Rearranging and Removing Portals


And in Legion, the quest givers did tell you what portal to take. Sometimes people do need directions, however, when I’ve seen these people ask in trade chat or in guild chat, someone always gives them the answer. I don’t believe this is a huge issue. And you’re right, a guard could easily tell you where to go.


While I am happy that CoT is going to be put back, I don’t believe that the work is done. Other portals (like the Shrine, old Dal Crater, Kara) are important because they help players get to locations without having to spend 10 minutes flying/running to those places. I hope this subject doesn’t die because they caved and gave us one portal (which is not going to be outside the caverns but inside - and probably for some future quest, which is why they are putting it back.


I actually timed the route to go to Dalaran Crater.

From Ironforge its almost 5 minutes straight on bird. No shortcuts you have to get there faster. Except of course having a mage in your back pocket.




I hope they put the realms back online, then the portals that now apparently we’re suppose to believe take some kind of huge project to restore.


I’ll post this here so it is in the Main containment thread:

I did two tests on Horde toons
Average time to go to old portal locations and port would be 40 seconds.

LVL 85 toon - 150% flying
LVL 120 toon - 310% Flying

Caverns of Time
lvl 85: 8 min., 35 sec from Org. -> fly (portal not open)
lvl 120: 3 min., 05 sec. Org -> portal to Uldum -> Fly
Wyrmrest Temple
lvl 85: 2 min. 23 sec. from Org -> portal to Dal -> fly
lvl 120: 1 min. 42 sec. from Org -> portal to Dal -> fly
Dalaran Crater
lvl 85: 3 min 26 sec from Org -> Undercity - > fly
lvl 120: 1 min 34 sec from Org -> outside of UC -> fly
lvl 85: 1 min. 42 sec from Org -> Blasted Lands -> fly
lvl 120: 5 min. 29 sec from Org ->Stranglethorn -> fly (no access to blasted land)

Alliance Side
LVL 120 toon - 310% Flying

Cavern of Times
3 min. 25 sec from SW -> portal -> flying

Wyrmrest Temple
1 min. 42 sec. from SW -> portal to Dal -> fly

Dalaran Crater
8 min. 1 sec. from SW -> Fly

2 min. 40 sec. from SW -> Fly

2 min. 10 sec. from SW -> portal -> Fly


And each of those before the portal nerf would have taken probably 90 seconds less time. Which adds up over the course of a week.

But its sadly a done deal by now. It’s great to see the numbers though.


10k posts Clap


I don’t get the inconsistency of the new portal room

  • Vanilla: -
  • BC: Outland’s Sanctuary/Capital: Shattrath
  • WotLK: Northrend’s Sanctuary/Capital: Dalaran
  • Cata: -
  • MoP: Pandaria STARTING AREA: Honeydew Village
  • WoD: Draenor Sanctuary/Capital: Ashran
  • Legion: Broken Isles STARTING AREA(ish): Aszuna
  • BfA: New Allied Race capitals: The Great Seal / Boralus

Easier to find the portals, but they make less sense than they did before, when they were scattered around.


Yes. The only racial capital portals we are missing are to Thunder Bluff and Iron Forge. The Undercity portal is on the zeppelin tower and the Darnasus portal is at the docks where the ship used to come. There is still a portal to Hellfire Peninsula in Undercity and Darnasus.

As usual, Blizzard is only concerned about max levels.

I could not believe the idiocy in the Q&A where Ion said that the Shatt portals were removed in Wrath. No, they were NOT. No portals were removed until Cataclysm. At that time, they claimed that Death Wing had broken them. They even took away the portals to Org/SW at that time. We used to have to click on a board in Dalaran (which is now a war board) to get a quest that awarded a temporary hearthstone to our main faction capital. They later restored the portals to Org/SW and eventually removed that quest.

Do they think we had forgotten? Do they think that no one is left who remembers?


They probably figured that the majority of people would not know/remember what happened back then, so they are backpedaling trying to give excuses instead of just telling the truth.


I remember what happened in Cata and they got a huge flood of disapproval then too. Ya, I was a little surprised that he outright said they removed portals in Shatt which I agree is not true either. The whole portal thing they tried to start in Cata as mentioned. I figured that they had gotten enough negative feedback that they learned a lesson that time to not remove the portals. Which is why they had stayed in place for years.

This tradition thing is a huge farce and they know it. They have done this once and only once and they “agreed” to put the Org/SW portals back after much backlash. But the other city ones were never placed back. Which is how I see this now, they take away a bit too much and slide another back in thinking it will be ok. But the newest ones that were in the lower part of Legion Dalaran should have stayed were they were. Move the Shrine to the portal room and link it to the shrine and not some little point on the far side of the continent.


Looks like I was right


I am SOOO glad I just quit playing this game.
The more this all gets talked about, the less chance there is of me ever coming back.


It sure does, but when removing flying was the discussion, the devs says they wished they’d never put flying in the game and they wanted it gone.

Now I hate pathfinder and that it’s in the game, but I’m beyond glad that flying is still in the game.

No one got exactly what they wanted, but development and customer are still moving forward together.

Yes it’s “the deal” and yes it’s “a compromise”, but they COULD just ignore us all together, in which case we’d probably leave the table, and everyone would be REALLY unhappy.

I don’t understand why the devs feel that we the playerbase don’t actually know what we want, but I don’t understand how to build this game either.

If I want them to keep making their product so I can keep buying it, I have to respect some of their boundaries. Like- I can’t just HAVE all the transmog appearances in the game so I can set aside my character vanity and just focus on progression gameplay.

You can stick “compromise” in quotations all you want and wear a tin hat about it–but I believe they WANTED flying gone all together and WOULD have removed it if we’d let them get away with it.


no…it wasnt a compromise. I suggest you buy a Websters.
A compromise is where BOTH parties dont get exactly what they wanted.
the players wanted flight. And they GOT flight. Flight EXACTLY as it had existed in prior expansions meaning blizzard COULD have given it without all the childish crap they pulled back then.

NO…it was NOT a compromise.
A comprise would have been a DISCUSSION about what we wanted versus what they wanted.
No…they FORCED pathfinder on the player base in a tantrum over the stink players caused over their trying to remove flight.
There was no compromise.
There was removing flight…players causing a stink…and the infantile fit that we call pathfinder forced on us all.
A true compromise would have been something akin to “sorry, we arent giving you flight, but we can give you…instead”

Since they DID end up giving flight, no, it was not a compromise and that is why we say “compromise”

What pathfinder truly is is a weeding process.
It exists for ONE SOLE purpose. So fewer and fewer players will have flight, so at some point they WiLL remove it and there wont be enough players who care about flight to force the issue.


You’ve all already wasted more time in this thread than the sum of time the portal changes would have cost you.

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Haha, joke is on you, I type here on those afk flights across that barren old world they want us to see. Because you know, they want the world to look and feel bigger


bright side…it gives time to catch up on some youtube videos.
Boy, Im SURE the investors would love to hear that part.
I doubt Actibliz is letting them know about the tabbing out part

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This popped up in my Youtube feed. Been watching the guy’s history videos, and I guess Youtube figured I wanted to look at this as well. Timing is perfect, I think.


I see it as less of a compromise and more of a hostage situation that was starting to go very badly for the negotiator.