Rearranging and Removing Portals

I hope you put in the patch notes every single portal you’re removing to make things “more convenient” for everyone, to make the world “feel bigger”, and to help mages “feel useful and unique again”. Show how much this new portal hub “helps” the players. Don’t try to sweep this under the rug.

Funny that you push this change through when you’re finally releasing KT and Zandalari. I can’t wait to see how confused those who don’t check the patch notes will be once this goes live. New races won’t fix that.

Oh, by the way, I interact with people when I am out in the world, not when I’m sitting in a city or running for a portal.

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Convenience can make a poor experience tolerable. I’d much rather be teleported directly to the center of the Caverns of Time rather than flying down into it through a long tunnel, but being able to just get to the entrance is convenient enough. Having to take an even longer flight to just get to the entrance when that wasn’t necessary before, just makes it even more unenjoyable.

No one wants to wait to play content. Especially content that exists.


Or, you know, imagine unsubbing because Blizzard keeps making blatantly unpopular changes with no regard whatsoever for the backlash the change gets before it happens and after.


You forgot the most important part, which keeps getting overlooked by these “health of the game”/“lodestar” changes:

You interact with people when you are out in the world, and you are out in the world when the developers create content that gives you a good/fun/rewarding reason to be.

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I’m fat from eating too many delicious s’mores.

I need my portals. Leave my portals alone.

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You’re upset over your inconvenience and so is nearly every single person on this thread and it’s honestly sad. You failed to miss my point and continue to do so.
Take a flight path and stop whining about it.

An MMORPG is about interacting with other players, I’d prefer to see other players on boats or asking a mage for a portal. It’s about time the uniqueness of a mage was brought back into the game.

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Imagine that you love a game and played it for more than a decade and over the course of time new devs come in and ignore all feedback again and again and you reach a point where enough is enough so you choose to stop giving them the 1 thing they care about money in the hopes that maybe just maybe something will click and the listen to the feedback just once.


Uldum is a level 84 (did they adjust it to 80?) portal. Caverns of Time is leveling content for 60-80 (BC/LK). Players leveling through the relevant level range cannot use that portal. They also can’t use the Silithus (110) portal. The loss of the Caverns of Time portals in Shattrath and Dalaran (Northrend) doesn’t just affect farmers, it affects the leveling process.


Removing portals isn’t a new thing… it was already done in the past and with a different team of devs.

If I wanted to play World of Tedium I’d play EQ or its various children. It’s sad to see that you clearly didn’t get the point players were trying to make and have continued on this misguided and abhorrent path. Increasing travel times only increases tedious and unnecessary pain to the player. If you didn’t want to create portals, then don’t create them in the first place. Removing them after the fact is spiteful and arrogant.

I think this is absolute garbage and I’m tired of hearing this trite excuse over and over again. The RPG elements of this game were purged ages ago when classes and specs were pruned to death. This game can’t hide behind that flimsy excuse and claim its still an RPG anymore.


Please. Those in the leveling range of CoT do not go to dungeons, they queue for them. It not being reachable with Uldum is irrelevant.

You don’t interact with people while on a FP. People tab out or go to the bathroom.

And all of the time spent traveling adds up. “Oh, it’s just five more minutes to get there.” That’s 35 minutes a week if you do it every day on just one toon for one location. 35 minutes more a week spent traveling when you didn’t have to do that before.

The portals HURT NOTHING. And the hub will still exist. Not my fault you’re not happy with those already AFK in the city.


Ok, so so far I’ve seen 3 coherent suggestions.

  • Your’s that make the uldum portal be lower level
  • The suggestion of moving the jade forest portal to the shrines
  • The suggestion of having a portal on the norther part of the eastern kingdoms

They mentioned something about portals being opened for quests and leveling content, not sure if this will help your case. Personally I’ve never used caverns of time as a leveling zone so I have no idea what you are talking about.

Tell that to the portals that have been there for YEARS that are just now getting removed.

This is a crap excuse.


How about you correct years of class neglect? Years of pruning and class fantasy ignorance? How about instead of social engineering and micro-managing everything, you go back and fix some of your other mistakes that might bring some of my friends back to the game?

Why did you guys blow up Aspect of the Cheetah and remove Aspect of the Pack? Why did you remove all of the excellent toolkids that all of the classes used to have?

Jeebus you guys need to rethink your guiding principles if this is what gets time and attention. Clearly your principles didn’t save any of the excellent classes in any of their excellent iterations. Clearly you guys had no principles when it came to player choice over gear and gearing progression. Clearly you had ZERO guiding principles when it came to class defining tier armor.

I mean what an absolute joke that you think portals is something you want to insert your “guiding principles” on. What the everliving fudge is wrong with you guys…


Out of the hundreds of players complaining, you’re all just being lazy as I choose to not read into the general consensus of the community. Instead of giving players the choice to fly around like I want to, I’d rather everyone do what I want to do. This has nothing to do with the fact I was a hall monitor throughout the course of Junior High, either.

Garbage decision, garbage company… was thinking about coming back to this game, but it’s too late for blizzard. Seen this trend of bs changes in different dying games, and this is no different. You are so disconnected with ur player base that it honestly looks like a joke.

Who’s idea was this even? Did you get a lot of “feedback” about how the manyyyyy portals are totally ruining the experience of the game!? Or is this some idiots attempt of justifying his salary?


35 more minutes out of 168hours in a full week is nothing.

Not my fault you do not like your conveniences being removed and now actually have to see more than a simple loading screen.

And you’re missing my point if you think all I said was that inconvenience hurts my fee-fees or whatever you’re getting at, Zenaric.

I didn’t miss your point. I countered it, and you ignored that and called me a whiner.

YOUR preference over what an MMORPG “should be” has nothing to do with what it is or what it objectively should be, or even is based in the reality of what WoW retail was, is, or could become. You sound like Classic would be a good fit for you, so I hope when that launches you migrate to it and enjoy it (sincerely). For me, I played those years, I don’t want the inconveniences back. I don’t find them immersive or engaging or fun.

Put another way, your whole argument is like the “darn kids looking at cellphones on the subway nobody CONVERSES anymore,” when in fact people who lived through those years know darn well we sat on subways and avoided staring rudely at each other (or didn’t) and buried our faces in newspapers.

Forcing inconvenience won’t make the world bigger or more alive.

And a mage’s “uniqueness” shouldn’t come at the expense of things other players have had for years, now.


This is not what he is suggesting. He is just pointing out that certain classes have conveniences. Druids have insta mount, shamans can water walk, etc… If you make everyone able to teleport anywhere they want, this specific convenience will be meaningless.

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