Rearranging and Removing Portals

Well…they don’t want to spend money on the reasons, just have it take longer.

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Well said.

This isn’t an RPG or an MMO. It’s one big time gated slot machine.

They aren’t going to revert the changes. The egos have kicked in, Daddy Ion has laid down his decree, and an expansion where people are struggling to enjoy it loses one more thing and gains nothing.


So true.
It is not the first cut that kills - it is the ten thousandth.
I unsubbed today - not JUST because of the removal of portals - but because of the removal of portals on top of everything else that has been removed since WOD. Enough is enough.


Maybe to YOU, but there are who have limited time to play. “It’s nothing.” No, it’s definitely something. It’s inconience that wasn’t there before. It doesn’t actually help anyone.

By the way, I spend over 24 hours a month just driving to and from work. Don’t tell me that travel time added is insignificant.


They aren’t out of touch. To be out of touch would mean they are not aware of what we do and don’t want. They are completely aware that the vast majority of players do not want these portals removed, but they just don’t care.

They think that WoW is still the top of the world, and they are the gods who reside on it. In short, they think they can treat our likes and dislikes with complete and total disdain and they will still be the rulers of the gaming world.

They are wrong. With each and every decision they make that completely goes against what players want, they knock a few more feet off their mountain top, until soon enough they will not only not be on top of the world, they will be standing in a crater.


Is there confirmation for this? Is the Zephyr NPC in Shattrath gong to be there in 8.1.5 or not?

In a fantasy theme game (or movie) portals is one of those things that can break the immersion. Travel is a huge thing, it’s suppose to take days, many things happens along the way, bandits, wolfs. Take Game of Thrones, first season, huge travels, the king’s caravan take days (and a whole episode) to travel from Winterfell to King’s landing. It give’s you a good feeling of the size of the world, distances matter. Nowadays, when greedy took over the series, a character is on Bravos in one scene and on Kings landing on the next. That’s how you kill your world.

The horde is doing a campain to get the Zanadar fleet, the first thing the came to my mind (even before the Portal drama) why do we need it, if we can just port ppl around? Problems on Arati? just send troops via portal, problems on darkshore? just open a portal to there. See, there’s no more “war campaign” war strategies, troop relocation, war room with actual strategy, and troop’s tokens placement. It’s just portals.

People made the same drama about flying. They can’t see the bigger picture, all they see is: “I’m losing something, therefore it’s bad”


Oh. So some classes didn’t have their conveniences removed? That’s nice.

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I want to believe this, honestly, because it would make sense logically, but I have 0 faith in the communication between the community team and the dev team–and 0 faith that the dev team even cares about “community” feedback. In discussions and practice (and Ion’s Q&A’s) they seem genuinely perplexed by feelings/opinions/feedback that’s given on the forums, fansites, twitter, and directly to devs through discord private channels etc every single day.


If you are serious about wanting to remove portals from previous expansions then why not add them to new portal room? People have been using them for years to run old content.


Shareholders care about money, aka subs. They don’t give a damn about how many hours you are logged in. If they are making a change that reduces the subs, they are going against shareholder interests.

Ah 4 posts in and you’re already earning your keep.

It’s a good thing mages are only good for portals. One of the coolest things I have found about this game is that it lets you do what YOU want to do. You wanna take a boat? Go for it. You wanna take a flight point? Go for it. You wanna save some time and take a portal? GO FOR IT. Stop telling players what is best for them. I don’t know how long you’ve played but I have played long enough that I want my time to matter. I have a ton of alts. And I get less done because I spend 30% of my time traveling. That might be okay with you but what matters to me is MY TIME. You dictating what I do with my time is not fair. You don’t pay my subscription. I am paying for a service. I should be able to do as I please when it comes to how I play my game. You don’t see me suggesting we lose all mounts so we can walk more and interact more because of that. Know why? Because if you want to walk to everywhere you need to go then you have that choice. Stop advocating to take choices away from players that want to play the way they want to play.


The book series, and the tv series, are infamous for their non-chronological timeskips. In the books, time felt like it passed longer because you’d leave a character for hundreds of pages. In the show, that “distance” is gone, which is why it feels faster even though it isn’t.

And you’re missing the point of it all–the scale of the world isn’t important. What the characters say and do is, which is why the camera is kept so close to perspective characters (both figuratively and literally).

You seem to miss my point completely if it ain’t broke don’t fix it was in the game for years but now it’s an issue for them. Rather than using resources to fix servers or gameplay they choose to make more work for themselves by having to recode and phase portals based on quest flags. They solve problems that are only problems they see as devs to make problems for players. Portals come and go I don’t care about the portal themselves its their reasoning to do it now its like kfc dropping the extra crispy from menu because crispy too crispy for them. They say they read/listen to feedback but it clearly is not the case.


Their are bigger and better hills to die on then mild inconvenience.

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Of course they are not going to admit to knowing their decisions are exactly the opposite of what the players want. As long as they pretend they think we want something, they can continue pretending that they actually care about what the players want.

Nothing more than plausible deniability.


You thinking it ain’t broke is irrelevant.

This is how I feel. It’s not just this change.

And it definitely has to do with how the devs view their players. This change highlights how much they will not do for the players despite how much they really should know how strongly we are against this. That speaks volumes to me as a player.


We can argue all day about convenience balance, the point that the person I replied to is misrepresenting what the op said still stands.

Could have saved yourself some time and had the same results by saying, “TLTR, not changing anything.”

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