Rearranging and Removing Portals

It’s a pretty big win…but there’s still the rest of the war to be fought. Honestly, this is the Rubicon for them. It’s time we stopped letting them take and take and take from this game to keep padding their ever failing metrics. This thread needs to stay top, these questions need to stay upvoted every Q&A in the thousands.


Because if they don’t, they’ll do it again, somewhere else. If not portals, to something else equally convenient, when they think the furor has died down. Because they think they can. Because they think they know better than us. That they can just keep making the game worse.

“The line must be drawn HERE. THIS FAR, NO FARTHER!
-Jean Luc Picard

How do you know a lawyer is lying? Their lips are moving.


Except that we might be multi-tasking while on long flights. Or posting while sick (like me yesterday) or doing various other things. Or maybe you’ve forgotten to consider that we’re going to end up wasting even more time because every week that a Collector has to do his runs to get that last item he’s going to be wasting more and more time.


“Sorry we’re taking flight but you can have x instead” WOULD have been a compromise but “fine you can keep flight BUT we want more effort than gold before you get it” isn’t one?

Either neither is a compromise, or both are. If they had TAKEN flying, no matter what they’d given us instead, many players would have still insisted it wasn’t a satisfactory compromise.

If anything, they got the worse end in the compromise. Either they took flying or they didn’t. And they didn’t.

I did protest pathfinder’s implementation in wod- still don’t have it for draenor- but i got it in legion and i certainly never SEE anyone running around the broken isles on foot like i did draenor.

The idea that a significant amount less players are going to skip getting flying is probably much less likely than the idea they’ll quit all together if it really sits that bad with them.

Now was it a BAD thing in the first place and have they lost players over it? Absolutely! They’ll lose players over this just from those who’ve lost trust in them.

I agree. We need to come out in force every time something goes wrong.

I have to say, I don’t LIKE this new forum build but something about it seems to be bringing more traffic in.

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Do I get the acme portal ready?

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you want me to go digging through 10k posts to find your “other post”?
you couldn’t just link it?

has the White House Office of Consumer Affairs introduced themselves to this community?

…because the “dissatisfied customers” we see here in the forum, are the same “dissatisfied customers” which have been telling everyone about their dissatisfaction for years.

They “quit” every time a pixel moves.
…then they’re back “quitting” again the next time another pixel moves.

And then there are those who say they “quit”, but then can’t pry themselves away from the forum because they need to constantly remind everyone that they’ve quit. :roll_eyes:

God I am just so glad we got the CoT portal back. A step in the right direction. To everyone who has and is still posting negatively in this thread, you can go away now. We’re going to keep fighting for the other portals. :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:


Reeee yes :grin:

Well, save for those who haven’t just grown sick and fed up with Blizzard’s shennanigans that is.

Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me.

Many of us are beyond the fool me twice stage.


Oh I know, but to everyone still here we can do our best!

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True enough. It’s a feeling of relief. I’ve been meaning to quit for years. But something always drags me back. Like being in an abusive relationship.

Of course, I still have time before my sub expires, so I’ll speak up and speak out until that time comes. Simply because I want the game to improve. I want it to genuinely be able to drag me back, not with false promises or hype, but because it has genuinely become a game worth playing again.


Indeed, the line must be drawn, again. How many more times will we have to draw it before they finally understand that they simply don’t know what the players want better than that players do?

You just can’t fix willful stupidity. People who lack the ability to see past their own egos will never be ale to see somene else’s point of view. Ion and his team, appear to fall in this category. Simply put, they will never understand why they keep losing customers, why so many players just don’t like their game.

They won’t fix what’s wrong, they won’t ever put back everything they’ve taken out, they simply don’t care enough to make right what they made wrong. There is only one way to combat that kind of stupid arrogance, “overwhelming force”.

Everyone who dislikes what they’re doing must UNSUBSCRIBE , and since that simply won’t happen, nothing will ever get fixed.

This is a step in the right direction, but not far enough, not nearly far enough. Forgive me if I don’t pat them on the back, but they are following SoP, take a lot, give back a little.

The other portals need to be put back, flying still hasn’t been enabled, the classes are still pruned to terminal blandness, heirlooms are still not worth the time and effort that was put into them, the GCD changes haven’t been reverted, ALL OF THEM, they still haven’t apologized for ignoring all the feedback that could have prevented the majority of their mistakes, and a hundred other things that they’ve broken and/or removed haven’t been fixed or put back.

That’s my line, that’s where I stand. If I stand alone, so be it.

Semper Fi! :us:


No. It’s like a hundred or two posts above. Look for it, don’t be lazy.

This the best you could come up with? TROLLING!

The usual discounting of verifiable information that a TROLL does to attempt to validate their own negative opinion.

Bad troll is bad, 0/10. Go back under your bridge.

Semper Fi! :us:


It speaks volumes about the confidence a business has in the future of their product when their default move is to repeatedly sabotage it (specifically quality of life features). It would be like a car manufacturer who kept intentionally screwing up your car every time you brought it in for maintenance. Then condescended to you about their “vision” every time you brought up that they used to do business with a lot more customer service, quality, and pride in their work.


Wondering if they are throwing out the “hide all slots except for pants” thing just announced is that Blizzard hopes it will cut down on transmog farming, reducing the need to travel with portals, lol. Seems like a bit of odd timing just after the negative feedback from the Q&A.

Don’t get me wrong, more customization is a good idea, but just seems odd.


I mean… I went to FF14 where flying isn’t an issue (touch all the wind currents in the zone, unlock flying). It’s not as big a deal as the devs in this game make it out to be. Programmers have to put in enough walls so you don’t see through buildings, boo hoo. :rofl:


Whoa there! Expecting devs to actually work on the game they’re paid to work on?! What do you think this is, some kind of job or something?!


Next you’ll be asking “THE BIGGEST DEV TEAM EVER” to actually release “THE BIGGEST XPAC EVER” after all these years.

: P


Way too much pressure for such a small, indie company.


This all reminded me of a particular exchange in an episode of Star Trek: The Next Generation.

(1:04-1:35 is of particular relevance to the last few years and the current “vision” for the game)


You’ve got this backwards. If they want you to continue to purchase their game, they would listen to customer feedback and implement as much of it as possible.
The game isn’t being made for their enjoyment, but for the customers enjoyment.