Rearranging and Removing Portals

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Which portal being removed is everyone upset about? As i posted in the other portal rage forum, it takes a total 2 mins to travel from Ramkahen (the spot the port drops you) to the CoT. It takes 2 mins and 45 seconds to go from Blasted Lands to Blackrock Mountain. It takes 1 min and 5 seconds to go from Blasted Lands to Kara. Is everyone upset about these insignificantly different travel times? Is there a port I’m forgetting?

It is the fact they removed them when they didn’t need to.


PTRs are no longer for feedback, they’ve flat-out admitted this now. And I mean this quite literally. Last year they made a big deal out of a large Overwatch patch hitting the PTR and put up a video asking people to login and give them their feedback.

Well, the feedback was not kind. They had made radical changes to multiple heroes in a classic Blizzard knee-jerk reaction, and the biggest current issue on the live servers at the time (Roadhog being grossly OP and being a fun-sucker for every match) was actually made WORSE. People flooded the PTR forums about it. Countless threads on how they broke stuff. Plenty of in-depth theorycrafting on them, and no end to suggested fixes. End result? Absolutely. Nothing.

Patch drops and promptly breaks multiple heroes while Roadhog still ran rampant. The forums were livid. Why make such a big deal about feedback and literally asking for it when you don’t listen at all?

In response, they actually released a super-condenscending video titled “What the PTR is For” and went so far as putting it on the launcher itself. The tl;dr of that video was: “PTR isn’t for feedback or bug reports. Changes that hit the PTR are already a go. The point of the PTR is testing to make sure there’s no large client-server incompatibilities. Nothing more.”

So yeah. PTR means nothing anymore.


It has little to do with the extra travel time and more to do with it being just another example of removing things from the game that never hurt the game, adds more inconvenience to the players, and isn’t going to bring about their intended result made in the post. It’s change for the sake of change that does nothing to the overall game.

There is literally no positive result from this change.


PTR is just to preview things for themselves and give wowhead fluff articles, not change things now. Since WOD the design of wow has been, more than ever, about forcing an idea through whether its received well or not and then restricting or “pruning” everything else.

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Yeppers and I pushed mine to the limit :slight_smile:

So now i have to carry old transport items in my bags to move around like rings, tabards, cloaks, and trinkets? Bag space destroyed, and what game on earth do you play that gives warlock transporting abilities? Give me a break Blizz just leave it how it was, literally no one was complaining about portals existing. Sheeesh!

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They’ve explained why they’re removing them, and their reasons are justified. Why all the rage when it would still take 1 - 3 mins to get to anywhere you’re trying to go? Is there a portal I’m forgetting? Or is all this rage over the 2 additional minutes to the Caverns of time. Not trolling, i genuinely want to know.

That was a very long-winded way of saying “We read your feedback but we don’t care.”


With changes like this and flying the reasoning always seems to be to make the world ‘feel bigger’. But no one ever seems to be able to tell me why the world needs to ‘feel bigger’, or even how these changes are suposed to do that.

I am intimately familiar with how big the world is. For the last decade and a half I have traversed every part of this world in every conceivable way. I’ve ran on foot the length of Stranglethorn. Being able to ride that road on a mount didn’t make it feel smaller. Being able to fly it either by FP or manually with my flying mount didn’t make it feel smaller. It just gave a new perspective.

And should a portal from Nessingwary’s camp to Booty Bay be added, it would not diminish my knowledge and memmory of just how big the zone is. Making me run the length of the zone, or ride, or fly it will not make the zone feel any bigger than I already know it to be.

So I ask, why does the world need to ‘feel bigger’?


They explained nothing. What was there explaination other then Tradition that they hatch out of reason generator? Which is a false reason and a lie.


I mean at this point you actually are just trolling.


I want to know what exactly is making people so mad.

I already explained it? Learn2read.


I’m mad cause Blizzard keeps taking things away…


Thats cute and sad if you honestly believe that.

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So an extra 2 mins of travel time to CoT? Is this what all the fuss is about? Or is it the extra 60 seconds to go from BL to kara?

Alrighty, I’m reporting now.

Same crap, different issue. Playing WoW for years certainly starts to feel like Groundhog Day after a point.