Rearranging and Removing Portals

I see the horrible act of firing all those in customer service hasn’t affected your standard of interacting with the player base…It’s still just as patronizing, disregarding, and evasive as it’s always been.


It’s been mentioned before and I’ll echo this. Instead of removing the portals, why not consolidate them into one portal with a drop down menu, or a mage that asks you where you would like to go. Removing quick transport from older content I feel is counter productive to the current content (which I believe should have the most focus). If I didn’t know any better, I’d say you’re trying to kill the game, but then the question would be, why?

This is proof that you haven’t even looked at the Pandaria map. Throne of Thunder is on the opposite end of the continent from where the Alliance portal will be.

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Ways to make the world bigger (but more importantly, more alive:)

  1. Rewarding Content in those areas
  2. Exciting/Fun Content in those areas
  3. Better/more engaging core gameplay (non-gutted classes, non-awful GCD)
  4. More rewarding creeps/mobs between hubs/destinations (note: you can’t just make them more challenging [scaling] because now players will resent you for making the same thankless tasks take longer)
  5. Make the destination feel more fun/worth the slog. If the destination itself is a grind/farm, don’t make the travel to it one as well

You haven’t changed one thing since Live players were alerted to your intentions and started GIVING feedback. A GLARING WEAKNESS of the PTR has always been that they want players to focus on new and specific content, and it’s entirely too easy for testers to miss a change like the removal of portals in an out of the way area that provide transport to other out of the way areas.

You need to change the removal and/or relocation of these portals. Period.


You expect the people who come here and troll with their ignorant responses to even try to say anything reasonable? To be fair, some of them make me laugh like the TWO people who wanted me to put my hearthstone in tanaris. I am an engineer and I can get there fairly quickly and I still think this change sucks.

Blue confirmation that mage bias is indeed a thing.

Yeah. Not only am I still out of likes, 10 hours later, I can’t even put people on ignore anymore.

Yeah, this is going to be a downer. I liked having portals, because there is a lot of old-game content I still do (I’m not a completist to start with) and revisiting old places is fun for me. However, I’m still trying to get some new things done too, and because I have a job and a family to take care of, not wasting the free time I have on flight paths and trying to time it so I can catch a boat has been nice.

Do you know what happens when someone with a list of things to do steps away from her computer while she’s on a flight path? She gets caught up in the thing she went to do while she waited, and then sits at the flight path, and idles out. The call of the real world can be a lot louder than WoW.

I have a Dalaran hearthstone, one for Golden Lantern, and two ways to get to my Garrison. I can use my time on actual content without wasting it in the air or on the ground in places I have been seeing for literally well over a decade.

For real, guys. There’s so much better things you could be doing to improve the game. Clean up the portals, but don’t get rid of them where we need them.


Because it wouldn’t matter if there was a portal to each and every dungeon and raid, it would still take ages of the most boring farming possible to achieve his goal. The problem is not portals, it is the existence of such a bizarre form of content.

What you’re choosing to do:

  1. Make players take arbitrarily longer to do the same stuff they’ve done in the name of immersion (god, I am tired of that awful and inconsistent excuse), “health of the game” (hah), or “making the world feel big again.”

Standing next to somebody who is silent/afk on a boat, or solo-flying via FP, does not add to community. It doesn’t add to immersion. It doesn’t add to gameplay. It doesn’t make the world big again. It makes me go AFK and play something on my mobile phone or other screen, or watch someone on Twitch or something.

What it does do is remind me that outside of raiding or dungeons I have very little reason to play with others anymore because you’ve taken out the co-operative nature of most casual avenues in the game. Professions are gutted. World mobs, even with scaling (which I hate), are still designed to be mostly solo-able. All through classes that have a fraction of their old abilities and interactions. There’s very little danger present, and there never was in old zones anyway (and there never should have been! You play through them and move on.)

But riding boats? FPs? Whatever? That’s never been co-operative in the history of the game unless you were on a PVP server and PVP happened at the moment you decided to hop on. These are tedious tasks–they always were and always will be–and many veteran players were happy to have workarounds so they could GET TO THE ACTUAL CONTENT AND PLAY IT.


Just because you find it boring doesn’t mean you can say how it feels for others to play this game. That’s absurd.


I think all they’d do is turn scaling on for characters who are max level. It’s been their miracle cure for open world content’s ills for the last two expansions.

Same old boring combat mechanics? Make it scale!

Storyline kinda dumb? Make it scale!

Not interested at all in raiding no matter how much gear Blizzard bestows upon you and you just want to putz around the open world and do your own thing and not bother anyone? Make it scale!


The flawed reasoning, along with ignoring your feedback, despite asking for it, tells you everything you need to know.


Yeah, I’m baffled that they didn’t attempt to change even one thing that’s been brought up in the other thread. Feels like an even bigger slap in the face.

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Yes, I mentioned that in my reply, so it makes no sense saying that I was oblivious to it. The problem is that it is really hard to take seriously a person who complains about inconveniences while doing the most absurdly boring and inconvenient type of contest that is present in this game, a content so inconvenient that is borderline impossible.

To me this highlights the absurdity of the existence of such content and not the absence of portals that make the content slightly less inconvenient.

Yea I was actually like WTF when I saw today you are limited in the amount of Likes you can give. What the hell is up with these new Forums? Did Blizzard design them to be as New Poster unfriendly as possible?

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Aelindriax and Leth-whatshisface are the same person. Identical achievements on each character.

Again, the content they do might not be boring and inconvenient to them as it is to you. I feel like you care way too much how others play this game. Why? What’s fun to them may not be fun to you.

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Stay with me here…

It might, MIGHT, be possible that somebody finds xmog hunting (which, in itself, can be a very frustrating/tedious thing) ultimately worthwhile and, dare I say, potentially fun but at the same time finds a change that artificially makes said task take longer, for no added benefit, not fun or worthwhile.