Rearranging and Removing Portals

Yeah I’m not a big fan of that either but I understand it, sometimes you get swept up in emotion.

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What part of ‘more travel time than necessary’ did you miss in the ‘missing portals’ memo?


Hello Pot this is Kettle, have we met?

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Nah… Why would he do that?


Really, I’m off to bed. Gnite =D

and then theres that.
I farm all day.
ANY changes that drag out MY travel time affects how much time I can farm.
not too hard to figure out why removing portals would irritate those who farm.


you do what?
Quest all day in BfA?
No portals needed for that.
Try farming 30 + trips a day IN OLD CONTENT, then get back with me.


You know what “diminishes the sense of the world having a meaningful size” even more than portals? Rendering the content of every expansion before the current one (and often every piece of content in the current expansion before the current patch) irrelevant outside of a handful of pets/toys/mounts/transmog items.

New players can basically jump straight to 120 without ever worrying about playing the rest of this game, because the expansion stories are almost entirely unconnected, the total character development of central NPCs over the past 14 years hasn’t even been a tenth of that of (much younger) competing MMORPGs, and the previous WoW landmasses now serve almost no purpose other than to house the instances people are solo running to fill up their collections.

Insisting that making it take even longer for people to roam abandoned landscapes in order to actually get to the fun stuff is something that needed to be “corrected” for the good of the game is utter horseship. Nobody was complaining about having these minor conveniences in an ostensibly fun-driven video game; nobody was quitting because portals existed.

No, this change is entirely about making it take longer to do things for the sake of making it take longer to do things, in order to eke out a little more on all the measured metrics. It’s just another in the long list of mean-spirited, anti-player changes that have no legitimate justification in terms of the actual welfare of the game.


Art team always does a great job designing zones. But the dev team is always finding ways to make zones dead.

Removing portals ensures many areas will become dead. That isn’t how you make a world feel bigger.

Players running around from other shards in a lagfest to reach portal rooms in Orgimmar/Stormwind is plain stupid lol.


It clearly wasn’t intended to be a joke. In no way did it come across as a joke of any sort, rather a deliberate insult intended to prove that your index finger is less lazy when you do nothing than people who play all day and like to get things done.

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gasp don’t use logic!!! pushes you back run you fool their coming!!


The Uldum portal is a zone and a half away from the Caverns. That’s an extra couple minutes per character per attempt for no good reason.


oddly you showed seconds after someone else whos already been on four alts ‘logged out’ for the night?

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I do not believe you.

Stop overreacting and acting like a schoolmarm.

In a year, Ion will be in doing a Q&A and talking about portals…

…“yes, we probably went too far”

How many times do you need to make the same mistakes over and over again to realise they are bad decisions?


I’ve been saying this for years… back in BC people on other MMO forums used to complain about how WoW wasn’t a real MMO and used to trash talk flying mounts. how real MMO’s made you run everywhere. Now those people are the ones running and developing WoW.

Doubt me? No flying anymore during relevant content for several xpaks and now even travel in old content is being nerfed… Everyone who wanted the next WoW killer finally figured it out, go to work on WoW and kill it from the inside.


Clarify that lol

To my brain all raids means all raids

firstly you dont get to tell me how I react.
Secondly I dont believe you either.
No one who actually farms all day in OLD content is going to be ok with this POINTLESS change.