Rearranging and Removing Portals

“I know youre the paying customer but I will TELL you what you want!”


Which works for you just fine. But don’t force the rest of us to play that way since you’re incapable of ignoring a portal. Not that hard of a concept to grasp.

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You’re one of millions of paying customers…

Wow, that’s a nice way to have a conversation about this. How childish.



Hmm, dal has no portals, so worthless. Garrison gets me nowhere useful since I already have to waste time flying around WoD to get to Ruckmar and the raids I farm. So still your posts are making no sense. This dose NOT help me in any way that the removed portals did.

I’m in agreement. Somehow you quoted the wrong person. Sushiroll was the one who said that. The portal changes are not good and benefit nobody but Blizzard when they show the “time played” measure to their Investors.

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Ok lets say for the sake of your point I want to do it and a) I just dont have huge amounts of gold. and b) no warrior, paladin, DK…

so there is this top that ports to you northend so to get it I would need to

a) get a class to level 100 at least if I want to solo it (you want to do it in a group from level 80 to 90 be my guess longer time since you have to fight the shards) but lets say you are a pro at leveling and you get to 110 in one day…

done so now you need to run Frozen Throne once to get the bloods… that is one week. so you have to take the boat in SW to go to the zone… done 15 min of your day wasted but you are there

Then farm the saronites… lets say they are cheap and you get lucky and get them all the next week that is another 15 run to get to northend…

spend 2 weeks getting the souls for the next part of the quest another 15 min…

the fun stuff getting the shards to forge the shadowmorne… that is 4 or even 5 weeks if lucky so that is 5 weeks going waiting for a stupid boat to get to trivial content to get to the raid to get your shards…

congrats you got your shadowmorne now all you need is to kill the LK… whats that your last shard drop from the LK himself welp guess its another week of waitng add another 15 min to get to the zone…

so you got your toy congratulations… you just had to do a 15 min run for 7 to 8 or more weeks when before you just took a portal to get there… FUN!

now lets get the next toy to port you to another place you just needed a portal since it was trivial content…




I don’t get it all expansions starting from BC had tons of portal where does that no portal thingy started already?

Also if your only problem was “there’s too much portals in orgrimmar” then there was an easy fix to that, remove those portals I don’t see why Ogrimmar should have better portals than other cities? If your goal was truly a portal-less world ten just go and remove them, I didn’t mind take a zeppelin time to time so you could’ve added more of those over the time instead of just adding simple portals.

OR Is it because the population is declining and you’re trying to hide that by making everybody converge to the same place?

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You know the hysterical part to this?
BLIZZARD says theyre removing portals 'cuz we don wan yous to feel like mages"
then these alts here give us long lists of MAGIC ITEMS to PORT us where the PORTALS would take us anyway, thereby NULLIFYING what BLIZZARD CLAIMS is the goal of the portal removals



And for people with alts or new players?

I kinda miss the expansion doldrums already. Islands make me think I’ll never get time to actually go back and run old content, but it sucks that nowadays it feels like I should prioritise old content because QoL things I thought would always be there might be removed at any moment.

I regret focusing on Northrend instead of CoT in Legion.

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My plan, part A1345. Get new players so irritated with all that old world crap that they just pay for a boost.

No, supporting Blizzard and their stupid ideas is simply Burning it to the ground. We simply want the status quo as it existed before Blizzard went pants on head stupid.

Someone DID post a list of alternate portal items a few days ago. They all take Rep Grinding, Professions (we only have two mind you), and/or lots of gold to get. Oh, and a number of them no doubt share CDs as well.

Also, as has already been pointed out, all the Hearthstones you get that are in your toybox are linked to the same location.


All I’m interested in is retaining current functionality. You’re the one acting arrogant about how “easy” it is to farm up dozens of toys to keep that same functionality.


Is there a new toy that gets me to CoT faster? If so, please link. Never heard of it.