Indeed, the line must be drawn, again. How many more times will we have to draw it before they finally understand that they simply don’t know what the players want better than that players do?
You just can’t fix willful stupidity. People who lack the ability to see past their own egos will never be ale to see somene else’s point of view. Ion and his team, appear to fall in this category. Simply put, they will never understand why they keep losing customers, why so many players just don’t like their game.
They won’t fix what’s wrong, they won’t ever put back everything they’ve taken out, they simply don’t care enough to make right what they made wrong. There is only one way to combat that kind of stupid arrogance, “overwhelming force”.
Everyone who dislikes what they’re doing must UNSUBSCRIBE , and since that simply won’t happen, nothing will ever get fixed.
This is a step in the right direction, but not far enough, not nearly far enough. Forgive me if I don’t pat them on the back, but they are following SoP, take a lot, give back a little.
The other portals need to be put back, flying still hasn’t been enabled, the classes are still pruned to terminal blandness, heirlooms are still not worth the time and effort that was put into them, the GCD changes haven’t been reverted, ALL OF THEM, they still haven’t apologized for ignoring all the feedback that could have prevented the majority of their mistakes, and a hundred other things that they’ve broken and/or removed haven’t been fixed or put back.
That’s my line, that’s where I stand. If I stand alone, so be it.
Semper Fi!