Rearranging and Removing Portals

Please don’t remove portals.

It is upsetting to be informed the Legion portals from New Dalaran to Karazhan, Dalaran Crater, and so on, will be available for quests yet not at max level. There is no good reason to hide these portals. Please let them continue to be used as they have been throughout Legion.

It is also upsetting to know the Caverns of Time portal will be removed after many years. Please restore this portal.

The choices of Aszuna and Jade Forest for the new portal room are not ideal because other portals to New Dalaran and the Shrines have been removed. Please restore the portals to New Dalaran and the Shrines. Then the addition of the new portals will be a benefit rather than a loss.

Thank you for your consideration.


Your response is illogical. I play a game to play the game. If I wanted to watch a video of scenery, I’d watch train recordings on Youtube. They’re way better ‘graphics.’

There is nothing engaging or even particularly immersive about making travel inconvenient–especially in places that have been in the game for years and years. Many of us (maybe most?) ALREADY SAW THOSE AREAS. I don’t need to “enjoy the scenery” again, and having portals means that YOU have the OPTION of seeing that scenery if you want. For me, my time is more valuable. I can and will skip it if possible, and that’s fine.

First of all, there are 2 changes being made simultaneously and they are not dependent on each other. The first one is the addition of the portal room, something that has no side effects and everybody agrees it is good.

The second change is the removal of certain portals.

I want the first change since it is a massive quality of life increase. I’m indifferent to the other one since I can’t see how it could affect anyone. The point of the main post is to ask people how this could affect them negatively, and so far I’ve seen 1 complain about caverns of time, which is close to the uldum portal.

At a time when some players are looking for any reason to stay subbed, it blows my mind that devs would willingly and stubbornly insist on removing quality of life assets.

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These are zones we’ve seen for over a decade now. We’re not getting anything extra for traveling longer to get to the things we want to do.

Too much convenience is what made WoW the success it was. People forget how much more casual WoW was compared to other MMOs at the time.

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Apparently players aren’t looking for the right reasons to stay subbed. This is another instance of the trend of WoW development to micro-manage how players experience the game by removing some content and forcing other content. It’s not a good or flattering look.


You can’t see how it would affect anyone, but you’re here to tell us anyway. Too bad you couldn’t, I dunno, read the thread before posting so you could somewhat educate yourself on the topic at hand. Instead we get another member of the peanut gallery stirring up trouble instead of being constructive.

Go to uldum and fly over a zone.

Still, take a flight path and AFK if your time is so valuable, again you are still getting a portal hub.

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This planned 8.1.5 removal of portals is starting to make the New Coke debacle look like a stroke of marketing genius.


I’ve gone through hundreds of posts now, and so far, the only specific complain I’ve seen is caverns of time, the other ones are mostly non specific tantrum.

Man … when you type it out like that I couldn’t have actually said it better myself.

I hope the devs enjoy THEIR version of the game cause at this rate they very well could be the last ones playing it.

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I agree with the changes, portals make the game feels"virtual". I would go even further and remove the cataclysm portals. Maybe keep the maelstrom, but the other ones, can easily be reached by flight.

We’re getting a portal hub -good
with fewer portals - more bad

Why would I want something if the end result was less than what I have?

Be logical, geeze.

And again, there is no reason to remove this stuff. You have the option of taking FPs and flying and alternative travel means if that’s how you prefer to play. I don’t want my conveniences (which I’ve had for years) taken out so that you MIGHT see somebody else as you travel through the various CRZ shards of a fractured world so that you get the illusion that the game is “more alive.”

It isn’t. They’d make the game more alive by giving us good reason to visit the in-between places of the world. They haven’t. They’re just extending our travel and inconveniencing us for ridiculous reasons.


Respectfully, this guiding principal seems to fail to take into account the fact that the world itself grows larger and larger with each expansion. Not only that, but portal hubs such as existed in Pandaria and both iterations of Dalaran provided players with the ability to avoid high-traffic areas that would result in a lot of lag and reduced-performance. One of the most well-known criticisms about Legion’s Dalaran was the Loading Screen that was a result of funneling the players into a single location. Battle for Azeroth addressed this by dividing the player base, but the load times could still be shorter by spreading players through various portal hubs.

I’m of the opinion that the developers need to address the ever increasing size of the World we have to explore, when they decide to remove a portal. These considerations also need to happen independently of what Mages can or cannot do as far as portals function. It is a single class out of many, after all. As an Alliance Mage I can easily teleport to the Dalaran Crater and gain swifter access to the Northern Eastern Kingdoms. Any Alliance Non-Mage, however, has Ironforge as their closest option, which is still incredibly far off from locations such as Stratholme, Scarlet Monastery, Zul’Aman, Light’s Hope Chapel, etc…

Another issue linked to the removal of Portals is that it comes across as, ‘Fixing what isn’t broken.’ Of all the issues players have right now, of all the factors that contribute to a deteriorating gameplay experience, too many portals is not one of them. This might be an, ‘easy fix,’ for the Developers, but again, it doesn’t need to be fixed in the first place.


Imagine unsubbing because you have to take the portal to Silithus/Uldum and then fly for 1-2 minutes now instead of hearth to dal, walk to the portal room and take the portal to CoT. What are you saving? A minute? For your once a week clear of CoT Hyjal? Devastating and life changing that is.


Nobody forces you to use them, so it’s ultimately your own fault if the game feels “virtual.” You can RP walk to the AH and ground-mount only in zones if you prefer that experience, but stop dictating what features should be removed and affecting mine, please.

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This is crazy.
Fix some of the bugs , balance issues, bugged quests
Why make it more difficult to travel
How much longer do you think people are going to deal with random unnecessary changes, before we find a new game just like everyone got tired of everquest n moved to WoW
I’m not going to deal with this much longer


Crap… I hadn’t even thought of that. Ewww.

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Why was indeed the question, but you answered it in a way that avoids answer of all the specifics beyond the general leg you were standing on two days ago.

The first part of your statement/answer is we don’t want to make it inconvenient, but we’re going to make it inconvenient a little bit to make it feel like the world is so big it takes a long time to travel it. Yeah no. It feels like a waste of player time when we could be doing something productive or fun.

This isn’t real life. I don’t need an additional commute in WoW like it’s a job.

When your lodestar makes the game less fun, then I’d say you want to ignore your lodestar. Sounds like the player base is getting sick and tired of you making decisions that aren’t helpful to them and you’re just flat out ignoring it.

Do us a favor, please. Listen. Listen to the fact that you’re making a change that added to all of the other poorly thought out changes you have been making since Legion. Listen to the fact that your player base HATES this decision and show them that by reverting the change for once.

I doubt you’ve processed enough feedback if this is the outcome. We’ve taken our time to point out specific locations in the previous thread. Why make us repeat ourselves if you aren’t going to actually do anything with the information we provide?