Rearranging and Removing Portals

Jade Forest Portal for Alliance is the far south part of Jade Forest. It would be impossible to get to almost anywhere useful in Pandaria within two minutes. Let alone places like Heart of Fear or Throne of Thunder.

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the solution to removing portals that already exist is to farm toys… that is a level of poor design and knowing your players that can be hard to match

Why should people want to spend an entire year doing nothing but farming up old travel items, most of which have significant cooldowns?

You’re starting to sound like an employee who was paid to say these things.


old content that I make tens of thousands a day farming while making SQUAT in current content that keeps being nerfed to dirt…yeah.


Sushiroll is a blizz alt… got a new account and used a boost to get someone to 110 to make it look like they’re an active player.


With all of their ludicrous replies, I would not doubt it.

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definitely an alt trying to sound different


Nothing that hasn’t been said but I wanted to add my 2c.

First of all, literally thousands of your customers have come onto these threads to protest this change. Many are probably like me and rarely feel the need to voice disagreement. I get that the portal room is a new and heavily request feature. But what you have done by going out of your way to remove existing portals is beyond the pale. This is the opposite reasoning given for how Pathfinder works. Once content is done, inconvenience shouldn’t be increased. Forcing slow travel over years-old zones for the sake of it just confuses me. I can’t get past the contradiction.

If this were some feature you couldn’t get around to implementing, then OK. But you spent development manhours just undoing work.


It honestly seems to me like this change was made just to get people to take longer to do things and artificially increase their /played metric. Also seems kinda convenient that the next raid is releasing a little over a month after this new patch which doesn’t look suspicious at all.


I get that this isn’t the CM’s fault, but suggesting that this is something that the dev team have listened to feedback on and iterated over on the PTR is a bit of a joke. That’s what I meant.

“Did they really listen to our feedback? Am I the one going insane?”

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This means you’re going to implement the change regardless if there’s 5000 replies in this thread and 1000’s more in others. Typical response from Blizzard and really highlights how out of touch you are with the player base. Blizzard deserve all the negative feedback about BFA and poor communication and how little you listen to player feedback.


Doing anything. Who cares? They want the world to feel bigger, yet they said in the same sentence that getting to that world will be slower.

If I have a 4 hr play window, I don’t want to spend an hour of it traveling. So I won’t go to old zones. So much for that great big world.


The game was better when there was more social interaction… less LFG/less portals to get everywhere/guilds meaning something/etc…

I see, now you’re playing silly semantics games to cover up your lack of an argument.


Sitting on a FP isn’t social interaction. Popping through a portal to play with my friends is.

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As baffling as these portal changes are, the real problem is their stated rationale for doing so: “yes we saw all that feedback in the 5000 post thread” (and now the over 1000 post here), but our interpretation of that feedback is just that the players want to know why, so here’s why.

As for all the negative feedback about the removal of specific portals (e.g., caverns of time, Dalaran crater, etc.) and screwy portal paths after the change (e.g., portal to Pandaria is Jade Forest instead of shrines in the Vale), apparently they totally missed all of that because this “rationale” asks for specific feedback on specific portal issues. What do they think that 5000 post thread is about? Thousands of players simply asking “why?” or was there more in it? Of course there was, tons and tons of it, but this Blue explanation is like none of that exists.

And as often happens (especially like back in WoD with all the content teased at Blizzcon but that either didn’t make it into the game or was significantly changed and scaled back for the worse), the rationale simply doesn’t hold up. The only reasonable conclusion to be drawn about why they are making these changes is to increase time played. Yet they clearly aren’t going to admit that, so they just are sticking with “it makes the world seem bigger.” Even I as a Tauren couldn’t make a bigger pile of cow pies than that rationale is.

I’m once again also strongly inclined to conclude, yet again, that the devs making these decisions just aren’t playing the game like they used to. It’s like they have this pristine “theory” of their game and how it works and how we play it, yet they totally are disconnected from the reality of how we really play it. These changes that increase travel time thereby making things more inconvenient is going to make it less like that people will do the things that they are now doing. That will actually decrease time played, not increase it, yet they seem unable to even comprehend that.

Things are getting so bad about these sort of changes and their alleged rationales as explained in these public statements that it is becoming inescapable to conclude that the number one constituency of the devs making these decisions is no longer the players but the shareholders.

The days of Blizzard being a “company of gamers making great games for gamers” is now long gone. The idea of releasing something when it’s really “ready” is also long gone. Instead we have a game company that is full of developers churning out buggy and often ill-conceived content per some senior management dictated schedule based on quarterly reporting to maximize shareholder value. And yet again, they are even failing on that metric as the stock continues to hover at a price that is half of it’s high over the last year.

After all the alleged WoW killers that people have pointed at over the years, it seems like in the end, the death of WoW will be due to the failing efforts of the developers to keep the shareholders happy, and the players will just be an after thought.

it’s just so sad and disappointing that things have gotten this bad. I’ve never been less enthused to play this game over the last decade as I am now. And these sort of Blue posts just serve to further reduce what little enthusiasm I have left to play.


Show me how your toy gets you someplace when it’s already on a 4 hour cd.

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You only have the 1 hearthstone? I’m not trying to argue but they’ve got a point.

The service medal ring gets you back to BFA capital city, 30min CD on that
Dalaran HS > Org > BFA capital city
Garrison HS > Ashran > Org > BFA capital city (if you have Garrison at level necessary for that)

I don’t know about other places to set it, but if you set your HS to Gadgetzan for CoT accessibility, there are other fairly easy to acquire methods to get back to BFA content.