Rearranging and Removing Portals

Out of all the reasons as to why people hate this game, this is quite possibly the dumbest reason.

I can understand warfronts, or removing M+ keys, but come on dude. It’s not hard to take a flight master or auto-run on your 310% speed mount and alt tab out to wherever you want.


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Where are they making you travel through? Where do you frequently go that is harder to get now compared to before?

How is the long term health of the game a random change? Just because you have a pet issue, doesn’t mean that everything else is just a random nonsensical change.

No one really cares how much you try to make excuses, most the players understand you don’t care about how poor your game quality is, only that we play more and more so you can look good to Activision. Less portals = more time traveling = more time “playing.” World feels plenty big with the portals we have now, dunno why you are trying to make us take longer to travel anywhere. Do you stop to look at the scenery every day on your hour commute to work, nope, you have seen it 10000x by now and could care less.


How hard is it to use a Cata portal to uldum and fly there with 310% flying?

So, what you’re saying is, despite all the feedback you’ve already received, you’re still going ahead with this awful change that no one but the devs wants, and then you have the audacity to ask for more feedback? Are you just hoping that if you keep asking you’ll eventually hear the positive feedback that you really want about this change?

Also, I don’t understand how removal of these portals that have been there for ten years in some cases (Caverns of Time from NRDal) makes the world feel bigger, yet adding a portal and removing a lovely and fairly immersive boat or zeppelin ride between Orgrimmar and Brill or Stormwind and Rut’Theran Village is okay. How does this even make sense? This makes everything you said in your OP suspect; it looks like more “Blizzard PR spin trying to justify poor decisions.”

I realize that you’re just the messenger here, but at what point does it become distasteful for you to continue to be the mouthpiece doing the spinning?


Hey genius. Remember Aspect of the Cheetah and Aspect of the Pack? Remember how that was unique?

You guys are unbelievable.


It’s not hard, it’s boring.

If not hard of your excuse for everything you need to rethink what gaming is. It’s not supposed to be hard, it’s supposed to be fun.

It used to be a core mission statement for Blizzard. Make game fun. Never had one that said ‘make things hard.’

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Blizzard… Please… Please, please, please, don’t remove the portals. When I play games, I like to have fun. That includes World of Warcraft. I use all those portals you’re about to remove daily, across my alts, in order to have fun in old content as I farm for cosmetics.

Being forced to pointlessly fly for minutes at a time in a straight line to get to where I used to be able to appear instantly isn’t fun. It doesn’t make me appreciate some sort of vision you guys have. It definitely doesn’t make the world feel larger. All it will do is make me tab out and browse the internet while my character auto-runs.

This change will accomplish nothing but making the game less fun.

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This was so eloquently stated.

This bluepost, like usual, proposes major ‘solutions’ to a minor (at best) ‘problem’ that makes no logical sense.

The strategy should always be to add, add, add. The WoW team has been all about removal and pruning since at least late MoP, and it has become evident that players don’t like that. Of course they don’t! We keep getting sold less content at the same price we’ve been paying all along. Every new feature comes at the cost of 2-3 removed or neglected/stagnant features, and it shows.

I think one of the reasons Legion was more popular (aside from the fact that it was nestled between WoD and BFA, which would make anything look good by comparison) was that it added a lot more than it took away until the end of the xpac. We had a bit of a renewal with some professions (others, not so much) - we had M+. We had more story and the first allied races. We had artifacts and class halls–which added a ton of story content, and a lot of gameplay/design content. (The NLC took it too far, but that was due to RNG).

TL;DR: Stop taking away stuff. Add stuff. Sell your game with more/better content or at least just new content (even if devoured quickly) on top of the old, WITHOUT TAKING THE OLD AWAY.

And lay off the RNG in everything. Good lord.

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Probably because Silithus portal is close by

It almost seems like they don’t want us doing old content anymore, 'cause the farther something is away from a portal/hub/whatever, the less likely I am to care/do it. Maybe it means I’m lazy or whatever, but my patience for flying/riding over the same long distances just evaporates, and any motivation for doing old content is taken out back and stabbed mercilessly. The world already feels overwhelmingly massive as is. You don’t need to make it worse.

Holidays like the Lunar Festival, or Hallow’s End really kinda suck if you don’t have a quick way to wherever you want to start.

As for the whole “maybe you’ll find someone to interact with,” why? From previous experience, you’re more likely to be called a racial/homophobic slur than find a friend if you actually go interact with people. Why subject yourself to that?


As much as I’m disappointed and disagree with their decision to remove any portals your viewpoint is over the top for me. I’m not going to unsub over such a thing.

No, Uldum is closer.

And stop trying to build your MVP karma; no one is fooled.

Yeah, this one really stumps me.

“We want the world to feel big again!”
-> Introduces an expansion where the two factions are geographically separated from each other entirely unless they are doing temporary story quests, running to a raid portal, or doing world quests that most are burnt out on and are controversial anyway

Alright bluepost. Whatever you gotta say to sell it, I guess

Discuss the issue, don’t derail the thread targeting posters for doing what they want.

The official answer is a garbage. The real reason as others have pointed out is that Blizzard wants to increase metrics of playing time per player for shareholders. The easiest way for them to achieve this is to make travel time longer and harder which forces people to play longer on average.

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Good. Remove the portals, I support this 100%.

We’re still getting a Portal Hub, may not have your choice of portals but too bad. Time is an issue for people? You have an entire week to get your older raids for transmog and mount runs completed before reset day.

So what if you have to spend the extra five minutes on a flight path and actually go through previous content and see the zones instead of loading screens or interact with a mage for a portal. How can people enjoy endless amounts of loading screens compared to scenery? Perhaps now you will actually see more players on boats too.

Take the time and actually enjoy the scenery the game has to offer.

To much convenience is what started to destroy WoW from the start.

This might just be the biggest White Knight post I’ve ever seen on these forums… :money_mouth_face:


Silithus is two zones away. Uldum, while closer, is a zone away. Both are much more inconvenient than being able to teleport directly to the entrance of the Caverns of Time.

And before you say that it’s only a couple minutes more, that’s a couple minutes added on to every attempt by every character. It will add up very quickly to become a lot of wasted time because Blizzard thinks that tabbing out while flying is immersive.


Don’t be telling me what to do buster.
And you’re wrong. I’m not ‘derailing’ and I am responding. Honestly what’s wrong with you? Don’t like that I’m not as angry as you are about this topic?