Rearranging and Removing Portals

Unless I’m totally crazy there is no portal to Old Dal in Stormwind.

And if there was, I’m almost certain it’s about to be removed.

Solutions to a problem that was made a problem by Blizzard for no reason? Why remove things?


“Tch a huge amount of the playerbase upset about this change is overreacting and it doesn’t bother me. It therefore must not matter.” --the .01% of people in this thread that Blizzard will actually listen to.


The cloak teleports you to Stormwind. Stormwind will only have a portal to Jade Forest in 8.1.5.

And your solutions are contradictory and highlight the fact that you don’t do old content with any sort of regularity or you would know that you can’t set the Innkeeper’s Daughter and the regular Hearthstone to two separate locations.


Does me taking a portal directly impact you getting to the same destination? Do I slow you down? Do I force a CD on your travel plans? No. You can still use one of your 500 bag slot warmers to get to where you want, apparently faster than I can, with my portals.

Glad we established that the portals weren’t hurting anything and you’ve got no leg to stand on.


its hysterical when they tell us to just use some item.
My bag space is for FARMING…not 27 portal devices.


I was just on the PTR with the new build. There’s a portal to Old Dal in Orgrimmar – I’m certain Stormwind has an equivalent. It’s even called Dalaran/Crystalsong Forest so people know it’s Old Dal.


Know what scares me?

You could be right.

Please just leave the Caverns of Time portal.


Okay news flash ALL HS go to the SAME place. I have 5 different HS variations, and not ONE of them can be set up to go to a different place. So the fact that I have the book, the normal HS, the V-day HS, the X-mas HS and the innkeeper’s daughter dose me NO good except to free up a bag space not carrying a normal HS.


I’d like to reiterate my idea, since you didn’t care for any of the feed back in the 5k post. Please remove all portals in the game. Add a single portal in the world that changes daily and teleports you to a random spot in the world. This is 2x RNG, similar to how you have to gear in BfA.

I think I’m on to something.


Problem with that is that honest people will lose their jobs. I’d much prefer Blizzard pulled their head out of their butts and stopped being the control freaks they’ve demonstrated they are.




I have to admit this has lessened my rage moderately.

EDIT: Although, I must say, if you’re talking about a totally new portal that was created specifically to make up for a newly-created deficit, and such an addition is not mentioned at all in the OP, then I might hazard a guess in saying that Kaivax doesn’t exactly know what’s in the PTR at the moment.


Doesn’t matter what makes sense to you though. This is an MMORPG and the experience of it all is supposed to matter, not just get here and there quickly

“oh no…BFA is dying…quick, funnel all the players in here”
“sorry sir…they all just quit except for that guy who had 8 alts on the thread”

You answered nothing.

Explain how I’m supposed to set my Innkeeper’s Daughter to Gadgetzen while simultaneously setting my regular Hearthstone to the Shrine in Pandaria.

You’re just posting barely coherent nonsense and acting arrogant about your “solutions”. You’ve proven beyond a shadow of a doubt that you do not run old content with any sort of regularity. Certainly not every week.