Rearranging and Removing Portals

Yeah ‘squish’ definitely seems like a bureaucrat’s idea of busy-work, I mean ‘progress’. I suppose they think that if they shuffle the numbers around it’ll confuse the people that scream “Nerf!” because it’ll require more mathing.

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Of course that is why they reinvent the wheel each expansion while thinking this will attract more players. They would probably have more players and less churn if they actually curated WoW then pruned it every expansion.


Thats a LONG time for players to try out other games and end up leaving.
If blizzard had any brains this crap would have already been fixed in a tuesday update.
they deserve anything that happens at this point…including the game failing entirely.


ESO is packed everywhere I go.
I went to what I thought was going to be some no name nothing kinda place a couple hours ago. Turned out there were probably as many players in that one small spot in the zone as were playing on an entire server in WoW.
No matter where I portal to, players are there.


Yeah this should be easy to do within two weeks. Beyond that and it is clear it is just lip service.


So, I’ve been kind of out of the loop and I don’t want to sit through a boring Q&A with Ion lawyer-speaking around questions.

Was this issue addressed or are they just sweeping it under the rug like everything else?

The current team is jealous of the work of previous teams that apparently did better jobs even with more limited hardware.
Theyd probably remove all old content if they could get away with it and just leave classic at classic.

it’ll be hilarious watching them butcher the game when classic does finally get released.
Cant wait for those fireworks to start.
It’ll be some of the same jokers who are in here acting like the portal removals arent that big a deal.
Just wait until THEIR game gets screwed over and the pitiful screams begin.


CoT portal is returning with no ETA.

IF and TB ports are still gone.

Portals for questing players do not work as far as I know.

Horde NPC for Dark Portal is bugged as far as I know.

If they fixed any of these problems so far it would be a surprise for me!


Believe it or not, spamming, villainizing Bliz and acting like you’ve been slighted does not make a non-issue become an issue.
They reviewed some feedback, decided to add the CoT portal back, and all you did was complain and respond with more cynical conspiracy theories.

The only other thing I personally think they could change if anything is changing the MoP portal to Shrine rather than Jade Forest, not that that’s a big deal, and to fix any portals that are currently bugged for levelers.

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Believe it or not no one CARES about you or your opinion and your trolling in here.
YOU, on the other hand, need to stop TROLLING this thread!


If Blizz fixes what they broke we would be posting a lot less. Questing players still do not have portals working as far as I know.


dont defend yourself to this troll.
Its NONE of his business that PAYING CUSTOMERS are COMPLAINING about having their game tools removed for no good reason.


Blizzard has the responsibility to fix what they broke. That is not the player responsibility.

And an ETA for the Cavern of Time portal would be nice. But if they can’t fix portals for questing players it looks grim for CoT portal showing up anytime soon.


I imagine it’s on their list if they really are broken, I’m going to try to see exactly what happens on an alt of mine.
As for the rest of the changes, everywhere that was easily accessible before is still extremely accessible, any more focus on it would be a waste IMO.

In any case they pointlessly, needlessly, sadistically removed TOOLS that were being used by a large number of players all day, every day.
Those players who are having their time WASTED for no good reason have a RIGHT to complain about the crap blizzard pulled.
This TROLL and the others need to go play WoW or find something else to do other than troll this thread.

They have voiced their opinions in here…they arent trying to change anything…and they arent going to change our minds…so they need to move on down the line.


IF Tues rolls around and they haven’t fixed anything it will mark two weeks. I hope that isn’t the case because it could drag on for a month or more.

Very unfortunate if that does happen.

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What specifically is broken?

Believe it or not, white knighting, villainizing the players (once again) and acting like (once again) there’s nothing wrong here does not make an issue become a non-issue.

Fixed it for you!


Questing players are supposed to have phased portals available for one time use.

Horde NPC port doesn’t work according to what people are reporting.

If Blizzard were smart they would leave the portals alone. This is because fixing a phased portal for a questing player for one time use isn’t a “simple fix”.


lmao did Tarc get a new account?