It’s a reasonable question, one that furthers the discussion and requires no special insight or knowledge of the gaming industry. In fact, all’s that is required in an opinion on this topic…one that anyone who has posted on this thread at least once, clearly has. In fact, anyone who has posted more than once should be able to answer this question with ease.
Based on the responses from this thread and elsewhere, I can say it clearly hasn’t improved the game, or lured people to play. In fact, quite the opposite. More than one person here has said it was their “final straw” issue based on a long series of similar decisions this development team has made in the past.
I’d be surprised anyone wouldn’t be able to answer this question!
Spoke too soon…
Keep in mind, the author of the nugget above has no problems speculating when it suits him:
Not everyone bothered to pick up all the flight points. People (myself included) like to go where the game doesn’t want to let me yet. I once took the zeppelin to Northrend at level twelve. If you can’t fly to the Dark Portal, and you don’t know any fp there, and you’ll die every few steps trying to walk there, it might as well not even exist for you.
Nobully ,you are rumbling .Do you have a principle as to why you think this when it is not true.The dark port actually did function or all those pvper actions didn’t happen there.
It was revamped 2 times since then as far as I can remember ,one which in Wod completely closed it off.They did have a portal to it made to hellfire of which now is gone,so the only way is to shattrath and the great run around for your starter toon there.
I can second that. There were definitely multiple times when I tried passing through the dark portal and it wouldn’t permit passage. I considered it closed and can’t recall having tried it since, instead using the portals from Cleft of Shadow to Blasted Lands or Hellfire Penninsula, depending on where I was going.
(or more likely, since it was Black Temple runs I had been using the Dark Portal for… I’d use the Ever-Shifting Mirror to hop over from Draenor’s Shadowmoon Valley which was easier to get to with my garrison’s portal building.)
Of course, this was all very much pre-portal gate… so I’ve no idea if it’s been fixed since.
I was in the PTR checking out the downstairs Grand Portal Room CoT spot. (At least the art team is on task! )
Out of curiosity, I popped down to Blasted Lands. (I guess Org>UC portal>Stranglethorn Portal is the best route now).
“Current” Blasted Lands has a Dark Portal that glows red and sends you to Ashran with no way back to Blasted Lands. (The portal is blown up on my Draenor side).
“Past” Blasted Lands (talk to Zidormi) has a Dark Portal that glows green and fails to teleport me anywhere. _ _ yaaay _ _
Tried both flying and walking just now on PTR. Neither work in old Blasted Lands, pretty sure it’s been like that for a while.
New Blasted Lands only goes to Draenor.
It either got vendored or ended up in void storage, I don’t hit BT that often. When I do, it’s usually on my Demon Hunter who never did any of the quests in that zone.
In other words…
After totally removing the old ‘room’ from Cleft of Shadows because it was ‘messy’ i.e., Portals in various places and levels, Blizzard is now going to revamp its brand new, clean-and-efficient portal room by expanding it by adding levels.
No, sers; lovely! I can think of no better way for them to admit they were completely wrong.
Again. Flips hair and sips tea
I could see this as an issue if you are a newer player and don’t recognize the pictures they put inside the portal bubble. It took me a few minutes to find old Dalaran since it is no longer called Dalaran and the picture is of some forest I never quested in. Same with pandaland.
I once decided to go to the Swamp of Sorrows through Deadwing pass even though the pass was level 55 and I was level 30. Spiders ate me for lunch. But I had fun attempting to go someplace the game didn’t want me to go.
I enjoy exploring and portals allowed me the freedom to take my baby toons to places I wanted to go with them. Sad that they made it much more difficult to have fun in this game.
I hear you I do the same,I don’t know if it is the excitement of exploring something new or the danger involved.But porting them or a member of the guild does make it all worth it.
For me it is the challenge of attempting to do something different. When I leveled my baby rogue on the timeless island it was fun trying to tag the rares without aggroing the mobs in the area and trying not to die. When I leveled doing herbing in Suramar it was the challenge of out foxing the wolves so I wouldn’t become their lunch. Having portals to places that my baby toons could use made those things possible and that was how I spent my time in the game.
Blizzard’s mission statement is " Dedicated to creating the most epic entertainment experiences…ever"
Being able to get to places that were dedicated to higher level players made my entertainment an epic experience. Now, I am stuck doing the same old grind day in and day out. There is nothing epic about that.
I do like it though. I can now choose to quest in whatever area i want to quest in instead of getting locked into specific ones. For example, I hated Outlands, now I can skip it. So they did one thing right.
Yeah I don’t expect orderly organization from horde, but still.
Main Portal Room, One Portal per Expansion, sorted:
alphabetically? … nope
chronologically? … nope
by color? … nope
If there is an ‘order’ to the portals, I can’t suss it out.
And, wait a minute, Silvermoon and Shattrath are BOTH from BC, so that’s TWO portals for the same expansion. Huh, weird.
Downstairs is for ‘other portals’, and ‘next expansions’ probably (if there are any at this rate). Okay, fine, whatever. Maybe they’ll put Silvermoon down there and Portal to 9.0-land upstairs.
Broken Isles doesn’t go to new Dalaran because we’ve already got a Hearthstone for that, so… why not Thunder Totem or Shal’aran instead of beyond useless Court of Farondis?
MoP goes to Honey’dew and Paw’don instead of Shrines because, I guess, people might level past without getting the attunement for the vale, so what? Flying in MoP is now automatic not purchased seperately, making the shrines accessible to anyone level 90. Just level restrict it to 90 and let them go to the shrines ffs.
They could have crowd-sourced ideas from barren’s chat and come up with something that made more sense than this.
For me it was Dustwallow Marsh. Snuck down there as my highest level 30+ warlock tip-toeing around spiders and such.
I found Onyxia’s lair back, back while it was still ‘current/end game’ stuff. I felt like Bilbo sneaking around Smaug’s lair, was a delightfully memorable experience.
I wish Blizzard would take the guardrails off and let us get ourselves in over our heads if we choose. We can always take the rez-sickness and hearth from a graveyard if we get completely lost. Just LET US.
That is another thing that should be fixed. Stormwind’s portal room is more or less organized by having lower level portals at one end of the main room and higher level portals on the other.
In Orgrimmar, the portals are arranged in a completely random order in the main room. They should probably rearrange the portals in Orgrimmar so that it either goes in clockwise or counter-clockwise order of lowest level portals to highest level portals, with additional chambers to cover higher level portals that don’t fit on the main level.
Frankly speaking, making the Orgrimmar portal room an un-expandable circle was a dumb idea in the first place (they should have just made the main level an expandable room made from modular parts just like Stormwind’s, perhaps they could still do that in a future patch), but there’s literally no reason why they can’t arrange the portals in a way that makes more sense than they do now.
Just saw several people in trade trying to find out what happened to all the portals. They were trying to use them for children’s week and were not too happy to find that they are no longer there. So not everyone has been around for this, I pointed them to check the forums for the posts and more info.
I mentioned that it was pretty much that they want the world to seem bigger and was met with several comments back. One being “I haven’t heard ANYONE say that all this seems just TOOO small” ROFL