honestly i feel like they should be adding more portal not taking them away…where the hell is pathfinder 2 already???
You might wanna check my achievement tab and say that to me again kid.
I was there in vanilla
I farmed my gold as a warrior TANK.
I farmed my 2 black lotus to get my Flasks for a raid each raiding day (5 days a week)
I farmed my jujus in winterspring.
I farmed my fire resist pots, my frost resist pots, my nature resist pots, and whatever resist I needed the damn day of raid depending if it was MC, BWL, AQ40 or Naxx.
I farmed my healing pots for the night and we needed a Ton.
I farmed those damn quimeras EVERY F*ING day to get my food to raid.
I farmed those stupid mobs that existed near the dark portal back before WoD to get that unique buff.
So yeah in Banes words
Oh, you think vanilla is your ally. But you merely adopted vanilla; I was born in it, molded by it. I didn’t see the portals until I was already a man, by then it was nothing to me but QoL! The Vanilla betrays you, because It belongs to me!
I agree, be ready for the outrage culture. lol
I didn’t play in vanilla so I’m curious what systems exactly you want.
This is going to blow up worse than when they tried to remove portals in Cata.
As another example. I had a chance to return to my stomping groups as a teenager when I was oh, thirty or so. I almost didn’t recognize the area. It had changed that much. Oh, there were still a few spots here and there that hadn’t changed, but as a whole? It was different.
Now imagine a world full of magic, with demons, dragons, wars and mages tearing up the landscape. It’s not unreasonable to assume specific spots in a zone would change over time.
Cool story, But I’ve done all that too, I’m just stating the obvious. And I’m not a kid I’m a young adult in my late 20s. Also, that bane " " was witty but a tad egotistical.
Travel in WoW has always been one of the worst aspects of the game. I should spend my time playing the game, not wasting it getting from point A to point B. I could rip into the devs for making this change to pad MAUs, or how grossly out of touch and arrogant they are, but why bother? The devs simply do not care about the players.
A system that made sense when there was only 2 zones to go to Not EIGHT expansions of content!
This was probably not Blizzard’s “right hill to die on”, to coin a phrase. I hope you all at least realize that now.
Not going to say anyone or anything is going to die as a result of this decision (that’s part of the metaphor), but this was definitely not a worthwhile fight to pick. The gains to your philosophy are infinitesimally small, and the amount of outrage you’ve generated is disproportionately high.
Your posts are pretty indicative of why I literally can’t take green text on these forums seriously. MVPs are chosen based on who can flagellate themselves hardest at the altar of the Blues.
WoW is experiencing a slow “death by a thousand cuts.” Small mistakes and irks throughout the years that go against player feedback will eventually cause players to lose trust, be fed up and altogether leave.
Kind of like this expansion? With the added bonus of being rushed.
This kind of change isn’t a good or constructive one, although I do agree with cleaning it up and the idea of a portal area in the capital seems kind of cool, removing portals strictly used to get to areas that are a PAIN to get to was not a good idea moving forward.
So what you are saying is you saw all the negative feed back about this, decided f’the players and what they want and we are just gonna make life more difficult on ways it SHOULD NOT BE DIFFICULT. You pulled this garbage before in Crapaclysm it was a terrible idea then it’s a terrible idea now.
Making mundane things like going from point A to B more difficult does not make BfA any less terrible of an expansion. Never in the history of MMO’s from Ultima Online to today has making mundane things like travel more difficult improved the game. I know I have played though them all. UO, EQ, EQ2, WoW, STO, Galaxies, SWTOR. Never has this been an improvement to the game.
You have an expansion that is tanking WoW worse the WoD ever did and your concern is how can we make things more of a PITA for players! Seriously?!?
I swear to god the Devs are so out of touch with reality.
Yea, why would the Legion want to take over Dragon Wastes. And kill of all the dragon, and get access to not only the Emerald Dream and the Caverns of Time.
Or Uldum and take over the Hall of Origination. And subjecticate the Ramkahen.
Or the Dread Wastes, and take out some Old God foot soldiers.
There is a distinct possibility that the posters who are for this change within this thread are all the same person.
We’ll get to test your theory in a few short months. Don’t be shocked if Classic becomes more active than BFA even without conveniences…
If this is in fact what you believe, perhaps it is time you took a harder look at what your customers want and change the way you think. It is clear that your customers enjoy having the portals and do not want them removed.
If this was in fact the truth, then the portal to the Cavern of Times would have been removed before Mists. However, it has been there for several xpacs.
Instead of being patronizing, just tell your customers that you made a decision and even though you customers do not like it, you are going forward with it.
Oh and can you please increase bag size by 18 so that we can carry around the different items you believe we should be carrying around if we want to get around faster than you want us to. Thank you
Can just compare achievement dates to see if that’s the case
And it’s only going to get better (or worse for Blizzard) once the patch goes live and a lot of confused people start wondering what happened to all the portals.