This is my point. This seems to be their strategy, since they decided on “vision” over quality back in wod. It may have worked, as you said, short term while they actually developed a higher quality product…but they haven’t.
I’m still waiting (as I’m sure many of us are) for “THE BIGGEST XPAC EVER!” from “THE BIGGEST DEV TEAM EVER!” What the current dev team kept saying during the content drought of MoP.
Some people thought legion was better, but it was as better disguised wod and bfa light. The heart forge or whatever they’re calling it is netherlight 2.0 and we’ll dump as this effort and time into it just in time for it to gray out in 9.0 just in time for as to start our grind for the armplate of exaltedness (see they can keep AP the same for three releases! :P) to keep the old gods from…making Azeroth’s elbows calloused, or something (until we ditch it in 10.0 for the arch power hand!).
…but before someone goes “but it’s always been this way!” I’ll point out that artifacts (yes, yes, I know it’s not an artifact…but sadly it’s as close as we get to one at least with the razor edge thin story for it) from previous releases had usability right up to the first raid tier of the NEXT release, not “for some green” as soon as the next release dropped as someone tried to make it seem. And the powers for it didn’t stop working right away or at a set level either, or have diminished capability, either.
I don’t understand why we can’t just have a consistent “portal mage” in the cities. You don’t need the raw portals always up. It is cluttered, yes. Why not have an npc mage with options?
They’ve always had the permanent ones spaced. I suspect that it has something to do with placement if resources, etc.
Temps ones can stack because they literally fade away 30 seconds later and don’t take up any more resources than a self deleting temp file would on your hard drive.
In theory, it’s a good idea…but there’s too many trolls who would block that NPC like they do the mailboxes. And a person would be much easier to hide than a mailbox. And despite their best efforts (see I can give the devs some credit!) people still manage to obscure the mailboxes.
And yet… we have a horde city where it takes 2+ minutes just to get back and forth from FREQUENTLY used city features. We have longer flight paths and more need of them after EVERY world quest. We have you nerfing our water striders and removing portals that weren’t harming anyone or anything.
Basically, the design team is doing their best to make travel as INCONVENIENT as possible. And now you’re taking away my daze/dismount protection with a nerf to warlock’s [Demon Skin]. Thanks ever so much for that.
And seriously, how long does it take to put in a portal to the Caverns of Time… it’s been two months.
I was fiercely loyal to this game for years. I loved it even when others complained. Just look at my achievements score, if you doubt me.
But now… you’ve just ruined it. You’ve made me HATE playing it. In addition to many other problems, the worst, I think, is the utterly Excessive passive boring unrewarding, time-wasting TRAVEL has sucked what little fun I was having completely out of the game. So I’m done.
I’ve unsubbed. And with the 500 characters I was given to say why, I managed to use every last one:
I’m very angry with BFA. Most Tortollan WQ’s are painfully bad. The water strider nerf REALLY pisses me off. The PORTAL changes are illogical and very inconvenient. Raiding is totally unrewarding, islands dull. And worst: I spend HALF my time on flightpaths. I HATE being passive. The Horde city in BFA is a total time wasting joke. I love the art, the LOA stories and music, but that’s not enough. I’ll re-sub when you stop WASTING MY TIME WITH ALL THESE EXCESSIVE TRAVEL NUISANCES.
The roads, too. What people, in all of history, has created roads that are 3x as long as necessary? Blizzard’s up and over and around and let’s go in the opposite direction roads are not how roads WORK.
I heard about some college campus that studied where paths formed when snow obscured the sidewalks and walkways that had been built… And then put walkways where people went. How novel.
How hard would it be to generate a trail network based on expected usage patterns by npcs and player alike? Probably not that hard at all.
They should also work on clustering WQs together more so that, like story questing, you actually suck around in an an area for more than half a minute after taking 3-6 minutes just to get there.
Yes, that’s why I said the “best efforts” and “give credit” part. But people still do it, and if they made a single portal person, it would just create more of the same.
The portal room (at least the original model) worked, and even updating the look of the portals is fine…they just need to stop with all the nonsense of removing them.
Keep in mind that old content is happening in it’s original time still. So, there’s no reason for the portal network to stop working in Shattrath, Old dal (which isn’t old in wrath content), cata, the MoP shrines, etc.
Because for each of those areas, the portals are supposed to be there and working.
For a dev team that has been spouting “immersion” as a tagline, this isn’t very “immersive” because it makes no sense for the portals to stop working when they are a fundamental part of the universe lore and wouldn’t randomly stop working…
…unless of course the dev team has been lying once again, and “immersion” is just a useless buzzword they were throwing around to try and shove more useless changes that don’t actually improve the game on us.
Hmm,maybe they should clarified what type of immersion they were referring to,was it social,environmental ? This is a big game with years of complexity.
Immersed over our heads until we drown, or rather the things that were great drown. Waters not even clean either. I think it’s the portal refuse pit here.
From the sounds of it, Recruit-A-Friend will probably be on hiatus until Blizzcon 2019, and knowing them the current rewards are probably currently slated to be permanently retired as well until enough players complain about their sudden removal, which was an announcement made without providing enough time for most people to get all the RAF rewards if they haven’t started getting them yet.
Of course, offering the old mount and pet rewards alongside new mount and pet rewards would make a lot of sense for the new iteration of the RAF system, but they don’t always make sensible decisions, and there’s certainly a strong possibility that they will add new restrictions like requiring that the RAF target be a separate Battlenet account entirely instead of simply being a separate WoW account.
I’m sure they’ve got ulterior motives behind the RAF revamp that involve things that they know people won’t like, since they literally refuse to talk about ANYTHING regarding the new system and won’t even confirm or deny if the current rewards are being permanently retired (which in my opinion is almost a confirmation that the current rewards will no longer be obtainable in the new system).
Personally, I hope they aren’t panning on retiring all of the current RAF rewards because all that’s going to accomplish is getting even MORE players to go out at each others’ throats like literally every other controversial change to this game. Do we really need snarky rebuttals like “Oh, you had YEARS to collect all the RAF rewards, you snooze you lose lolololololol!!!” in addition to all the other pointless arguments like the removed portals issue?
Back on the subject of portal rooms, is there any reason why other capitals like Thunderbluff and Ironforge can’t have any portals at all in them? They used to at least have portals to Hellfire Peninsula, but now they’re literally one-way portal dead ends when you go to those places by portal. It would be great if they could at least get basic portal rooms, even if they don’t get the same number of portals as in Orgrimmar and Stormwind.
You would think that they would have portals. What if someone wants to kill their leaders? The champions of Azeroth can’t get there in time to save them.
Also, as I was leveling, I noticed that the boats from Darnassus are gone for low level players, in its place are portals. If their stance is portals must all be consolidated then there shouldn’t be portals on the dock.