Rearranging and Removing Portals

Conspiracy theory, sure

Ive got a horrid migraine and even in my state of stupor it was blindingly obvious.


Portals to keep:
Cavern of times because there’s so much stuff there to run.
Dalaran Crater: So Alliance have an easy way to north EK.
Kara: So Horde have easy access to south EK, and it’s next to KARA AND RETURN TO KARA (things that people still run)


But you haven’t been able to prove any of this “within two minutes” stuff. Explain how I can get to Heart of Fear within two minutes if my hearthstone is set to Gadgetzan. Because it is going to be slower to access places like that once 8.1.5 goes live. And you know it. Stop trying to cover for Blizzard’s arrogance.


Its like I said in the other topic. Its making stuff inconvenient just for the sake of making it inconvenient. Don’t really need to touch old portal systems makes getting around in old expansions easier if your there doing some old content for mog or whatever.

Nobody wants more portals removed just to make it take longer to get around in an old expansion.



Conspiracy the action of plotting or conspiring.
Like removing portals?

Theory a supposition or a system of ideas intended to explain something
like seeing them remove portals and then making up excuses for it?

I realize you THINK that phrase is derogatory but it isnt.


As an altoholic I can assure you, you cannot get to every part of the WoW world in less than 2 minutes. Once these portals are gone it will take even longer.

Also, The Inkeepers Daughter does not let you set a unique hearth spot. It shares the hearth location of your other hearth/toys so not sure why you keep singling that one out.


That is the problem. There is far too much orchestrating from the devs for an MMO.


okay, tinfoil hat

Dont a lot of those portal items have shared CDs as well thereby making them nearly pointless for fast travel ?


The only one I feel really strongly about is a portal to caverns of time because of how many instances are there. I still enjoy going through some older raids and I don’t mind making the trip for most of them, but Caverns is just so out of the way :confused:

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insert something about two tomatoes here.

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I wouldn’t mind portals being removed to the various places like CoT an Karazan so much if those places had flight points to those locations, but there isn’t any to any of them.

I also agree that the portal to the vale should still remain in the game, as it’s a central location on the continent of pandaria, and the 1 to the jade forest should ONLY be visible to players who are doing that content at that appropriate level.

I also would like flight taxis to get some major upgrades. Flight masters should offer direct routes to locations, absolutely no one likes flying on a taxi for 10 minutes to go from 1 end of a continent to the other. I also believe flight master taxis should fly a lot faster then they do, I think they should fly at 700% of ground speed, instead of 280% of ground speed, our flying mounts can fly faster then the taxis do. When i mean direct routes, I mean a one stop flight, say you want to go from winterspring to gadgetzan, it should fly straight there, and not fly to felwood circling every hub, then off to ashenvale circling nearly every hub there as well an also flying east to west thru the zone, then flying thru stonetalon circling several hubs there, then flying thru both barrens zones nearly circling every hub there as well, then fly thru dustwallow circling some hubs there before finally hitting the thousand needles zone, then finishing in the gadgetzan hub, heck the only zone on that flight i’m describing that actually has a direct flight path thru it is the flight thru the thousand needles zone. I think you get the point. most of us have seen the world thousands if not millions of times over the last 15 years. it time that our beloved lazy taxis get an upgrade, with direct flight paths offered from the flight masters.

I also believe some major hubs should get their own hearthstones - sold by the innkeeper. which would act like the dalaran hearthstone does as a separate item from our main home hearthstone, this would give players more choice an a means to get from 1 place to another, that they visit often, faster.

These are just my opinions, but i think a lot of people would agree that this would be some good ideas to implement within the game to help make this game more convenient - especially for those of us that farm old raids an dungeons for transmog and mounts an toys.

As an off topic side note can we please get the older currency tokens out of our inventory and into the currency tab. these include things like the items linked below

also all of the different variants of the item below

as well as miscellaneous item currencies such as the item below.

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We like to call it ‘micromanaging’ and ‘controlling’
i think some of us have developed Stockholm Syndrome.


Oooooowee this thread blew up.

Some do. None of the engineering ones share a CD, but those require the alt to have engineering to use. Most of my alts don’t have engineering, so it’s a weak argument for those saying toys/trinkets are a reasonable substitute.

The Captain’s Signet of Command costs 300 service medals, that is not something you’re going to be getting on a dozen alts. I think many of the people cool with portal removal just don’t play much on alts.


It took me over two minutes just to get to Darkmoon Faire from Mugumbala with a combination of flight points and portals. And that is new content.


yeah. Not to mention I have the MoP portal for engineering and its USELESS for travel since you never know where its going to port you to.
Nigh on absurd that it’d ever be mentioned as something used for serious travel

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Wow, sushi claims to do “every raid” on 12 characters each week, but isn’t aware of how long it takes to get to Heart of Fear or Isle of Thunder. Kind of makes you wonder.

What we have here is a dev clique that doesn’t care how many people quit the game as long as the few that are left are playing it right™, even if those are employees who get free subs.


There’s only 2 of us here I’ve seen :joy: and you’re right I don’t play alts

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