Rearranging and Removing Portals

We don’t want to farm up toys. Heck, I HAVE the toys - many on my mage, no less - and I don’t want the portals gone. Removing the portals doesn’t do anything for the game. In a perfect world, sure, everyone would go farm toys. This is real life, and people like efficiency. Every change they make lately drags the game further into the dark ages. If you think the rats aren’t jumping ship - or haven’t already - there’s nothing we can do except write you off as being just as blind and stubborn as the devs.


Again, it doesn’t exist lol.

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But why do you need a portal there to begin with?

What do you mean? The portal there is gone. DS, hyjal, and the 5 man dungeons. I swear some people are just here to spew nonsense.

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Hey guys. You know Blizzard is removing portals to make the world feel BIGGGGGER and so you dont all feel like mages :+1:
So heres a list of MAGIC crap you can put in your bags to PORTAL around to all those places Blizzard DOESNT WANT you portaling to :crazy_face:


TL;DR Hey guys we’ve seen the thousands of you in multiple posts commenting on how much you don’t want portals removed. We read what you’re saying, and we’re listening. But we’re the devs and you’re not, so we’re removing them anyway.


Isn’t that what this thread is arguing about… portal removal?

Yes? I don’t like it, but how would I get to caverns of time if the portal doesn’t exist with a toy?

You fly. Is that a trick question?

Thanks for this. I don’t have enough space on my hard drive to install the PTR and therefore can’t verify anything on there at the moment.

I suppose I can live with having one portal leading to each continent, but CoT and Dalaran Crater are still pretty huge losses.

Also, a portal to Azsuna? That seems a bit random.

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clearly doesnt farm all day long

I understand I can fly. I was told that there was a toy that would magically get me there as fast as a portal a couple of posts ago. I want to know where that magic toy is and how I get it!

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Oh, that part I have no idea

You have no idea because it doesn’t exist.

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My suggestion is for EVERYONE to roll mages.
when we’re ALL mages who can port all over, I wonder what the next line of excuses and removals will be?

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The question was a bit incorrect, let me refine it:

How do you get to Caverns of Time as fast as you are now, without the feeling that Blizzard made the trip take longer just for the sake of making it take longer, when there’s no actual active gameplay involved in getting to where you want to be beyond a few more loading screens and clicking more portals than we currently do?

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Then my hearth is set there. Again, no 120 content there. Next try?

I never said it existed… just asked if people were that lazy they needed a portal