Rearranging and Removing Portals

probably one of his many alts.


We’re not villainizing Blizzard, they’re doing a pretty good job of that on their own.


Good point. The removal of the portals in the first place was (at best) a “solution” searching for a problem, but to have the implementation be so botched is really appalling and stupid.


The sad part is they don’t need to go to extreme lengths to get people to play or to get them to play longer. They just need to focus their attention on developing things for people to do. Some things they could have done:

  • Add treasures in the world for the treasure hunters to locate
  • Add additional (or change out) pets in old raids
  • Have a trial of style season 4 shirt and the ability to get it to an achievement
  • Add additional items/toys to collect in Trial of Style - a toy that changes your hair style, a toy that makes you look like a fashion model, a pet that applauds you when you are around people
  • Add very difficult and very “rare” rares that drop mounts pets toys
  • Add real buried treasures to EIs
  • Add a daily item that drops daily from the new profession up-date - could be random so people have to search for it

So many things that could be done to keep people engaged and playing without taking steps like removing portals to increase play time


Exactly! But everything on your list would require “THE BIGGEST DEV TEAM EVER!” to actually do work on the game, not gut it. Since wod, all’s they know how to do is remove more from the game then they put in. Notable examples:

Every legendary questline from MoP onwards (I’ll be generous and call wod’s a “questline”)…quick aside, remember how they promised, then lied about letting everyone get to ordos for all the mog there? Too bad, mog hunters, you’re still locked out because the devs can’t be honest!

The treasure room scenario

Last but not least, flying as we knew it.

…and now, the portals.

With each “improvement” more lies, condescension, spin, and nonsense about making the game “better.” When in reality, they haven’t done that since they fixed the dailies for MoP…and that wasn’t even the current crop of devs.

Probably why, as someone already pointed out, why they’re so gung ho about gutting the old game: it reminds everyone about how the old team used to actually have a work ethic and cared about the quality of the work the did on the game. Not to mention listened to their customers’ feedback instead of being hung up on their own arrogance.


I am more suspicious about Caverns of Time being an intended sacrifice on the Player altar, because Zidormi called me from the FIrelands with a quest to go see her master in CoT and said she’d port me-----but she isn’t. They tracked down all the sundry ways to get to CoT and removed them ahead of this, and are saying they’re going to give it back. This is no victory, they planned all along to restore that portal.


It wouldn’t surprise me. That’s how the negotiation game is played. Take more than you actually wanted, and if the outcry is too big to ignore, give back the parts you don’t care about. Either the players will be mollified, or the segment that is still upset will be silenced by their peers because “at least we got something.”


There is no reasoning with anyone that would even begin to believe this.

I am sure they did from the way that the lead dev. talked about it in the Q&A. It was clear they had already planned on putting something at the bottom of the cave.


Best summary of the trolling you’ve done here and elsewhere.


Warlocks? Do you play the game??


They did this, not us.
And like ANY company who screws its paying customers over, those customers have a RIGHT to toss a fit about it.


yeah…that one made me wonder what he was talking about.
Warlocks arent exactly lined up in Orgrimmar handing out portals to (fill in the blank).
Sounds like the guy is really stretching for crap excuses.


Its Art of the Deal 101, son.
Good lord…have you even purchased a car yet?
EVERYONE starts at the HIGH price because they know buyers are going to try to talk them down. STart high so you have something to ‘give’ so the buyer feels like they got a deal.

yeah…its EXACTLY what a company who has been in business for many years and has become used to dealing with screwing people over and needs to find some way to save face would do.
Take MORE than intended so you have something to ‘give back’ when it blows up.

Its like some here dont even live on the same planet as the rest of us.


A ghost-written fabrication of a rich person’s life? Interesting analogy. :thinking:

Like I said, son…clearly some here havent entered adult life and purchased a car.
Asking MORE than one wants so the price can be negotiated back down is part of doing business.
Not surprising that you arent familiar with that concept. :roll_eyes:
Now go troll someone else. Your views arent important enough to me to have to listen to you today.


and the trolling continues


That’s not how software development is done. Son. :laughing: But by all means keep thinking that the portal re-design is some elaborate plot aimed at you specifically.


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Not even a good deflection attempt, son.
The TOPIC HERE is ‘portal removal’…not ‘software R&D’…try to keep up.

They REMOVED more portals than they knew they were going to so when the screaming started they’d have something to ‘give back’ as a ‘compromise’

As stated…its art of the deal 101 and MANY businesses do it.
Again…not surprised at all that you arent familiar with the concept. One has to purchase a home or car or two before its pretty obviously common practice in many areas of commerce

aimed at me specifically?
You paranoid or something?
This was ‘aimed’ at the entire player base.
Do you even read your posts before hitting the reply button?

As i said…go troll someone else. You arent important enough for me to listen to.


HA…now Its clear which ones are alts.
one logs out, the other logs in in seconds.
Ta… and Ph…