Rearranging and Removing Portals

So they thought we were misdirected in finding our way around the world,like being lost in reading a map.Like really.:unamused:


Had to go check when you said this. The portal to undercity is still there. It’s where the undercity zeppelin used to be.

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Translation from Q&A:

“Herp derp, silly player! You honestly thought we’d make the game better with quality of life improvements again! Those days are gone. We’re all about padding our failing metrics, no matter how badly our own numbers tell us those are failing! Because at this point in the game, we’ll keep spiting the playerbase…no matter how many of the ever dwindling few of you still left you it keeps driving off! To drive that point home, we now offer the condescending directions, instead of actually giving you the portals nearly all you asked for back…and trust us, if we could add in a voice to do it in the most condescending talking down to you tone of voice we’d do it just to drive home the point of how out of touch we are.”


The excuse the devs used was that the portal layout was confusing. It’s almost like… if they have the questgiver tell you how to get there, they could’ve just had the questgiver tell you which portal to take. Or, even ask a guard, and they could’ve marked it on your map. These systems already exist in-game.

So, it’s just a BS excuse for them to remove easy travel, and pad time logged in.


If they are going to add back caverns of time are they going to fix the portals for questing players or the Horde NPC?

I’m certainly not fully satisfied-- but I DID say I’d -settle- for the return of a CoT portal.

We got it. I think we should all be very proud of each other as a community that we got -A- win out of this, even if it’s not EXACTLY what each of us individually wanted. We got them to listen, acknowledge their previous answer was unsatisfactory to us, and take SOME action.

Good job and good luck and congrats, everyone.


Indeed, but Blizz has a responsibility to fix what they broke as well. Have to hold them accountable or else they will walk away like they did with class design.


I was giving this some more thought recently and realized this change screws over RPers, too. Now, you may say RPers are a niche within the playerbase and that’s true.

However, what if that lower level Tauren or Dwarf want to head back home from their adventures in, say, Pandaria? Sorry, you have to go through SW or Org to get back home.


Much too little and far too late.
Im going to need to see a resignation by Ion and crew before I pay another cent for this game.
Over $1500 in a year and a half urinated down the drain.


Anyone who doesnt accept that there are many paths to play this game really shouldnt be playing in a wide open MMO like this. If the want to play linear, maze style games they should go back to the 90s and play the first Eye of the Beholder game.


Oh God, I remember playing that and recalling how frustrated I was at not being able to kill the end boss. :rofl:


But it does make one wonder if they havent read a certain book by a certain presidential figure about ‘the deal’.
Wouldnt surprise me to find out that they took more than they were planning on to leave something to negotiate/bargain with that they didnt care about anyway.
They take a bunch of portals, including one they werent going to bother with, but they know the backlash will be great, so they take a couple extras so they have something to give back to make it seem like they are “compromising”

Nothing this company does surprises me now. and nothing they do or say anymore is trustworthy.


Sounds like the Pathfinder “compromise” all over again. :stuck_out_tongue:


I mean, I asked that question the first time Magni came up as an emissary - I hadn’t been in the Boralus portal room since I created it, and didn’t know there was a Silithus portal there. So I hearthed to Legion Dal from my last WQ instead of Boralus, popped over to SW, took the Uldum portal and flew.

Then I saw Magni had a portal back to Boralus, and went “d’oh! /facepalm” like Homer Simpson.

But as I mentioned elsewhere, the dev team currently seems to be designing everything based on the idea “the players can’t be trusted to play the game, we have to do it for them.”


In a sadistic kind of way, at least they did something trustworthy.

You can count on them to consistently challenge your idea of what ‘fun’ is.


What, you mean it would be easier for the guard to say, “I’ll mark the portal hub on your map. Take the portal to $zone, and you’ll be near your destination.” than it is to say “Take a tram to Ironforge, then go to Menethil Harbor and catch a ship. Make sure it’s the ship to Theremore - which blew up, but there’s a bronze dragon who can fix that for you - and not the one to Northrend. Then you’ll be near your destination.”


You mean constantly wonder what their definition of fun is?

My definition of fun isn’t dictated by anyone else.

You can present things that you THINK people might find fun, but you can’t say “yeah, Joe Schmoe will find this fun.”

Because you don’t really know that makes Joe Schmoe tick.


Personally I am not believing they did. But its just my opinion.
IF they were actually out for making our game more fun, then they’d do that instead of the constant ‘sadistic’ crap they keep pulling, then having to backpeddle when the player base gets irritated.

These guys have been making games for how long now?
None of them ever play video games?
How is it even possible to make the entirely asinine decisions they do IF they ever play their own games AND theyve supposedly been making games for long enough to know what ‘fun’ is defined as?

Either they are utterly incompetent and should let better men and women do the job…OR…they are doing this sadistic crap on purpose in which case, again, they should let better men and women do the job.
Either way at this point, for the best interests of the game, they should ALL resign from working on World of Warcraft entirely and have people who actually care about the long term health of the game take over.

They remind me of some lines from an old Alice Cooper song…

" For being a brat
Refusing to act your age
For all of the decent citizens you’ve enraged

You’d poison a blind man’s dog and steal his cane
You’d gift wrap a leper
And mail him to your Aunt Jane
You’d even force-feed a diabetic a candy cane"


More in the sarcastic sense of trust, I think, as in “trust them to always drive the train off the cliff, oh look, they’ve done it again”.


96% of unhappy customers don’t complain, however 91% of those will simply leave and never come back – 1st Financial Training services. A dissatisfied customer will tell between 9-15 people about their experience. Around 13% of dissatisfied customers tell more than 20 people. – White House Office of Consumer Affairs.

There ya go kiddo. Just in case you didn’t read my other post. The source is in the post, in case you’re selectively blind. Of course you’ll just say “That means nothing” or something similar, a troll like you always does when presented with rational thought.

Semper Fi! :us: