Rearranging and Removing Portals

Ignore this next statement if you want, but this trend (more like an obsession) of removing content, starting with the Legendary questlines in MoP and WoD has quite literally driven me away from the game completely. This is just another example of it. I’m sick of playing things on Blizzard’s time-table, and I’m beyond sick of them removing things that have no business being removed for completely arbitrary and non-sensical reasons. What this game has become is a travesty.


Yes, the unique form of transport known as summoning which requires 3 people to slog out to somewhere in order to summon a 4th or 5th. That’s a real time-saver, I tell ya!

I mean, even the instance stones are much better since they only require 2 people of any class to get there.

I don’t know why Warlock is even mentioned in this…


Caverns of Time

Removing that portal just seems spiteful. Yes, I know about Uldum. Not good enough.


Yes, you can dye a ton of armor and weapons. Not everything, but a lot of stuff. ( I’m still new and learning.)

Come to Brynhildr if you decide to try it. I’m Tala Cocheta there. They have a free trial up to level 35, and you can be everything on one character, so that would let you check things out at least.

But if you have Twitch Prime, you can get the base FFXIV game A Realm Reborn for free until May 3. (I think that Amazon Prime gives you Twitch Prime for free. Could be wrong.) The trial has restrictions which ARR doesn’t have, except for not making an Au Ra race; you can’t make one unless you activate the Stormblood expansion. You get 30 days free play time if you activate A Realm Reborn, so totally free if you can do that promotion, and that gets you to level 50.


Most of the ones removed are just whatever, but the portal being removed from Pandaria is just uncalled for. We should not feel that in order to move around semi- effectively that we should set our hearth to a zone that is from 3 xpacs ago. It is just stupid, and totally unnecessary to remove that one.


It’s less about travel (but it is a LOT about travel), and more about the fact that we were just flat out not listened to, then lied to about being listened to.


You are quite welcome, good sir. :tophat:

But in 5,000+ posts in the last thread and 1,500+ in this one, there are more than a few people who are passionately believe that the 4 Horsemen (Biblical, not Naxx) are on the ride again.

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If people want the immersion of Classic, then they will go to that version of the game to get it. I am actually one of those people. But this turning back the clock on the current version on conveniences that, in some cases have been in place for over a DECADE does not fall into that category. That games hasn’t existed since Wrath launched, and removing portals isn’t going to bring it back, it’s just going to piss people off. You are already re-releasing the version of the game where this kind of thing actually matters and makes sense. The ONLY reason to do it in the current version is to pad numbers for Activision.


July 8, 2008. A big mistake was made that day, yet another thing that shows it.

I miss when Blizzard cared about their customers.


Agreed! When I read that, it just proved to me more that they don’t know about their own game. Mages can travel to various places solo with their ports; warlocks can’t. Kaivax would’ve been better off to say “some players have chosen to play as Engineers or Mages specifically because they offer unique means of transport.”


Demonic Gateway will be able to travel very long distances now. You didn’t know? You can place one all the way to the CoT from Org now!

Obviously kidding. He just doesn’t play the same game as us and has no idea how any of the classes work.


In other words, someone with a communications major says, “suck it up butter cup”. You do realize that the WoW player base is no longer young children. We are mostly adults now. As such we know better and see through the balony.

Why do you think the community hates on Ion’s video updates?


Your welcome to be happy for the change. But don’t force the rest of us to be. There is always the option to run around and not use portals.


That is where what you are doing makes ZERO sense. Removing transportation to OLD content /OLD expansions has ZERO to do with NEW content and interacting with players in NEWER places. Your just making it hard for people who farm OLD raids and zones for things that have nothing to do with enhancing this NEWER PLACES social interactions you “say” your striving for.

Oh and please explain how going AFK and making a sandwich while on a taxi is enhancing anything other than a pseudo-playtime metric. I don’t recall any social interactions on flight paths, ever.

Sounds like a corporate excuse, “blizzard-splaining”


I logged into the 8.1.5 PTR following this post. Nothing has changed from earlier updates in regards to portals (that I can tell), which means this entire post is a shallow attempt to make it sound like you’re listening, but not actually do anything with what you’re hearing.

This is precisely the kind of behavior that the community has railed against since BfA beta. And I’m honestly sick of it.

Since player feedback hasn’t seemed to register, let’s try a concrete counter-example.

Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild is one of the best open world experiences ever conceived, and there are portals freakin’ everywhere. Every writeup about the game comments on the exploration and sense of scope. I have yet to read any feedback that says the abundant portal hopping detracts from it.

The problem was, and remains, the fact that none of these capitals connect to each other. You artificially force the population to live in SW/Org. If the Dalaran Legion portals can be phased for quests, why can’t max-level toons get some shortcuts between capitals?

And why should we care about Silithus? By your own admission, this portal will also be removed once we move on from BfA.

This is all BS cover. Boats/Zepplins are the very thing we are railing against. None of the items you listed listed are account-wide, meaning I have to regrind them every time I roll a new toon.

The Cata portals stay in place because you have no effective means for eliminating them without breaking the world. I’m certain they’d be gone if you could figure out how to get us to Deepholm via slow-moving mole machines.

If you put portals to other cities, other players will be there. The expansion itself drives traffic to current content. I don’t need you to make it hard to go other places in order for that to happen.

I interact with clients in my day job. If I used the same kind of non-sequitur and misdirection in addressing their concerns that you used in this paragraph, I’d be in my boss’ office getting reprimanded. We love the idea of the portal room, it’s the elimination of useful portals that’s the problem. The current physical layout of portals has literally nothing to do with the community’s complaints about these updates, and you damn well know it.

Nothing’s changed, so clearly you didn’t.


This is your way of saying thanks but no thanks right?

Why do you even ask for feedback when the only acting you take is the one you wanted in the beginning?

You’ve all got some hard lessons to learn.


I feel like the dev team spends far far far too much time on “developer issues” and far too little addressing player experience.

Players have issues with the way classes feel to play, WF/TF system, crafting is worthless unless you abuse it to trade gear, the gated content and so on.

Here we are talking about something that a non-issue for players but this is what time and money is being spent on not on servers barely being able to have 50+ players in 1 area without making the zone having 16+ seconds of nonresponsive lag or the HUGE faction imbalance.

Devs disliked the badge system players like it you removed it.

Devs disliked reforging players liked it you removed it.

Devs disliked having a few OP items so every item has to be boring, underwhelming, uninspired, lackluster and disappointing.

Devs disliked tier sets taking up 4p so you made azerite that takes up 4 slots in a far worse unfun way. /facepalm

Devs disliked fun so you removed it from the game and force us to play it the way you want us to “have fun our way and like it”.

You want to make the world feel bigger maybe instead of pushing all of us into 2 isolated islands maybe remember it’s the World of Warcraft and making use of the whole of Azeroth may be a better option.


Please don’t remove the Dalaran portals! It would seriously shrink my world. I love taking portals to places and just exploring the world or doing activities. I go there monthly, checking out the under-belly and class hall, then wandering down to the portal room to go where my fancy takes me.

I go to CoT to farm raids, Dalaran crater to farm swiftthistle, Wyrmrest to run the Chromie scenario when I feel like being super powered! I take the Khata port to simply hang out in one of my favourite zones, STV, and to farm ZG, which is right there.

Without those portals, Azeroth will have one less adventurer traversing the world.

Please reconsider, it makes me sad this is happening.


This single post right here proves that Blizzard doesn’t give the slightest crap what their Players want anymore. This is just… How can one company be so out of touch with their own player base that instead of working to make things better they go out of their way to make things more inconvenient? This is sad. Truly, truly sad.


You didn’t answer anything.

I am asking what will be the final PTR build. I am 100% aware of what the issue is and what is going on.

So let me ask again: Anyone on the PTR that can give us the final run down on what the Portal build is going to look like when it goes live?