slog to do the thing you barely want to do in the first place, this is a problem.

Others have explained it better then me. But I’m doing it anyway because maybe volume will work where eloquence didn’t


Almost as bad of a suggestion as having my hearthstone there when there is STILL not ANY 120 content for me to do there. Nice!

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I parked alts in Onyxia to avoid the fly to dustwallow. I’m certain you can do the same.

You can’t help but think old EQ developers giggle to themselves when they see Kaplan and Afrasiabi get skewered by players.

A Kaplan Classic (for the sake of the forum censor, I have replaced all of the swear words with variations of the word “Corgi.”)

Whoever came up with this sheer fisting of an encounter can go CORGI themselves. Do me a favor so I don’t waste my guild’s time on this kind of jackCORGI CORGI-fest again, send me an email at when you decide to A) Implement an encounter that wasn’t designed by a retarded chimp chained to a cubicle A.) Get a Quality Assuarance Department C) Actually beta test the CORGIing thing and D) Patch it live. And please for god’s sake – do it in the order I laid out for you. Don’t worry, I won’t charge you a consulting fee on that one. And for good luck you might as well E) Pull your heads out of your CORGIS. While you’re at it rename the game to BetaQuest since you’ve used up you’re alotted false advertising karma on the Bazaar and user interface scam of '01.Fix the Emperor encounter. Fix Seru. Rethink your time-sink bullCORGI. Fix all the buggy motherCORGIING ring encounters (I suggest you let whoever made the Burrower one do this since that dude apparently laid off the crack the rest of you were smoking). Fix the VT key quest. Fix VT (just guessing it’s CORGIED up considering your track record). Don’t have the resources to fix this stuff? Move the ENTIRE Planes of Power team over to fixing Shadows of Luclin AND DO IT NOW. If you don’t fix Luclin, you jackCORGI will be the only ones playing the Planes of Power.

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Yeah but why remove portals so players can experience the big world Blizzard has to offer when players are just parking their alts outside of Onyxia still ignoring the world Blizzard has to offer? Logic is hard. Never apply to work at UPS.


I for one do not believe for a minute they will be open to adding additional means of travel. Why would they just remove one means of travel to increase time played, then turn around and add another?

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Because my main is still travelling said world?

If the additional mode of travel is even more of a timesink than the travel itself is, then they can say “more content” as well as have our time /played metrics even more inflated.


And is your alt? Dude your common sense is astounding. You’re arguing for the sake of arguing.

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