Rearranging and Removing Portals

Interesting point about the new system and needing signs for the portals. Jut shows one more way this wasn’t properly tested or really for anyone’s benefit…except for another desperate attempt to pad their metrics.

Maybe it was their actual goal once…it hasn’t been their real goal for quite some time. Otherwise someone in high level management would have stepped in and done something about the ongoing train wreck that has been wow since wod. because the only thing “epic” about this team is their ability to lose customers, exasperate the ones they still have, and lose their shareholder’s money for several years now.

Homogenized play experience, removing quality of life features (Portalgate, etc)…you aren’t feeling “immersed” in this “massive” world?!

Shocked, shocked I tell you!

And yet, they’ll keep trying to get blood (metrics) from this stone even though their own numbers tell them this is a losing strategy.

This would be like when Kodak refused to see the writing on the wall about digital cameras and didn’t move to invest early in that technology.

And one of the earliest powerhouses and innovators in film barely exists any more.

And people once said the things about them that people say about wow.

The moral of the story: no business is immune to the power of their own lack of foresight and terrible decision making skills.


It really boils down to this:

Activision for months: We’re introducing AMAZING BEAUTIFUL new portal rooms in both faction cities!

Customers: WOW!!!

Activision: …and HERE THEY ARE!!! Oh by the way, we’ve removed many portals.

Here’s a tip, Activision; If you’re going to take a way something from your games. You might want to mention it first.

Re: 11,271 responses to this post.


How about in lieu of the missing portals, we get a whistle for every expansion?

Too much? Well, here’s a thought. How about direct flights? Nothing like wanting to go to a point directly south of me in the same zone, and the flight path takes me in a large C shape, going into 2 more zones before bringing me back to the zone I was in. Uldum and Felwood are 2 of the worst culprits.


Lol, how about this… with built-in bag-space-chewing/gold-sink Actiblizzard-friendly anti-fun:

Create a new “Inscription” recipe: Flightpath Upgrade Coupon

Reasonably trivial reagents to make, stacks up to 200.

Consuming one gives you a 2 minute buff that makes your next flightpath travel -instant-. poof

They would sell like hotcakes.

They need to do plenty of ‘expanding’ to fix this… It is still clunky to travel about. Also move this portal room to the Cleft of Shadow instead of it’s weird ‘kinda at the gate’ location.

steals some tea

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Agreed and totally! The new location makes it much more vulnerable to Alliance incursions!
Flips hair and goes to fill his teacup
Hmm; kettle is empty? Oh well…
Sashays into the kitchen for to make some soothing late afternoon concoction: so necessary after such a long and exciting day

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It is a weird location, I mean if Org was being invaded, help coming from portals would be sitting ducks.


That’s not what I’m talking about, and you know it.

Do you want the portal system to improve? Then push for solutions that actually have a chance of happening. Acting as if the only acceptable solution is for a complete reversal of the portal-pocalypse will end up accomplishing nothing, because a complete reversal will never happen.

But Blizz has already iterated on the change, by adding the CoS portals next patch. Push for another change that further improves things! Find something that might happen, get the community behind it, explain to the devs how it fixes a flaw in the system-as-is, and maybe you can get a win out of this. I think getting a Zandalari Hearthstone, to keep alongside my Garrison HS and my Legion Dalaran HS, could be possible.

I have absolutely no intention of ‘negotiating’ or whatever, like this is something reasonable.
There was absolutely no reason to mess with portals and, once again, no issues whatsoever until Blizzard made it so.
They are clearly in the wrong AGAIN!
Flips hair!


You have instant ques for dungeons, flying summoning stones this ship has long sailed. Horrible fight for blizzard to pick. How about focusing on good content instead of of making it three time longer to get to an old raid to do a mount run for that 1 in a 100


I would rather not have another item to add to my bags. I would much rather have a portal system that takes players to key locations that are frequently used. I was very happy having a Kara portal (a very popular instance) and a Dalaran Crater portal (to get to the instances up that way). I was happy with COT for those instances and MT. Hyjal for Firelands.

They need to put the shrine portal back so that those instances are within better reach. Old Dalaran is fine for those instances. And they need to put New Dalaran back since that just makes sense. Azuna does not.

So in the end, they just need to put the portals they took out, back in. Problem solved.


I absolutely know that’s “not what you meant”. I figured the sarcastic tone of my post would convey that.

Realistically, I firmly believe that the convenience of Boralus/offensive inconvenience of dazor’alor was done deliberately to drive players over to the alliance side. And I’m not expecting quality of life improvements on the horde side until blizzard thinks that enough have switched.

And while, yes, a complete reversal would be nice, and easiest… I would rather have new portals that make better sense. One way, no return portals from major locations, like the shrine, make no sense. Mixing portals to City/hubs with portals to starter areas, makes no sense. Funneling everyone through org/SW everytime, doesn’t make sense.

I’m all for campaigning to get blizzard to address the need for more and better portals, but it seems clear that they have committed to a design direction that minimizes portals and they clearly aren’t interested in listening to feedback that doesn’t align with it.

My main complaint right now is that I spend too much time, now more than ever, getting to the content I want to do… Than I do actually doing that content. If they make flight paths significantly faster… That alone would help.

But, from what little they’ve said… They don’t want that. So people like me will continue to get bored with the watered down game experience and leave to find other games that don’t put us on hold over and over.


and now we come to Children’s Week.

guess what? one part sends you to Caverns of Time. I have 2 alts that don’t have w/e rep you need to use the NPC in the tavern.

Hallow’s Eve event would have been a total PITA without the portals i needed to use to collect all the candy buckets.

revamp all those events that send you everywhere and back again, or restore portals that you keep requiring us to need to do the world events.

As I saw elsewhere, put an NPC in the portal room that gives more portal selections, instead of trying to cram more portals into that room.


What a load of BS!!! It took so long to get from place to place WITH the portals when not on my mage…Now No portal to caverns of time , Dalaran and Ironforge Make it an ordeal to get to those places! You have cheated us by taking away something we need to keep from spending too much time doing nothing but riding a bird to get to a place we need to go. It wastes our time that we could and should be using to actually PLAY the game. One more way this new design team has screwed over players. You want our $$ but do not want to give us the player experience we desire in the game. It was an asinine move that hurts players game experience. You need to fix your screw up !!! No wonder so many players have abandoned the game !! This is just one more bullsh*t move on an ever growing list of crap you have done to screw us.


I’ve played probably half of what I did when the portals weren’t locked down in the portal rooms, and I could easily port to blasted lands, CoT, and Kara.

To the point that it took me a few days to renew recently.

The mobility sucks enough now that I don’t play my alts that I was mog farming on.


I’m in-game less than half what I used to be. Mostly because the WQ’s and emissaries have nothing useful for me.

I do my weekly IE’s, kill Jaina(lfr), -maybe- do the weekly event quest (usually not). Try to find guildmates for an M+ run, but I’m skipping that now because they don’t run their mains anymore because we lost interest in raiding, so no one is pushing keys.

Then I log out and just hang out here on the forums grumping.


That right playerbase! Roll over and accept the devs setting fire to the game once again, because those white tower types that clearly have no idea what they are doing for three releases now when it comes to player satisfaction and quality of life improvements know better than you! Just tell them what type of kindling they can use, not to set the fire in the first place.

Because when the devs essentially announce they want to drive more people away from the game, you can’t tell them NO…you can only tell them HOW.


At least someone gets it. I mean, since when did negotiating with people who clearly don’t have your best interests at heart become a thing? I mean, I’m not going to meet someone halfway who wants to steal all my stuff…


Didnt even finish your point before you negate it.
They caved on the COT portal because of player screams.
its absolutely absurd for you to make the joke claim that they wont reverse the rest in some fashion if we make it clear this is an issue worth quitting over.


They moved the portals and locked them.

They are the ones continually sewing this game with threads of “you can’t do that” and “that’s not how we want you to have fun”.

It’s infuriating and I’m pretty fed up.


Imagine if they devoted the time, energy, and development resources into coming up with NEW quality of life improvements for the game.

Instead, they sit around and think of new and inventive ways to make the game more inconvenient for their customers. Something they’ve known for years (going back as far as wod) literally drives people away from the game in droves. Their own reports tell them this is a losing strategy.

What’s the definition of insanity? Doing the same thing and expecting different results.