Rearranging and Removing Portals

no, we all know they didnt listen to a word.
THEY KNOW WE KNOW they didnt listen to a single word.
They just arent going to say much of anything we can get irritated enough to unsub over.
Well, for me we’re past that
My subs are up in May and im out. TOO much drama being created by this GAME company for my liking

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Some of the stuff in Kaivax’s post is outright wrong. Like how removing portals is a “tradition” (it isn’t, this only happened in Cataclysm and WoD).


Catching a zeppelin with a toon or two there is… talking to guildies while on a FP can be

no…youre just dodging and deflecting like half a dozen other of your alts have done in here.


That’s an end-game problem, not a soloing-old-content-for-mogs-and-pets problem. There’s no need to remove portals to Caverns of Time, it’s not going to make players communicate more, especially in newer content.


But you didn’t answer my question. You deliberately misinterpreted my question and gave me a non-answer. Especially since I mentioned places like Heart of Fear or Throne of Thunder. You’ve proven time and again that you have nothing of value to add to this conversation other than lies and misinformation.


Blizzard 101 – Retcon whatever you can to make your point.

Historically, it hasn’t been tradition, but by now saying it was meant to be tradition, they’re getting back on track (to what was NEVER a thing) and using that excuse to justify their portal removal.


You literally just dodged my question when I asked how to get to places like Heart of Fear or Throne of Thunder within two minutes if my hearth is set to Gadgetzan.

Your lies are becoming increasingly desperate as people start tearing apart your “solutions”.


Maybe they don’t care about soloing old content for mogs and pets…

Utter nonsense.
ive used the zepplins hundreds of times and NO ONE says a WORD.
Stop acting like there is ANY social aspect to this game. There isnt except for auctions and when some clown is begging for a port or gold in orgrimmar.


So there’s a glaring contradiction in what’s being stated.

They state that portals make the world feel small and that’s their justification in removing them. So why/tf go through the bother of adding them at all if that is your stance?

This reeks of an attempt to increase player metrics in a failing expansion.


You never answered my question.

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ofc there is


That’s exactly the problem!

There’s a whole community of players who make doing this their end game, and time and again Blizzard is showing they don’t care about these players, even though they are the most loyal, safest subscribers. This portal removal isn’t an overreaction, it’s the last straw for people who have sat through multiple examples of Blizzard showing they care more about transient raiders than loyal collectors.


I’ve given up w Sushi and the Jaguarwhatever person. Not sure if trolling, or employees. Can’t be a logical player, either of them.


Youve only proven that you dont know what deflection is…or youre in denial.