Rearranging and Removing Portals

Okay but that’s not the reason you gave for making these new portal rooms. You only said you wanted to clear the clutter, specifically in Cleft of Shadows. There was no mention of the means to traverse the world, just the clutter. If you told us you wanted to consolidate portals in general I guarantee the community would have very explicitly told you we don’t want it, much like we have now.

You told us you were getting rid of the random portals dotted around cities, not removing other portals. This was egregiously misleading.


I personally find the condensing of portals to be fine. Outright removal? Not so much. Wyrmrest is a fairly central hub in Northrend, but it really is skipping distance from Old Dalaran. You probably don’t need both…but since Dalaran is technically over the Broken Isles now I would have kept Wyrmrest instead.

Since you asked for specific locations I will list those that I feel should be kept.

  1. CoT is possibly the most used old content portal around. There are a grand total of 6 dungeons and 2 raids in there that are regularly farmed for mogs, pets, and mounts. Some of us haven’t gotten our 12-B yet. I don’t believe Uldum is a satisfying alternative.

  2. Dalaran Crater is one of the only reliable ways for Alliance to reach the Northern part of EK. That really should be the only reason needed. Without reliable UC portals it becomes a minor annoyance Horde-side as well.

  3. Karazhan is much like CoT. This is a beloved raid/dungeon are that people have been farming for a very long time. While it is true that we will retain access via the Blasted Lands, it’s removal feels unnecessary…especially with the whole mage vibe it has.

  4. Shrine is the logical spot for the Pandaria portal to go. Not Jade Forest. Shrine is not only convenient, due to it’s position in the center of Pandaria, but also the capital of it’s time and has a good sized population of characters who continue to use it to this day because it had everything they needed in a small space (including portals to the other capitals…). Jade Forest on the other hand…well I guess if you wanted to go to Timeless Isles it works for you. Too bad that’s not why most are returning to Pandaria.

  5. Azsuna is illogical on every front imaginable for Legion content. New Dalaran is the ONLY option there should have been to get us to Broken Isles. Dalaran is the only way to get to Argus, it’s right next to the Broken Shore, it’s right next door to Nighthold, close access to a majority of the zones. All things Azsuna is not. This one is the real mind bender.

I do hope you will reconsider the removal of these portals and return them immediately. Some simple NPC’s standing in a corner of the portal room will suffice.


‘diminish a sense of the world having a meaningful size’

The concept of a world so large you NEED portals DOES give you a sense of meaningful size.


Hold up: You can change the color of your mog? That’s the one thing I can say DCUO (the MMO I played before WoW) had over WoW is that could customize the color of your mog.

Case in point: I love the Blood Elf heritage armor but imo it looks out of place of me as a frost mage so I don’t wear it. if I could make it blue and white it would be perfect.

I’ve been reading more and more about Final Fantasy and I loved the games during my console days.

I keep thinking I should download it and try it.


Here’s the TLDR version:
“Dear players, we know you want us to leave the the portals alone, we’ve read all your reasons. But guess what? TOO BAD LOSERS. We’re doing it anyway, because we’re us, and you’re suckers. Nyah nyah nyah.”

It’s frikkin “you think you know what you want but you don’t” all over again. Blizzard has a real problem with being condescending and disingenuous.



Dyeing your gear is part of the game.

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We here at Blizzard want you to experience how large the world you play in is. And to do that we have decided to take the utility out of old expansion portal hubs by removing them completely. That way when experiencing the bigger world you only experience the world in the way we see fit.


They aren’t, since the blue cited such items as an alternate. It seems the feel an item that isn’t insta-use, whenever you want is acceptable.

Out of all the grousing over this, the argument for the Karazhan portal to remain is by far the weakest. You had a shortcut for 2+ years, people were able to get there just fine for a long time before Legion.

No need to add, just don’t remove, their is no logic behind removal. You aren’t removing anything a mage could help with, you aren’t removing anything that somehow breaks the game, you are only removing things that increase the time it takes to do things without any meaningful content to do during the added travel time. If a change adds any reason for a player to disengage you are doing it wrong, its that simple, engaging content is more enjoyable and incentivizes the player coming back, encouraging them to alt tab means you have failed in basic design and need to not make the change.


It was not a Day 1 philosophy because the Caverns of Time portal was put into the game 11 years ago in the 2nd expansion, and it was still there through almost half of BfA - the 7th expansion. Cata portals (3rd exp), MoP portals (4th exp), WoD portals (5th exp), and Legion portals (6th expansion) were all still there, too. (And the old Dalaran portals which had been removed were returned years ago.)

If it had been a Day 1 philosophy, most of those portals would have been gone and they weren’t. The line they’re trying to sell is typical rewriting history, just like they did with trying to remove flying. Think for yourself; don’t let them continue to make up stories to fit their agenda, whatever it may be.


This is going to be long so bare with me, TLDR for the lazy at the end.

I’ve been playing since beta, and in that time I’ve traveled all the continents both through portals and on foot/mount from end to end, I love exploring, love finding the little places were a dev placed something unique which gets bypassed by the majority of players who are there just to quest and level, so I have no problem with long on foot travels.

That said, when returning with that character which is now much higher level, or a new alt who is burning through old content with heirlooms, I don’t want to be inconvenienced with travel times, meeting up with friends, or having to portal hop from A to C to get to B, which usually means hearthstone -> loading screen -> portal -> loading screen -> portal -> loading screen -> actual destination.

Back in 2000, before WoW, I played EverQuest, back then in EQ there weren’t any free NPC portals, you had to pay a player Wizard or a Druid to portal you to location near where you wanted to be, and if you couldn’t afford it, you had to run, which is what most low levels did.
When my guild back then organized a dungeon event I had to run from the eastern most city to the far northwest of the main continent so I could join them, it was an epic journey, through many zones which were much higher level then I was at the time, and till this day it still stands to me as one of the coolest things I ever did in an MMO, especially because of EQ’s death-bind mechanic.
The 2002 Planes of Power expansion added portal stones between the major cities through a hub called the Plane of Knowledge, and yes it did make the world feel smaller, and future players wouldn’t ever have such an epic journey like I had.
On the other hand it made it much easier for people to meet up and have fun together, to level, quest and run dungeons together, to not be separated by huge zones that were far above your level, or to be pigeonholed into playing certain races make it easier to play together, and that is what you want in an MMO in my opinion, to let people play what they want with their friends with the least amount inconvenience as possible.

To me the amount of portal destinations in WoW is very low, and hubs are concentrated in Org, SW, and what ever the current expansion’s capital or capitals are, there aren’t even any portals from the other racial cities to the hubs, let alone to each other.
As my EQ example showed I do get your philosophy of wanting to make the world feel big and epic, but just as that was Vanilla EQ, your philosophy applies to Vanilla WoW, we’re at level 120 now, most of the active gameplay is focused on the new content, and on the new continents, removing portal hubs from old content actually inconveniences players more then it helps them, your argument to “encourage transportation flow through newer places where players are more likely to interact with other players” falls flat, because people are just gonna portal hop, they want to get to their destination, not interact with others.
If I am in Dalaran in Northrend and I need to go to Ironforge for some reason, and my bind in Boralus is on cooldown, my only option is to go to Stormwind, because that’s the only portal left, and then take the tram to Ironforge, if my bind isn’t down, I just hearth to Boralus and take the portal to Ironforge, not interact with other players.
It does not make the world feel larger, just more inconvenient because you have more loading screens and travel time.
And that is what your focus should be on at this point in WoW’s life, 14 years after launch, player convenience, not whether or not the old continents still feel grand enough when traveled, that not where the focus of the players is.

My suggestion would be to keep the portals in old expansion capitals/hubs intact, and where they were already removed, restore them, because it just more convenient to the player.
Even more I would suggest that you add portal hubs, like you are currently adding to SW and Org, to all the racial capitals so players can meet up faster at low levels, and travel easier at all levels.
It would also make more sense in the game world, why would only Org have a portal room with portals everywhere and not Silvermoon, which arguably has a larger population of mages.
Focusing the travel on the two main capitals, and the current expansion’s capital is dumb, not only does it help make the other cities feel even more dead, it doesn’t does it make the world feel larger either.

Removing portals is dumb, it just inconveniences players to suffer more loading screens and travel time, not bring them together because they’re traveling through a single hub, nor does it make the world feel bigger as the players and content are focused on the latest expansion and it’s continent.
Keep all the old expansion hub portals intact, and restore the ones removed already, and add hubs like ones currently being added to Org and SW to all the racial capitals for convenience sake.
Portals like the one to the Caverns of Time for instance should be added to the portal room, not removed.
It’s a 14 year old game with a hugely expanded world, make it more convenient to travel, not more inconvenient.


In other words, “We’ve heard your feedback, and decided we don’t care enough about it to stop this from making it to live.” Typical.

Glad I unsubbed, and it should be running out any day now…Also glad I stopped contributing to MAUs or whatever playtime metric you subscribe to.

It would’ve been better if you’d not said anything at all, and continued to do what you want instead of releasing a statement that rehashed this already tired and refuted reason. How pedantic of you.


You need to list out what you’re losing, and look at what you’re creating, and make sure that you replace each lost portal.

In some ways, there’s improvement. For example, I would previously travel to Northrend via the Wyrmrest portal in new Dalaran. Now I can simply go to old Dalaran. That’s an improvement, as old Dalaran is more centrally located in Northrend.

However, if I want to go to Legion… I go not to the new Dalaran, but to… Azsuna. Why? Was it considered confusing to have two portals named “Dalaran”? This is probably the most annoying of the lot.

Similarly, instead of to the Vale (from new Dalaran) one must go to the Jade Forest.

Instead of going directly to the Caverns of Time, one must go to Uldum.

There will no longer be a quick way to Silverpine Forest for Alliance.

These are simple oversights that can be corrected.

Or you can change that Azsuna portal to New Dalaran, and leave all New Dalaran portals alone. Easy win.

With new expansions, we’ve made a tradition of removing some of the portals from the previous expansion’s cities. The goal with that is to encourage transportation flow through newer places where players are more likely to interact with other players.

You need to ask yourselves if this is good reasoning anymore. People don’t go to Kul Tiras or Zandalar because of portals, they go because content drives them there - islands, assaults, world quests, raids, and Azerite.

Furthermore, you undercut this very reasoning by not moving auction houses them from the old capital cities to the new hub. So short of a conveniently parked longboi, everyone who needs anything off the auction house is driven to Stormwind/Orgrimmar (because there’s no portal back from any other city).


Meanwhile, in ESO, I can port to any zone in the game as soon as I finish the tutorial, and afterwards can port to any waypoint I’ve found, at any time I like, and somehow, the world still feels huge. Weird.

Seems sad to unsub after 14 years over such a stupid decision, but really it’s just indicative of the bad decisions Blizzard makes these days throughout the entire game.


I’m Tala Cocheta. On Brynhildr with Raelly, who is totally awesome!

This decision was silly. This game is multiple expansions big and help is needed to traverse it effectively. I don’t want to spend half my time traveling just because I want a few transmogs.


It’s an example he used, so I went with it. I don’t think anyone is arguing we’re going to be helpless without the portals. I think we’re all very well aware that we can still get to these places.

But, thank you for pointing out the obvious!

At what point will they stop with things that seem clearly designed to increase the time played metric?

  • AP farm (for a second expansion) and that AP tied intrinsically to your Azerite gear progression
  • Rep grind to unlock races, content, etc
  • Time gating Warfronts with cycles
  • Keeping us grounded and removing portals to increase travel time
  • Low drop rates in Dungeons and Raids (cause I love a 3 hour raid to kill 9 bosses to get 1 piece of gear or a 30 min dungeon run where NO gear drops … feels great, devs).
  • The snails pace of the storyline (if you can call what we have this expansion a storyline)

There is nothing creative, exciting, or inventive about creating a game where EVERY SYSTEM IN PLACE is just there to keep you running like a hamster in a wheel. One would really expect better of an MMO that’s been out this long to reduce it’s core concepts to such blatant laziness.

The best thing that could happen to this game right now is an Ion-ic flush and a complete rework of the development team before WoW ends up in maintenance mode.


Longer travel time is not content. I think it would be great for the developer that created this idea and forced its implementation to spend an extra 15 minutes in traffic each morning on the way to work and 20 mins back home. This way the world he lives in will seem bigger.


this is their process to introduce paid transmog set ensembles on the shop