Rearranging and Removing Portals

I think this is more a case of “the last drop that slipped the cup” scenario


Removing specific portals that made farming old content isn’t or wasn’t needed. Nor was it asked for in any capacity. This doesn’t make the world more immersive, it makes it smaller because “is it worth my time” is a metric players use, and this removal of certain portals won’t make that cut.


How about you leave well enough alone and don’t do things that only impact players negatively and have no positive impact.

This is stupid and unnecessary, like so many other indefensible asinine decisions you have been making the last few years.


We need to set our hearthstones to random areas to let us travel back there quickly because travel sucks and there aren’t enough portals.

Freedom and Choice is what drew players to the game in the first place.

I’ve said it several times on this topic but there was a guy who THANKED Blizzard for creating Pet Battles. Because it kept an older member of the guild playing the game after he had a stroke(I think it was a stroke, this post was like 2+ years ago). He couldn’t do most progression stuff anymore, but he could still do pet battles!

The “choice” and ability to do other things in the game kept him from quitting.


Cool down. Lul.

And this one is already 1030+

That reminds me, I STILL don’t have the angel staff.

I was 14 when WoW 1st launched, I was playing SWG before Wow. Your logic is amusing. No wonder what? that your statement held no really purpose.

hey boys and girls … blizzard took your free, easy access portals?
No Problem!
Just fill your bags with Skippys Handy Dandy Once A Day Portal Generator to Nowhere.

Honestly, we have a portal to Uldum and a portal to Silithus and they’re right next to each other.

If anything the Uldum portal should be removed and the Caverns of Time one kept.


I honestly never heard that term before. Thanks for a new phrase I can use!

If thats an issue in a game where it take maybe less than 5 minutes to get where youre going, even when not using teleportation, maybe MMOs aren’t the greatest choice of leisure activity.

That is actually a good argument.

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Of course it does… Is there anything that they do in this game right now that isn’t a direct reflection of driving up the minutes you stay logged in to play? That is their key metric now… Not subscribers… Gotta make that quarterly report look good.


sorry its late I meant spilled XD

How can the devs be this stupid. The game is on verge of death, even Asmongold wont play it.


so…how many alts is this now?

Over 1000 posts, and besides a dude that keeps changing characters, I don’t see people happy.


I googled it. All is good.