Rearranging and Removing Portals

I agree so much with your points. I’ve been off the game for illness, but never since starting in Vanilla have I ever hit my unsub button, until tonight.

I just can’t do it anymore. From the burning of my home, to how lackluster BM Hunter feels to play, to constantly being told that I’m not playing the game right through Blizzard’s actions, to the cross realm nonsense that has done more to damage communities and guilds, to flight not being available for gold at max level, to the removal of quests, recipes, and now portals…I’M JUST DONE.

My game time is up in May and it would take something remarkable for me to return. I’m sad beyond measure. I never thought it would end this way. Thought I would be here until they turned the servers off :frowning:


Time metrics its clear as day.

They need to show investors that people play the game. longer time to play the game means they are happy and they don’t need to fire more people.

Remember when we had content so much content you could literally spend weeks doing stuff and still was hard to finish. Remember when they where events like valentines or halloween where we would wait and see what new stuff was added or changed? not just what new pet and or toy was added?


Actually the past month, save the new raid, I’ve been experiencing the doldrums already. And I took my time on experiencing the content that I’m interested in.

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you dont even get it that you just contradicted yourself, do you?
instant gratification?
from TRAVELING TO the PORTAL…while YOU have a portal device IN YOUR BAG???
WHO is looking for INSTANT gratification here again ?


Well, I commend them for posting this in the middle of the week and not right at the end of the shift on Friday and then vanishing for the weekend. About the most positive thing I can say about this topic. :grin:

False. It is impossible for any toy to get me to CoT as fast as I can by taking a portal straight to the entrance. Same deal with doing almost anything in Pandaria after they remove the portals to the Shrines. And I’d need to farm up a dozen rings for Karazhan. Plus there’s no replacement for teleporting to Dalaran Crater.


Please link me the toy that gets me to CoT as quick as a portal. You said there are toys that do that so I need to know what it is so I can farm it.

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well, for me most of the game is new content. I just started 19 months ago.
Removing the ports doesnt affect me much. Ive got multiple accounts and mages on all of them.
I just dont like controlling people making stupid changes just to get a rise out of people.


Expensive and time-consuming solutions for a single character aren’t adequate in response to removing convenience that we already had. Back before I made the mistake of playing several characters in World of Warcraft, I used to collect transportation items because it was a fun goal that reaped tangible benefit. Now, I’m not about to spend tens of thousands of gold, swap all of my characters to engineering, farm 100 Shadowmournes, and do archaeology on each for a little bit of convenience that we already have.

If they decided to start making a bunch of these items account-wide toys or heirlooms, I’ll hush up. I’d also get the nice benefit of feeling like the time and money I spent on my warrior for them wasn’t wasted.

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I mentioned it was the latest PTR build just to state the fact. The Old Dal portal has been on the PTR the last few builds at least. I was hoping that after Kaivax mentioned the feedback they got led them to the conclusion of whats currently on the PTR (newest build) that meant they had added a CoT portal after all – which they have not.

Pretty sure the Old Dal portal has been part of the portal rooms from their original design. There’s basically 1 portal to each area of the game, Cataclysm portals aside. Here’s the Horde list (insert Alliance equivalents):

Ashran - AU Draenor (WoD)
Dalaran / Crystalsong - Northrend (WoLK)
Dazar’alor (BFA)
Azsuna - Broken Isles (Legion)
Silvermoon City - EK
Jade Forest - Pandaria (MoP)
Thrallmar Mage - Click/dialog port to Hellfire (TBC)


yeah…sounds about right.
need a bottle and a diapee change?

No. You said a toy can do it. Link the toy.

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Are you guys really that lazy? Geez

Sadly I’m very collection-focused, and while I’m close to never needing to do another Warfront and getting all the (Horde, at least) paragon cache rewards, Islands are going to be a nearly impossible task, unless we get some proper fixes to how the reward system there works. If it weren’t for islands I’d already be back to farming old content, too.

And yet, despite begrudgingly feeling like I should at least try to get all the island drops, that experience has soured me enough that finding out Blizzard doesn’t think about collectors to the point of removing these portals is what is really putting me on the edge of giving up collecting completely. I’ve been able to deal with a lot of dumb acquisition methods for a long time, and in isolation the portal removal isn’t a dealbreaker, but it’s one in a long list of actions taken that really, really make it feel like hardcore collectors are considered a mistake by Blizzard, and I’m tired of being taken advantage of with no concessions.


It doesn’t exist, that’s what I am getting at.

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This seems disingenuous as best, and straight up gaslighting at worst. What this seems like is designers at Blizzard deciding that they know what’s best, and ignoring or hand-waving any feedback to the contrary.

Also, it’s never been a consistent tradition to remove portals. You’ve done it once with Cataclysm removing most of the Dalaran portals (and Shattrath, which wasn’t done in WotLK), and once with Legion removing some WoD portals.

Removing the inner portal room in Dalaran does nothing to make the game “feel larger”, it just unnecessarily complicates the steps necessary to complete Legion content. You’d think that completing Legion content would be a top priority for the Legion capital city, but apparently not.

The only small complaint I have with removing generic city portals from older areas is that it actually makes the game feel smaller (as there’s no reason for players to consider traveling to cities like Shattrath, Dalaran (both, now), or the Shrines in Vale of Eternal Blossoms). While I can understand the reasoning behind encouraging transportation flow between newer areas, shouldn’t those newer areas be relevant enough that players of the appropriate level are already using those new zones naturally?


Explain how I can set my Hearth to Gadgetzan and then get to anywhere in Pandaria in 2 minutes.


TL;DR: “You think you want portals, but you don’t! We know best.”