Rearranging and Removing Portals

I mean, I don’t main a mage but I do have one. Draenei ftw.

You want me to put my hearthstone in old content so I don’t have one in current content. That’s your solution to them taking away the portals? Do you even read what you say before you post it?

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“manipulate (someone) by psychological means into questioning their own sanity.”

Personally, that sounds fun. Think Im going to have to give that a try sometime :joy:

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I think you and Sushiroll are on 2 very different wavelengths and should start over from the beginning.

OK, now explain how to get to anywhere in Pandaria in two minutes if your hearth is set to Gadgetzan. Keep in mind that the portals to the Shrines are going bye bye.

They probably just don’t want people to get there as fast as they do now.

Sushiroll wants me to make my hearthstone spot gadgetzan for my convenience if I wanted to do content in CoT but that would make me not have a hearthstone to BFA content. How is that a good idea?

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says the one who just TOLD us to use a bunch of magic items to get around Blizzards portal removals :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Wanting my use of time to be efficient =/= lazy. Do you RP walk everywhere?


You forgot about the blue OP on that long thread, where he opened with “You asked us to make this change, see, we listen to you!”

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Your use of time for what though? Old content

Sushi’s solution seems to be “set your HS there” without realising we can only have one HS location.

So theres a portal in Gagetzhan to jade forest, is there?

Yes, that’s what I’ve been saying. No 120 content in tanaris. Why would I EVER put my HS there?

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Seems pretty typical of Team Ion tbh. Make large changes to the game, disregard all commentary from the people who are affected by it.


Aye, and that’s the problem.

Why don’t they want that? What benefit is there in adding “a couple of minutes” to a trip if it runs the real risk of alienating collectors, who tend to be some of Blizzard’s most loyal, efficient subscribers?

Blizzard should be making changes to encourage MORE people to decide to run old content years after it’s no longer end game, not making changes that discourage that.