Rearranging and Removing Portals

Arathi Highlands is not a city, it is a zone. If the horde controls it you are flagged pvp unless you take the flight path (takes forever) or have fast flight and fly over water (will become fatigued before you make it with a slow flight speed).


I am guessing you have to be 120 to have this happen, I went to the old UC on this character the other day to get the music for the garrison jukebox. When I flew over it was the older zone and I did not get flagged. I have not bothered to level to 120 as I found it boring and dull in BFA, but might have to eventually if 8.2 is any good and the new place is like timeless isle.

On one hand, I totally agree. On the other hand- the company could always decide to move onto WoW 2.0 or another game entirely, or the stockholders could demand they do.

The health of the game is both their responsibility and their personal interest. It’s their product. Not our product.

They have to evaluate if it’s profitable to them to do something. They have to evaluate if it’s healthy to do something to THEIR product.

Does it seem just plain lazy that they would rather flying went away so they could go back to a cheaper world structure and crank out more content within it? Yea…it does.

But we don’t know what goes on in their workplace, how much work there ACTUALLY is or isn’t, and how much time it takes to address it.

We Also can’t DECIDE whether they continue to make the product. They have to stay invested in it. Part of that is how inspired they are, how interested they are. A ton of this game is ART.

Artists require a certain amount of freedom to fuel inspiration necessary to create.

I WANT the features I WANT in the game- and there are MANY things I’m dissatisfied with and WISH were different- but I don’t make the game.

I’m going to loudly give feedback when I really disagree with a feature or direction, but it’s all a discussion and we the gamers have to accept that we don’t make the games and respect the limitations and priorities of the people who do-- to a point.

I’d be happy if they allowed us to have 1-3 ‘customizable’ portals in the portal room.

I dunno, sell us a 1 use portal binder gizmo that we zap an inn keeper with, and from then on our special portal will take us to that inn keeper. Until we buy a new binder gizmo and zap a different inn keeper.

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An irony about flying is that ESO doesnt seem to have flight at all and not once have I even missed it…BECAUSE…there are multiple portals per zone that I can use to get into the general area I want to get to.
ESO finds way to not even have flight and STILL be better than WoW is.


Ive drawn my line for coming back.
Ion and crew have to resign before Id even consider it.

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As far as we know they removed the CoT portal just to have something to ‘give back’ later when this blew like they had to have known it would given PREVIOUS player explosions to this sort of infantile crap.

ALL of the missing portals need to be put back and that includes ALL of the ones removed from the MoP temple portal rooms.
Short of that happening, I aint interested.
I’ll give ESO $1500+ for the next 18 months of play instead.
No sweat off my nose.
Whoever makes the least irritating, most ‘fun’ game gets my money, plain and simple


REALLY hard to take anything you have to say seriously at this point.

only a troll could sit here with a straight face and argue that people who have never played ‘at all’ would even be here speaking at all, let alone be arguing about portal removals. :roll_eyes:


As opposed to those who are here wasting their time arguing nothing relevant at all, but seem to just like to be here hearing themselves talk instead of playing the game they should be playing instead :roll_eyes:

WE are here, son…AGAIN…because WE are trying to get something DONE about the changes.
(and apparently it has worked )
YOU, on the other hand…have no purpose…SERVE NO purpose…in this thread other than continually and abusively troll it.


They will stay invested in it as long as they have customers who purchase it and they can make a profit selling it. If the current developers lose their passion for what they do, they will be replaced.

Blizzard did not have a terrible 2018. They had an YOY revenue increase of 15% and a YOY operating income increase of 51%. WoW is Activision/Blizzards 3rd most profitable game (Money Inc. 2018). This means the game is probably not be going to disappear soon.

Bottomline, the developers of the game have to answer to their investors. They cannot afford not to listen to their customers for eventually it will catch up with them. For example, in Q1 2018, Blizzard games had 38m MAUs, in Q4 2018, Blizzard games had 35m MAUs. I am sure that not all of the 3 million MAUs they lost were from WoW, but some were. Eventually the lost of MAU will catch up with and over take their ability to shore up their income using in-game purchases. The best way to prevent this from happening is to keep a close watch on customer satisfaction.


Hmm… “gizmo” isn’t a very homey sounding name…

I got it! Let’s call it a Hearthstone!

In all seriousness, I’d be delighted with a couple more Hearthstones that we could set where we want. But I’d want them for my lowbies more than my max level characters. They’re the ones who keep having to travel from Thunderbluff to Org and back because Blizz thinks everyone needs to be in Org. If they could set a hearth in each place, I’d be a lot happier. (I’d be even happier with portals to all the cities, but apparently that’s not possible for anyone not a mage.)


Well, thats right. And dissatisfied customers go to the competitor.
One of the things that makes WoW great after all the years its been around is all the extras like flying mounts and flight that goes along with it.
They either WANT to be competitive with this cartoonish dinosaur of an engine…or they want to run players off to the competitor by crying that something is too hard or time consuming.
they have proven conclusively beyond any argument that they CAN implement flight into their expansions.
Since they can its up to them to decide to keep doing it to keep people who want flight interested in playing.

Or…they can go the lazy route and remove it, and they havent any cause to cry about lost $$$ when we choose to go play some other game.

Without players a game may as well not exist.
So yes, this is THEIR game…but the $$$ to support it are OURS.
Which means they had better make the game to MY liking if the want to get MY $$$.
Apparently somewhere down the road this company decided that we OWE them our $$$ no matter what idiotic decisions they make, such as pointlessly, needlessly removing portals that werent harming anyone, just because they can…and then tried to feed us all a crap sandwich line of blatant fabrications as to why it was being done.

Sure…its THEIR game.
And its MY money.
And if they want MY money then THEIR game has to be something I WANT to play.
Currently, because of their poor decisions, it isnt fun and I simply will NOT pay for the three subs we have any further.


just telling my wife that.
Its easy to pretend like this isnt a problem when one is playing in BfA content only. They have the portal access they want if thats what they do.
But for those who have characters in classic thru MoP, at least, this is a trash move by Activision to remove the portals we need to play the game without wasting more time than necessary.

its really hard to take the trolling 120’s seriously that keep railing on in here that its not that big a deal when its clear that theyre not playing in such a way that it IS a big deal…for THEM.
For those of us who farm old content, it IS a big deal.

And the larger problem is that the portal removal is just one symptom of the broader disease that is plaguing this game…greed.


I’m glad that the CoT portal is at least slated to be re-introduced, but in the end if they had just left everything intact and just added the new room, it would have saved the players some stress, saved the developers some time, and saved Blizzard and WoW as a brand some goodwill.

Anyways wake me up when 8.2 is on the PTRs, I’ll be in the emerald dreamways.


It could be as stupidly simple as having the game remember your last TWO hearth bound locations, and adding a “Dusty Old Antique Hearthstone” which hearths you to the previous location instead of the current setting.

No extra UI elements, no extra dialog options. Just “hearth” to your current bind point and “old hearth” to the one you set before it.

And if they think that’s too powerful, make’m share cooldown or give the old hearthstone a longer cooldown interval or something.


Why do all of that when they could just add back in the portals they took out. It probably wouldn’t take too much work to do it since they have already done the development work. Then those portal rooms won’t look abandoned and the players would be happy. It is an easy fix.


A city grows bigger and bigger over the years, and to accomodate that growth the Transit Authority EXPANDS the bus routes.
My city here has bus stops now in places that 30 years ago were open fields, woods and pastures for cattle.

Blizzard, on the other hand, is the sort of halfwitted Transit Authority who would see the city growing and add new bus routes to the upcoming areas of the growing suburb zones…and then REMOVE EXISTING bus stops in older parts of town and then pat themselves on the back while lying about their reasons for doing it.


That would require more processing power than I think this current team, including Ion, possesses.
And a WHOLE lot less ego.


Blizzard loves making more work for themselves for some reason, just look at flying.


True. If they had not introduced Pathfinder (and introduced it before my game time ran out), and had gone ahead with their plan to remove flight altogether, I would have left the game and never returned.