Rearranging and Removing Portals

This is disingenuous BS. None of these excuses cover what we’re complaining about. This just makes the game more tedious. All of the items that you name checked in this post are gated behind substantial time investments in the location that they teleport to. Once you’ve done enough to get those items you probably don’t need to go back anyway.

My game time is currently set to not auto renew (I made that decision because of your heinous treatment of your employees while making record profits.) I have been unsure whether I’ll give you more money when it runs out. You’ve got a few months to change my mind, but decisions like this certainly weigh heavily in the ‘don’t renew’ direction.

I own everything you have put out since Warcraft II. You were a company in the top tier of all the categories I think about when making purchasing decisions. However, in the span of time from just before Blizcon to now you have flushed over two decades of good will down the toilet. Your handling of PR at Blizzcon (the Diablo Immortal announcement in particular, but not limited to that); the killing of HotS esports and the callous, short-sighted, mean spirited and career destroying way that was handled; laying off hundreds of vital employees while on the same day announcing record profits (this was just straight up Sylvanas level EVIL); tons of small game play decisions that make WoW feel both rudderless and anti-player, anti-fun (like the portal removal, azerite reforging, another mission table… but no way to hire troops, thoughtless rollouts of new features greatly favoring one group of players over another, and on and on and on); what we learned about how Diablo III late stage development was handled; the quotes from various executives concerning profit over gameplay and player fun; the frankly obscene bonus paid to your most recent exec level hire; watching all the trusted names of the last two decades jump ship, it all adds up to I no longer trust you. You were in my mental category of ‘always good games and generally good company’ which made me happy to give you my money. You are now in the ‘Eww they’re scummy and are making poor development decisions’ category making me think very hard before giving you any more money.

I have hundreds of other computer games I could be playing, many from other game developers who still fall into the ‘good games, good company’ category. You’re making it very tempting to turn my back on WoW & Blizzard and go sink my time and money elsewhere.

Wow typing this all out has made me realize I’m significantly angrier at you than I thought I was and it’s far beyond just the portal idiocy.

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No…a few of you, if you arent all alts, agree that its ok to make pointless changes that in NO stretch of the imagination benefit this game or even one single player in it.
You could ALWAYS have chosen not to use those portals. that was on YOU when you did use them. There was no valid reason to remove them. period.

That said, I just posted two more videos above where the VAST majority of comments are AGAINST this change.
So you have three people tops in here who agree with you while I can see numerous HUNDREDS who dont.


3 minutes on my shaman. And my hunter. And my mage. And my druid. And my rogue. And by the time we get to all 12 classes i’m at over half an hour of staring at the same FP cinematic.

Good for you if you only play one class though.


Dense, tone deaf replies seem to be the standard way of communicating with the players these days. Do you guys just not really see the whole idea is disliked? Or do you see it and screw our views on it anyway?

From current content to changes like these. Its clear youve lost the passion for making this a great game anymore.


The least demanding, least costly, highest profit subscribers. Emergent play style. And Blizzard is driving them out.
It is bizarre.


It sort of reminds me of the big mess Bethesda has been in since Fallout 76 launched. Nothing short of bizarre moves that make me wonder if they’re trying to gut their own company, grab the profit and run.

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You have been enraged about this for like 3 hours now with countless posts. Might be best to step back for a night and reassess tomorrow. I know you probably won’t, but being this upset does no one any good and its unlikely to change the outcome.

Anyways, I’m out for the night. Have a good one folks. I hope calmer heads prevail.

You followed the near 5000 posts on that other thread about how losing the CoT portal would be more detrimental than helpful, and you came to the conclusion that including a CoT portal still wasn’t warranted? I just logged on to the latest build of the PTR and there’s no CoT portal in the portal room.

Also, because its bugging the crap out of me – why does the opening at the top of the portal room show a night sky & moonlight? It’s never nighttime anymore.


I think you need to take your own advice.

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I sometimes wish I only played one character lol

But my Warlock got invincible, my DK got Green Proto Drake and Rivendares mount from tank satchels in WoD, my Priest got me Mims head, my Druid got me Ravenlord mount (obviously :stuck_out_tongue: ) and so on so I persist

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Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyy too many internet thugs here as usual. The amount of NON CONSTRUCTIVE whining is out of control. There’s literally one true place being affected by portals. That is Northern Eastern Kingdoms. EVERYTHING else has a portal, Item, boat or some other way to get there. This overreacting to every little minor change, calling the devs names, wishing for firings (oh wait…), and just plain disrespect is ridiculous.

Oh well…

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I’m not upset. Goodnight =)

Be honest… You are switching to a different alt to post on that one instead aren’t you?


hopefully whatever it is that you use every day is removed in the next patch.

COT…no portal.


Actually, no. He just explained their justification. Whether they “make sense” to anyone but a bean counter is questionable. They’re still trying to get us to accept their excuses as Truth™. They got you.


of course :roll_eyes:

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If I had a crystal ball, I’d say, that because they are out of touch, they did not realize this would be an issue with the majority of players, and now it would take extra work to revert something that is being released next week. So instead of delaying the patch and fixing their mistake, they are going with the, “We have always done this” defense.


Sounds like you never go out in the world at all.