Rearranging and Removing Portals

it did, however, help to get me invested in ESO instead of WoW.
Taking our tools away…nerfing the game into dirt…making the game less and less fun every stinking Tuesday morning…then expecting my sub $$$ doesnt work for me.


yeah…dont expect much of that around here.
They love to make the claims…they just dont like to back them up with…you know…facts and crap.


“Portalgate” is shorthand for this entire debacle. It’s there, has been the entire time. Honesty isn’t your strong suit, and this is the third time I’ve called you on it recently on this discussion. It’s pretty telling you can’t have an honest discussion without lying about what someone is saying.

If you provided an actual link to that post, sure. Anyone can put words in a quote box. Given your track record of not being honest, you really need to link something not directly from the new forums.

And for anyone missing the connection: travel time, quality of life features, and the current dev team’s fel bent pursuit of padding metrics with moves like Portalgate in spite of the strategy being proven to be a failure.


just because you choose to twist my words to mean things they clearly don’t mean, doesn’t make me dishonest.

and yet… this “portalgate” term was not used in the post you were referencing.
seems like you’re the one being dishonest.
(nor is “portalgate” actually a thing, other than in your own mind)

put the quote into a search engine if it means that much to you.

there is no connection.
you’re attempting to align portals, with a totally unrelated political scandal.

Why are people so angry about portals?

A number of reasons. For me, it’s partly because the game world is 8 expansions larger than it was in Vanilla, and getting around to all those places takes a lot of time without portals. I don’t want to waste my time traveling, I want to spend it playing the game.

Another problem for me is just the whole concept of constantly removing stuff that isn’t hurting anything or anyone. Removing master loot from even guild runs instead of limiting the removal to pugs. Removing the water strider’s signature ability instead of simply making more types of water walking mounts. Removing portals under the guise of “making the world bigger” when all the removal truly does is make players waste time traveling and/or simply avoid all the content that isn’t current expansion content.

I like the new portal rooms as a concept, but they don’t have all the portals I used. For me, the portal rooms are a complete waste of time without portals to all the cities and places the old portal hubs had.


find something people aren’t angry about.

i challenge you!

I guess I don’t mind.

I just use one of my oodles of methods of self-portaling.

Or I walk.

Rather, the lack of them and the completely needless removal of them.
Nobody wanted it.
Nobody complained.
The only real reason I can see is that Blizzard wants us to stay centered in a few areas so we won’t notice that there are fewer players AND Blizzard’s continuing stealth removal of various areas.
Anyone gone to the Abysmal Depths lately? I know, many of you don’t care; trust me, that’s how it starts.


Here is the full quote, with link:

Oct 19, 2013 (Edited)
I just hit 90. I do remember thinking, wow, the developers sure do favor the Horde, but then I realized I’m only going to be making the trip ONCE per character. The Alliance Shrine is closer to the tiller farm, and I use that EVERY DAY. Alliance is favored in this case in regards to the placement of the faction shrines in the Vale.

So, not so much a complaint about how far the Horde Shrine is from the farm, as a counter to the “Horde bias” claim.


I’m still waiting for you to find a single post from a horde “complaining that they had to travel soooooooo much further than alliance to get to from their shrine to the farm”.
All you have come up with is an Alliance posting a rebuttal to claims of bias.
So would you like to try once more to actually support your claim that Horde were complaining about this, or was that the best you could come up with?

Well - I do believe only a bullying troll would seriously threaten something like that in this context. So I’ll give you the benefit of the doubt and guess you’re not serious, sweetie.


This plays a big role. When you herd people into one area, the game does look busier than it is. There is another reason though…

They needed to get people to be in areas they are measured on. When the suits sit down with the developers to discuss the xpac performance, they want facts and figures.
If the developers show them the number of people who are hanging out in New Dalaran, the suits are going to start to ask questions like why did they spend so much money on a new xpac if everyone is playing an old xpac.

However, if the developers can change it so that it is more convenient for players to hang out in the new xpac, then they could point to those numbers and the suits will be fooled into believing that the money spent was worth what was produced.

Removing the Dalaran portals and placing them into a New Portal room moves people out of old content into new content and helps the developers keep this facade up.

Too bad they are not measured on real customer satisfaction. Perhaps then they wouldn’t do stuff like this and strider-gate.


Honestly, the removal of portals isn’t the problem – the fact that there isn’t a Dazar’alor/Boralus Harbor hearthstone is the real issue. If I had a Dazar’alor HS I could then set the normal HS to wherever is useful to me, and I’d never even notice the removal of portals.

[edited to add:]

Oh, and the Pandaria portal really should go to Shrine, and not Jade Forest. The other portals either take us to the central hub of the expansion (Shattrath, Crystalsong Dalaran) or to the starting zone if and when there is an alternate route to the hub (i.e. the portal to Azsuna when we have a HS to new Dalaran).

Moving the Pandaria portal endpoint to the Vale of Eternal Blossoms is more consistent with the endpoints of the other portals.


One of your alts? :wink:

ETA: oh, I see, one person responding to a thread you started about problems with the vale, all of which seem pretty trivial considering the design problems that have become Blizzard standard practice since then.


Technically “people complained” implies plural. You found one. So, you’re halfway there.

But don’t bother, I’m sure the “infinite number of monkeys” rule will guarantee that someone somewhere parroted the same relatively minor complaint compared to today’s more striking travel inequities.


Some of us solo/speed-run legacy raids for old 0.02% drop rate mounts that we never got. I think I did Ulduar around 100 times before I finally got Mimiron’s head.

I’m still trying to get some mounts from Dragon Soul, ICC, ToT, SoO, Nalak, and others.

Finding ways to shave seconds off of each attempt (Because honestly, at 0.02% it may take hundreds of runs), is something we strive for.

And then Blizzard yanked out old portals making it take, in some cases, almost 5 MINUTES longer just to get to the same place as before. Basically it makes most of the runs take about 10% to 20% longer than before. Which adds up.

And feels bad, because all the practice and gearing and tricks we learned to make those runs efficient and short… just went out the window.

And for what? They could have added the portal room without ripping out old portals… so we didn’t “get” anything for this, we just lose time.

Or, like me, you just give up. Bad enough waiting through the RP interludes in those raids, now I have to wait up to 5 extra minutes passively travelling TO the raid? Screw that.

Warcraft is basically all “Queue for stuff” and “flightpath between every activity” now. Too damned much waiting, not enough playing.

Oh but there is. coughcough*

Commander’s Signet of Battle

For the amazingly low (HAHAhahahah…) price of 300 Honorbound Service Medals, you can teleport to the pavillion next to the warfront table every 30 minutes.

Good luck getting that on multiple alts.


Because its just one of many stupid, pointless, infantile things these jokers have pulled in the last year.
I like BFA so I boosted a bunch of characters. The one I wanted to play most was a hunter. So these clowns nerfed the crap out of my hunter right after I paid $60 for a boost.
I like to farm so I was farming in BFA for Blood stained bone most days.
Was making enough to make it worth it, but not enough to write home about. Apparently they found out I was enjoying myself so they nerfed bloodstained bone into dog turds so it wasnt worth wasting my time anymore.
I went back over to MoP content to just play there instead so I could enjoy myself…nope…theyve removed a bunch of portals I was using just because they can.
I did the grind for the water strider on two accounts a bit ago so I could at least have WWing on all my characters. Again, they found out I was having fun so theyre removing WWing from the mount and SELLING it back to me for all my characters under level 100…which is about 80% of them right now and would have been many more since my game consists of FARMING Classic mats and creating new characters to level up in Classic dungeons.
They steal what I work for then sell it back to me. yeah…Im bent about it.

So this aint just about some portals.
its about the moronic decisions they keep making that serve no real purpose but to irritate players who were using the crap they nerfed for no good reason other than its ‘their game and they can do what they want’

Well, its MY $$$ and I can give it to ESO instead.
You ever play ESO?
yeah…portals EVERYWHERE.
And somehow it DOESNT ruin the game as Blizzard CLAIMS portals do to WoW.

No, the portals werent harming anything. Blizzard just cant make good content anymore so this is how they punish us for hating BFA.


Problem is that it affects characters who ARENT in current content and they know it.
that BFA portal room doesnt do squat for my long list of characters who arent in that content. Removing MoP portals screws with my characters who are playing in that content currently.
I dont want to have to go thru Ogrimmar just to stroke their egos, and I wont.
I’ll be a spoiled child and just quit and play something else that doesnt annoy me instead.


He’s not even halfway.

The post he quoted was from Alliance, not Horde. It was arguing against the assertion of factional bias, not complaining about anything.

To be expected though from someone who has demonstrated a chronic inability to understand posts.


The changes that they are making are all aligned to an architectual design, these things are not just make ad hoc or on a whim.

The removal of portals is due to the fact that people used them to save travel time.

The changes to the water walking strider mount is due to the fact that people used this mount to save travel time.

Clearly they want players to spend more time travelling. I don’t know why they wouldn’t be more focused on increasing sub numbers, but clearly they believe that a model that has fewer players travelling more is more profitable.