What they don’t seem to comprehend is, that in a state where they are bleeding subs, that doubling-down on dumb ideas is a “digging your way out of a hole” approach.
People are leaving. Instead of tidying up all those jobs that were raised in WoD, improve the game.
Make it so I can instantly teleport to any dungeon/raid from where I am, and have it teleport me back to a known location (like the Death Knight’s Death Gate ability).
Make it so my Water Strider has permanent water walking and cannot get other equipment.
Let me roll a new Allied race without restriction.
When you add new races or classes, add new character slots so that I don’t have to delete a toon to make a new one.
When you make an Azerite power overpowered and nerf it, give me a free Azerite item, as you know I will have to change it.
When I change specs, let my Azerite power change to the power I’ve chosen for the spec.
Let me choose the Island Expeditions to do, so that I can target the object I’m farming.
None of the above suggestions bring any harm to anyone in game, all of them would provide benefit to at least some people in game. I thought of all of this as I play the game.
If Blizzard devs played the game, they too would have a list that makes sense. Unfortunately, every change is some good, some bad, and in a state where people are leaving the game in droves, this doesn’t make for better sales next expansion.