Rearranging and Removing Portals

The other thread with the condescending blue post has over 5k replies with great input from a lot of people with different perspectives.

Then they make a new thread asking for our input.

This is like when they deleted the beta forums and claimed we never give them feedback.

They do not care about any of our input. Nothing written here matters. Leaves rustling in the wind have greater impact on Blizzard design decisions.


well that’s easy, when the people leave and the game sinks and they start losing their jobs.

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This is the perfect time to rage quit.

Ah, but then you’re still being penalized. Because there are areas where you’ll lose out. This benefits nobody except the devs who report time played as a “measure” to investors.

This was not done for the Players benefit. This was done for the Investors Benefit.

Let’s not try and sugar coat it, shall we?

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my two youngest were like 4 and 6 when they got the talk about learning from their mistakes.
they figured out what college educated men here evidently cant

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Combining this with the changes made to raid lockouts for alts makes me glad I’ve earned many of the old mount drops I want. Taking multiple conveniences away seems counter intuitive and probably won’t have the result of making more people play longer or engage in old world content.

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nah. More beneficial to keep posting links to the bonfire going on allover the web over this stupid, pointless change

Cant believe anyone who says that travel time makes no difference in farming all day.
Sorry. that was my first piece of evidence that you dont.


Already did canceled my 6 month sub. I am only here because FF14 is on maintenance .


A suggestion for one additional guiding principle, then: don’t, if it can at all be avoided, take away earned rewards from your game’s players.

That list includes things such as flight, water walking, things like transmogs (seasonal locks on items that were never previously locked, for example), and - in this case - portals.

Anything the player has EARNED through gameplay (and yes, I’m including portals, because they’ve previously been earned by leveling up to a point they can be reached) shouldn’t be being taken away.

This sort of thing never goes over well, because it makes your players feel as if they’ve utterly wasted their time. And in a game where the metric has allegedly shifted to “time spent,” who in their right mind wants to feel like they’re spending more time just for rewards that are possibly going to be stripped if the policy remains as “yeah, we’ll remove things you’ve earned on a semi-regular basis now”?

If you want to retain more players, a statement along the lines of “we’ve discussed it, and we’ve decided that taking things away from you guys on the regular is a pretty big disincentive to your satisfaction, happiness, and desire to continue play” would be grand.

A multi-paragraph “we hear you’re unhappy, but we have REASONS for inconveniencing you (that are only philosophical and not practical, unlike your own concerns)” - not so much.

Baffling. Utterly baffling.


I feel sorry for the current CMs as they lost a lot of experienced CMs. 2019 is going to be a rough ride the next 9 months lol.

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My mom did that the smart way.

“Don’t touch the stove.” some parents would stop at that. My mom?

“Don’t touch the stove. It’s hot. It’ll burn you and it’ll hurt.”

Sure enough, as children, we were stupid. We touched the stove. We learned from our mistakes. We respected our mother because she didn’t just say “don’t do it.” but she said why not to do it.

She taught us to never accept blanket answers. Always ask questions.


I already have my bet on who are going to be the next 2 after this PR disaster that is brewing XD

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Blizzard: “Hey, we’re making another unnecessary, mean-spirited, anti-player change designed to make you waste more time and/or spend more money! We think you’ll love it!”

WoW playerbase:


Just another big “FU” from Blizzard to make our gaming less enjoyable. Thx Blizzard.


You can make him believe it by posting a screenshot of your saved instances addon, unless you don’t have that, I know most alt people do.

I would never wish anyone to be fired. Losing a job sucks!

But sometimes I wonder what is happening at Blizz HQ lol.

So the big question here is ‘why remove trivial portals to trivial content’
The rational, obvious answers make no sense at all. No logical, reasonable person would consider it beneficial in any way to the game at all.

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