Rearranging and Removing Portals

I think it’s part of the forum template they are using. I don’t know how much control they have over it. But if they can control it, they need to remove the cap.

I woke up to find this thread has doubled in size overnight. Happy to see this from the community.

Blizzard, you owe us a response. Your new thread has only generated more angst, disappointment, and disgust in your community. Take these results back to your PR mongrel corporate overlords. You need to grow whatever you need (spine? marbles?) to stand up against this direction - it’s detrimental to the game and negatively impacts player satisfaction.


Fun alert detected! Hold on! I don’t think they can fathom that. No one else can have fun besides the way they have fun.

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More like the goal is to increase playtime by making players have to spend more travel time so we can report it at earnings. Customers are not that dumb. Another change for the shareholder as ATVI continues to run red.

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Need another 3200 posts. Apparently the 5k mark is when they perk up and are impacted by the subject enough to say something new.


Another 3200 posts to get another blue post deflecting the issues. Sign me up!

Agreed. I am really sick of hearing the " this is the players fault, not Blizzards". Of course it is Blizzards fault, right along side all of the other really stupid decisions they have made in this expansion.


So you are going to tell me that traveling to a low level dungeon or raid, going through the entire thing one shotting everything to have a 0.01% of dropping a mount, and then repeating that with each alt, and than repeating that for all the dungeons is not boring?
Sorry but the idea of someone not finding this type of content boring is bordering on insanity to me.

What stupid decisions? The entirely subjective ones?

I don’t even find that fun myself but again, I DON’T CARE how others play the game. Why do you?

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Unfortunately, they didn’t really say anything new. They just reiterated that they are aware that players don’t like the change, but they are doing it anyway , for
reasons that are neither believable nor plausible.

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In your opinion. Don’t try to pass it as fact.

Not just one persons opinion. But that is obvious by the uproar this is creating. Attempting to play it down by pretending this is something only a couple of people don’t like is beyond ridiculous.

Guys, it’s totally okay, somebody started another splinter thread and all the defenders have gathered there to paint this thread out as the same 20 people having a discussion about something they dislike!

Gods, can you imagine the nerve? Discussion on a forum?! If I hadn’t sold all my pearls to that tortollan vendor, I’d definitely grasp at them right now.


I wish I had another way of turning scaling off without turning WOW off.


I like this post. Clicking a heart apparently has a complex micro-managing system too.


I think the CoT portal is the major lapse here. There really is no reason to remove it other than to make us waste more time traveling from Uldum or Silithus.

Mostly, I very much like the idea of consolidating portals into one area. What I don’t like is when it actually ends up harder to get to places we had no problems getting to before–on ALL our characters.


Except they don’t care. All expansion they have ignored feedback. Alpha, beta, release, 8.1, 8.1.5… The game has been tanking. This dev team knows best! At the end of the day they are going to do what they think will make them the most profitable.

They are betting people won’t unsub for this and it will increase playtime due to travel time. The only thing you can do is unsub. I see the survey they sent out about players quitting they learned nothing.


You told us to list what we think shouldnt be removed. Portals in new Dalaran’s chamber. Leave those alone and you can remove any other portal and players will be content.

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