I just don’t get it ,why a lawyer is being a designer? That’s like a truck driver trying to fly a space shuttle.
At least truck drivers would actually show some enthusiasm for being given the opportunity to fly it, be grateful they were going to space, wouldn’t go out of their way to spite the taxpayers on a regular basis who were paying his salary, and not look for ways to actively sabotage the shuttle program with counter intuitive ideas that would make people hate NASA and not want to support the space program.
They still haven’t brought the portals back huh? This will go down as one of this dev team’s dumbest decisions. Or have they, I wouldn’t know, my account has been cancelled for over 2 months.
Semper Fi!
Also… The truck driver wouldn’t try to re-imagine the shuttle as a convertible, and change the GCD.
Theoretically, some of the old portals might show up and work if you’re on specific quests. But it sounds pretty hit & miss.
I was going to level up some alts for heritage armor … But now that blizzard seems so eager to burn bridges, why bother? Who knows what they’re gonna nuke next!
It might be gear next from what I’m seeing in GD.they giveth ,they taketh away.
When you’re literally micromanaging the seconds people are in combat by the amount of attacks they can make (the GCD changes) on top of the already ridiculous scaling issues that make things take longer as it is…you have too much time on your hands as a dev.
Time that should obviously be spent IMPROVING the game and quality of life features for players, not gutting them with reckless abandon.
I can’t tell you how often I’m sitting there, either:
-killing some trash pack
-waiting pointlessly to get somewhere that had a much easier and shorter way not long ago
-doing one of many countless other mundane tasks that was needlessly complicated by some dev’s (or devs’) pointless “fixing”
And just found myself tempted to tab out. That’s right, tabbing out, during a mob fight. Funny thing is, for the new zone, they plan on punishing players who do this because they’d rather punish the players for poor design than actually fix what’s wrong with their precious “vision” or finally decide to flush the worthless garbage altogether after years of it continuously failing.
Because when something has driven away most of your paying customers and cost your company untold millions in lost revenue…it’s a failure.
I catch myself doing this rather often these days. If I’m pretty far ahead on the damage meter, I tab out read a bit more of something, keep an eye on my damage meter in the background. If someone starts catching up, I tab back in and pewpew a bit more.
ding ding ding ding. I, personally, loved Deepholm as an area. Honestly, they should do more sub-azerothean content with large/small chambers. Leave flying enabled through it all, just make it more awkward because of tunnels/stalagtites.
And now they’ve suspended the ‘recruit a friend’ program. Rather than just SWITCHING over to a new program when it’s ready, they’re TURNING IT OFF.
If there is any logic to that, it’s “Let’s chase people off so that we can just switch our computational resources over to Classic without spending anything extra.”
It really seems like Blizzard wants lots of us to just STOP PLAYING the retail version.
They are doing this because of classic. You have to have a retail account in order to play classic. They are banking on a lot of players coming back and they do not want them playing for free using Recruit-a-friend accounts is my bet.
But I agree, a company shouldn’t end a program that works until a new one is ready to be put in its place.
They should return as they were before they were removed.
Semper Fi!
Sounds like this dev team wants to work on Classic instead. Well I say let them, they can have their idiotic no-flying-ever-again dream come true then and leave the customers in peace without this moronic adherence stupid a vision that just is not working. Let the current retail version of WoW get a new, preferably talented and much more competent, dev team, we’re long overdue for one if ya ask me.
Semper Fi!
Ain’t that just the truth. Between pruned abilities, rental “progression” gear, and now nerfs to mount abilities so that our mounts, too, can know the joy of rental gear, we’ve reached the point where there’s no reason to work for anything because our “progress” is literally smoke that will be blown away the next time a dev sneezes.
The “regression” mania for classic is spilling over into the retail version.
Ion’s “they think they want it but they don’t” is probably more true about classic than anything else he actually said it about. I wish they’d just get it out and get back to focusing on moving us forward instead of backwards.
This is the problem with blaming classic: classic itself was actually incredibly innovative and had a lot of improvements and leaps forward in terms of things missing from its competitors at the time. In fact, a lot of the devs, leads, and big guild leads in the early days of wow were former everquest players who left that game because…
wait for it…
wait for it…
The devs for that game were seen as elitist, out of touch, and failing to address the needs of the playerbase. A lot of people thought it could be done better, that they didn’t deserve to be condescend to and ignored by people they were paying a monthly sub fee for something they came to enjoy and do on their off hours…and when wow took off, it eventually left everquest in the dust because it delivered on all fronts, and steadily improved on all areas and for the most part, listened to their player’s concerns. Or, when the sub numbers starting dipping because they thought they knew better…quickly changed their tune.
Enter the current dev team, who suddenly think they know best and repeating the mistakes of the past is somehow a good thing.
Because several of the devs were from EQ that came over which brought that culture into wow.And the cycle begins anew.
I’d love to have seen that pitch:
“Hey, you know that mmorpg that we tanked with our losing strategy, attitude, and alienating the playerbase? We’d like to bring the same thing to YOUR mmorpg (you know, our former competitor that left us in the dust because we refused to change and beat us in just about every way), and tank it as well, costing you millions of players, many times as much in revenue…and turn your flagship product into something you kind of mention in your quarterly reports and have to hide the numbers for in other products because of how bad a job we’re going to do.”
I mean, who would hire these people?
I suppose, the same people who let them keep their jobs after they cost the company that much money, and continue to drive their former flagship product into the ground.
It make you wonder after this portal,ww and wf/tf ,what are they really working on when it’s a sign of a repeated cycle.
Exactly! Everything thy are doing runs counter to even a Freshman level business course principles on just about every level. If wow was their only product, one could speculate they were trying to devalue their company’s stock price for an advantageous position, but almost as if they knew what the devs were planning was going to go over so poorly the people at actiblizz spread out their game portfolio right around the same time wod came out (I don’t remember the exact words, but at the time it didn’t seem off, but hindsight is 20/20).
The move away from traditional games towards mobile platforms, a focus on lower quality first person games (the most recent CoD didn’t even have a single player mode, yet charged full price), the focus on loot box style borderline gambling…all things indicate a significant drop in quality while increasing the price. Which means that sooner or later, another 80s style gaming crash is bound to happen.
Which means gaming might stink for a while, but as most everyone remembers…late 80s and early 90s console wars gave us some of the best games out there and set the stage for a lot of what we have today (at least the better stuff.
I think the current management is operating in a very reactive mode. They are banking on loyal customers to continue to buy over priced items to carry them through the year, and it should. Long term though it is probably not a very good strategy. They are alienating a large group of loyal customers with their current moves.
But, they are banking on their customers having short-term memories and since BFA is a dead game right now, it is a good time to strip the game of the things these developers do not like.
This game is 15 years old.Alot of memories have been made and shared with people,some complete strangers,but yet they want to change it so drastically that those returning wouldn’t recognize it just like what happen in cata. I too look at it from the time I started now I’m beginning see it wasn’t what I remembered it even some of the story lines my alts would go through are now lost in time and forgotten.Is this the route they wish to take? I hope not.
I do want the portals back the way they were.Dark portal had alot of memories going through there both with pve and pvp.