Rearranging and Removing Portals

Great…even more trolling
ah…duel boxing to making look like two people…nice touch


Don’t really care what you think, just reporting you at this point. You spam and you troll more than anyone you’ve accused of trolling.
You ask for them to listen to your “feedback” all thread and when they do and make some changes, you think it’s some kind of conspiracy they’ve been planning to pull on the extreme minority of players that even care about this “issue”.


fine by me…Ive been reporting you trolls for weeks.
1000 threads for you all to post in but you pick the ONE that you admitted doesnt affect your game, but you continue to come in here insulting those who ARE affected by the changes.
Stop trolling, please.


You’re ascribing evil, conspiracy-minded paranoia to a simple design change.

"We took 5 portals away, but we really planned to only take 2 away, so we'll give back 3 and pretend we compromised."

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

No one does that. No one thinks people do that, unless you’re a David Ickes, lizard-people kinda guy.

You’re getting really desperate now. Alt-hopping to boost forum posts is easily discoverable by comparing achievement points, which in this case is 9465 for them, 18470 for me.

I have leisure time on my hands, bro, but not so much that I could run 2 accounts to that extent. :roll_eyes: Take a breather there, the multi-posts in a row is getting a little concerning.

Hardly son. You calling realtors ‘evil’? Clearly you are.
its common business practice to start prices HIGHER than one wants for the exact reasons already stated.
And for you not to understand this FACT of reality its also clear you aint bought a house or a car yet.

And thats precisely what a company like this would do…take more than they were going to so they have something to ‘compromise’ with.
Not very business minded, are we?

Two entirely separate accounts, as many of us have, wouldnt show a single thing that made it obvious it was the same person and you know it.

Now…as youve made it clear this change DOESNT affect your game, please StOP TROLLING this thread


not really sure how clear this needs to be made

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It’s nutty to even think this was a remote possibility. Besides, there’s no need to compromise when the shrill minority who say they will quit over this is a statistic insignificance. At one time in this thread, 4 people accounted for 25% of all postings. You, who came well after that point, have already racked up 391.

There’s no need for 17 layers of complicated conspiracy to address a relative non-issue.

Not very business minded, are we?

I don’t see 12 conspiracies in the world before breakfast no.

Two entirely separate accounts, as many of us have, wouldnt show a single thing that made it obvious it was the same person and you know it.

The point is, it is rather unrealistic that a single person could play 2 accounts to that extent. I have 14 110+, 6 of which are 120. Maybe you can play that much to double that, but I, sadly, am unable to. :slight_smile:

The further point is…this is a rather sad attempt, by you, to soften the blow from people ridiculing your argument. Maybe you should do less of that, and a lot less of blatantly calling people “trolls” and that is against the forum’s CoC.

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Whats ‘nutty’ is to be naive enough to not think a BUSINESS would do EXACTLY this…PLANNING (yes…strange concept, I know :roll_eyes: ) for the REACTION to their actions (and a repeat of history at that).
yeah…THAT would be ‘nutty’. :roll_eyes:

Sorry but Id be more concerned about their competency had they NOT planned this out as they clearly did.


Business 101.
I suggest you go take a few courses before trolling here anymore.
Here ya go…took 0.2 seconds for a google search…

moneycrashers .com/successfully-negotiate-lower-prices/

10,000 more like that and others that show that negotiating is part of the world we live in.
Blizzard KNEW there would be fits tossed bECAUSE this has happened BEFORE…WoD and flight ringing any bells?
They knew theyd look bad and so took more than they were going to so they had something to ‘give back’ to douse some of the flames


The beauty of scaling correctly and keeping all content relevant to all players, honestly – plus throwing in a good dose of horizontal progression, rather than strictly vertical. There’s hardly ever a lack of something to do in any given zone, even the “starter” zones (which aren’t really starter zones anymore anyway).

Couple those two things above with ease of transport (the wayshrines everywhere + the ability to “travel to player” on anyone in your friends or guilds list) and TAH-DAH, large and well-populated world. It’s honestly not rocket science, and neither does it require so much player regulation like WoW devs seem to believe. Just give us a good reason to go somewhere, make it easy to get there, and problem solved


They…and the trolls here…just dont seem to be able to figure out that WE are TRYING to keep this game in a condition that makes us WANT to play it.
With the constant nerfing and crap like portals being removed for no reason whatsoever, yeah…it doesnt endear me to the company or the game.

so they keep doing what theyre doing…and the trolls in here keep helping to agitate players who are already borderline ‘quit’…and lets see how many subs they end up losing this time around.

pretty soon those ‘metrics’ wont matter because they wont have enough subs to pay the electric bill.


Bangyurhed, please, stop engaging with them. Let people post what they want. Its our choice to read it or not, and its not hard to simply skim by what they’re saying. By engaging, you’re continuing to give them a reason to continue posting. I’ve said this before in other threads and I’m saying it now. Not engaging isn’t hard.

Now as for portals, what if this is some pre-cursor to them pulling our holidays back? There are several holidays that require Ironforge and Thunder Bluff, If there isn’t a portal to it, then people might just give up on it, and that’ll give them the excuse that “nobody is interested” in said holiday again. People barely complain about Pathfinder any longer because anyone who cared about it left the game, do you think that anyone will have hysterics because they can’t run Pilgrim’s Bounty?


no, I agree.
The problem is that as soon as most of do ignore them, someone else will feed them again and the cycle starts all over again.
Also, sometimes something stated is so asinine that its nearly impossible to not point it out.

As far as pathfinder, I think thats why it exists.
Keep making it a pain EVERY expansion to have flght so fewer and fewer players have it, then they’ll be able to remove it entirely and there wont be enough players screaming about it to matter.
And its ALL on those players who kept buying the ‘compromise’ koolaid for not standing up and screaming with everyone else about it. Its THEIR fault when flight is removed.


By 4 people. 5, counting you, who has heroically taken up the torch now that the others’ interest is flagging. By the looks of the last week or so, this thread is being solely propped up by…you. :sunglasses:

You think because some business did this once somewhere, that that automatically means Blizzard must be doing it now. It is hard to comprehend so basic of a logical fallacy, and how someone can carry it forth so recklessly.

Btw, you know you can go back and edit your own posts, right? This tactic of multiple replies to 1 post is kinda obvious as to what the intent is.

Isn’t there a portal in Boralus and Dazar’alor, respectively? I haven’t looked lately, and cannot get online atm to see.

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WOW…you really dont get around much, do you?
Firstly there are FAR more than four people in these threads.
Secondly this laughable hole in the wall forum is notorious for banning dissension so MANY people wont waste their time posting on this joke forum to begin with.
There are forums all over talking about this son, Articles being written, videos on youtube…and MOST of the discussion is there…not here.

Try harder.


Last I logged in yes. However, as someone said elsewhere, that doesn’t help any character under 110. It fits into Blizz’s desire to keep only the most recent expac relevant/playable, and funnels all those characters over 110 into a single location … but it’s such a tunnel-vision development method, don’t you think? When the alternative would be simply to stop removing access to these things for lower-level players and all our lower-level alts?


Try harder, son.
AGAIN…and please dont pretend not to know this…there have already been cases like this where blizzard has removed and attempted to remove crap such as flight from the game and the player base went nuts over it.
Again…dont waste my time or yours pretending that we dont have any precedent.

They know what has happened in recent past when theyve pullled this crap…and so they plan for it this time around.
YOU might be naive enough to think that a LAWYER doesnt know how to get a case together to make sure he’s accounted for every detail, but having worked with a few of them myself over the years I know they are taking EVERYTHING into account when they prep for the courtroom.

Secondly…and AGAIN…this is Business 101.
That you fail to comprehend that tells me that time and energy is being wasted even bothering with your joke arguments.


Tarc probably doesnt level characters at all now, hence his denial that this is a problem.


yeah…tin foil hat much?
Unlike you, Ive been doing this for many years and I know how one little point can become drawn out into its own discussion.
You really do need to grab at ANYTHING to feel better about trolling this thread, dont you?


There have also been other topics come up about the portals by people that I have not really seen around this thread or the other.

Like this one