Rearranging and Removing Portals

I am a firm believer in "if it ain’t broken, don’t try to fix it. The portals were not harming anyone. People who run tons of alts through these raids/dungeons enjoy the convenience of the portals that they put in new Dal. Those portals are not harming the game in any manner, and it makes getting around when you are leveling low level alts a heck of a lot easier.


Understand please. It is the point of this company taking things away that doesn’t need to be takin away.

Travel time increase reguardless it is the fact that Blizzard likes to take away things that they give. Which is not really fair it hurts other players.


For me its not even the additional travel time. This change is just another in a long line of asinine changes that seem to be implemented for no other reason than to slow gameplay down and draw out out /timeplayed. Thats made worse by the fact that they keep coming up with equally asinine reasons why these changes are justified.


They said the portals will be there for any quests associated with them .

So I just did an Experiment!

I used two methods to get to Different locations and timed each starting at new Dal Spawn point, including loading screen time (note: I did NOT fly in Dalaran):

Caverns of time (time finished when talked to drake at entrance):
With portal: 31 secs
Without Portal (Org -> Uldum -> Fly): 3 min 16 sec

Kara (time finished upon opening gate to raid):
with portal: 26 sec
without portal (org -> Grom’gol ZEPPLIN (luckily it was there when I got to the tower) -> fly): 3 min 25 sec

Stratholm (timer stopped upon entering instance):
With Dal Crater portal (crater -> glider so you don’t die -> fly): 3 min 40 sec
Without Dal Crater or UC (I actually agree with UC being removed for lore reasons) (I will also be using the Silvermoon portal in Dal since there will be one in the portal room (Silvermoon -> run/fly): Note: I did not get lost in Silvermoon as I’m sure a few people would since it’s a poorly designed city, and it still took me 6 mins 21 secs

I could do more, but I think it’s pretty obvious that there’s a significant increase in travel time. Thankyou


Did the world feel bigger and did you meet new people and spend time together in your adventures while you traveled?


no I was literally alt tabbed watching youtube when flying

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Something is wrong with this picture.

If you have to watch youtube cause your into boring content something is wrong.


So a few minutes is a significant increase? The community is up in arms over this? Having to spend 6 mins to get to stratholme? As opposed to 3 mins and 40 seconds? Takes 2 mins to go from Ramkahen to CoT. 2 mins and 20 additional seconds to get to Stratholme… This is hardly worth the outrage.

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You not getting it at all. Or your trolling?


Just like flying in the last 3 expansions.


Just report him and move on.

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Why can’t we report blues for spam? They made a thread to address another thread…


Most of us, as you do I assume, have jobs and/or school. Time alotted in our day to play World of Warcraft is limited. I don’t personally want to spend 7 minutes of my 60 minutes a day free time literally afk.

But this is Blizzard. If they make things take longer and timegate as much as possible, they believe we’ll take longer to accomplish goals and finish content. Thus, we’ll have to keep buying a subscription! And this will sadly work on a lot of people that won’t give up on this game or don’t care about this change (like yourself). A lot of people, however, don’t want to:

A.) Waste your already limited playtime doing literally nothing whatsoever.

B.) Keep paying $15 a month so they can literally do nothing whatsoever.


using my number let’s take Dragon Soul as an example. Let’s say I need one of the mounts there. I’m gonna want to run it on as many alts as possible to maximize the drop chances. let’s just say I have 10 characters total that are capable of doing that content. The time difference is 2mins 40 secs (yeah there might be faster ways, but I used what I could think of as an average player). If you multiple that by the 10 characters you get 26 mins 40 seconds. added to your original run time. Now most people playing have jobs and/or families and cant dedicate a tone of time to the game, so adding 26 mins to normal run time is a pretty big deal.


Since you claim to want more feedback I will give you mine.

This is a bad decision.

I have currently been working on collecting pets and mounts from old raids as well as getting one of each class through their class order halls.

The extra travel time means that running multiple alts through old raids is no longer fun. Therefore, I will significantly reduce the amount of the former and if may even discontinue the ladder. I am not a raider. I don’t do high level Mythic plus. Current content therefore is not enough to keep me continuously subscribed. I will probably take a break once my current 6 month sub lapses and come back for a month or two each major patch instead of remaining continuously in game. I would love to acquire the mounts in Karazhan and Caverns of Time but this makes them too inconvenient.


To be clear he explained their justification, and why it makes sense to them. That’s the thing about “sense”. It doesn’t make sense to everyone. My aunt keeps her sugar near her coffee pot because that makes sense to her. I keep my sugar in a plastic container near my tea, coffee, and creamer because that makes sense to me.

He has failed to provide a compelling argument to many of us. Most of us understood, immediately, the game play intentions involved. In fact, many of us also understood that it might not be MAU metrics, but a misguided belief that trimming the fat of travel will improve the game.

Unfortunately, for those of us who have yet to be swayed, there is no compelling reason you can give in this instance. There is zero net benefit to removing these, which results in the change feeling like change for the sake of change.

Imagine if you bought a new car, for exactly the same price as you’re paying for your current car. You’re not saving any money with this change. However, you’ve opted out of getting the hybrid engine again, and you’ve selected fewer packages for the same price.

The result is a visually identical car that can’t go as far as the previous one, for no benefit to the user. Would it make sense to make this purchase? What if the dealer told you that you’d enjoy it more because you’d have to stop and meet the locals at gas stations a little more often? Would that be more enjoyable to you?


I’m Draenie-ing today. :wink:
But seriously, I personally feel this game currently has too many portals, and this is counter to their design philosophy for this game having minimal portals, as they said in the blue post. Everything shouldn’t be a loading screen away in an mmo. I understand what they’re trying to do. The community is so upset over something that really isn’t a significant change at all, and they have taken portals away in the past. What I don’t understand is the fuss and the backlash blizzard is getting in the forums and on wowhead over a change that i personally feel is better for the health of the game. There are loads of far more important problems in the game currently that are worth saying they’re disconnected from the player base… but this is not one of those things. Yet all the hype is about these removed portals. Its ridiculous.

Guild Wars 2
Final Fantasy XIV

I can’t speak to ESO, LOTRO, or other mmo’s.
However the three I listed have instant gratification in the form of waypoints and teleporters you can access from anywhere. It costs a fee to travel and the fee is based on how far you’re going, but they don’t have enforced wait times or travel times like WoW does. People in those games aren’t complaining about the world being small. People in those games aren’t complaining that travel is too convenient. People in those games are too busy having fun doing content and actually actively playing the game.

Nobody had much of an issue with WoW’s already sloggish travel setup. I personally kind of like it at times? It feels like getting to and from places means something. I’m also more likely to maximize my time in a zone because getting back to it isn’t always super quick and easy. However, taking away form that. Making it take longer. Making it a boring chore? That’s not something I like.

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