Please. I played EverQuest in 1999. WoW players don’t even know what inconvenience looks like. But now I’m old and being able to fast travel around FFXIV is helpful, whereas WoW is determined to make things slower for literally no reason. Don’t play the veteran card.
That’s cool, leave portals out of it. You don’t have to use them, I’ll make sure they are used lol.
OMG - this. So much this. This is what I thought we were getting when Legion invasions came back. . . and it was just broken. The Broken Isles.
And now that we have these skirmish events going on… where are they? Oh, just in Zandalar or Kul’Tiras. Meh.
Well, it’s his prerogative. I don’t really care what characters people post on or how many accounts they use. Blizzard still knows who we all are.
And he’s allowed his opinion. Don’t much care for his tone, but he’s not the only poster with snarky commentary. (I’ve been working on being nicer lately myself, but I’m not very good at it.)
“wE wAnT cLaSsIc In MoDeRn WoW”
lets hope yall gone by summer then
I’m completely serious though, Blizzard, I’m willing to take a disadvantage in current content for an advantage in old content.
We should have a more expanded version of the tech tree on our boats that allows us to pick an end game and have our experience more customised toward that, rather than trying to min-max enjoyment of completely contradictory playstyles.
Make the collector side of the tree allow us to get Bear Tartare back in Legacy Raids and enable extra portals to other places in the world, at the cost, I don’t know, 20% less rep gains in current content or not being able to get an extra chance at loot in new dungeons or raids.
Instead of making the most loyal subscribers jump through more hoops or risk burn out for their apparently foolish decision to play the game longer than raiders tend to.
You just got 5k plus posts full of feedback, and you’re asking for more. It’s not “is this location reachable” but “how conveniently reachable is this location” - and the answer is not very, without the portals. But rather than take that feedback under consideration, you ask for more feedback, and claim to be open to adding additional means of travel in the future.
We already have them. They work fine. Why change? Because of an alleged “guiding principle” that you’ve implemented for fewer expansions than you haven’t?
What actual value does this add to the player experience? Cuz so far the answer seems to be none. It seems more like your guiding philosophy is maximize /played by any means possible, even if people aren’t actually playing or having fun doing so.
Just for example, Caverns of Time. I could go to Dalaran (via new Dalaran HS in legion, or hs to two moons, portal to Dalaran) and hop in the portal. Takes like 2 minutes. Now it’s what, Uldum? I’ll spend almost the same amount of time just getting to Uldum. So how does that removal fit with your “don’t want the flight over to be the bulk of your time spent”? And how long until you decide that you should have removed the Cata portals and it’s time to correct that too?
Some of those Classic systems were abandoned because they were actually bad for the game as a whole. Is that a hard concept to grasp?
He’d make a great Blizz employee, eh?
He couldn’t fathom that, trust me lol.
If that were true then they would be able to restore my account I used a fake name and prepaid mastercard gift card for sub time and a fake address on
Did you just assume my deck of cards?
I don’t want Classic. I already played it. I want its systems paired with new stories, encounters and places. There are people who think Classic is better but want a new experience but with Classic-type systems. There is a difference.
That was a pretty long post to say we think we want portals, but we don’t.
This is just a bizarre anti-player change to be pushing. Nothing in this update explains how players will have more fun as a result of the removal of convenient portals.
I’m disappointed that this is going through like so many other inexplicable updates lately that make the game worse instead of better.
Maybe don’t give us nice things if you’re just going to remove them later regardless of how players feel about it or how much feedback is given.
And I would like the original versions of the Classic quests and dungeons with modern gameplay, balance, and transmog. We can’t always have what we want.
As Perculia from Wowhead said on Twitter “Azeroth is an ancient world that’s meant to feel alive, it’s not a master plan community valuing ‘consistency’.”
In all honesty I agree with her assessment. In the real world, while there is some levels of consistency to design (building codes, etc.) very often things are not as methodical and consistent as the portal system is being made to be in game. A simple example, again cited from Ms. Perculia: “I wouldn’t use ‘consistency’ to describe my favorite places I like to hang out in.” While she may be talking about the real world, when one of the explanations for this change is to make the world feel more “alive”, then the real world is the best example to compare to logically.
Think about the places you like to go and visit. Is travel to those places all uniform and consistent, making going to one place the same as going to any other place? No, it isn’t. For example: a quick Google Image search of the Interstate Highway System in the continental United States shows a sincere lack of uniformity in design. While there is, in some areas, somewhat straight lines, the fast majority of its organization is still somewhat organic. I can’t just go to one place in the US and access every Interstate Highway at the drop of a hat. The problem only complicates itself further when you look at a map that includes every State Highway in the continental United States. President Eisenhower initiated the Interstate Highway system for safe and efficient travel. And while there is a consistent quality required of those roads, they are in no way clinically consistent to the point of being an inorganic grid.
For example, I live in Idaho, near the capital of Boise. I use Interstate 84 on a regular basis to commute to work, but not every area here has uniform, easy access to I-84. Further, access to I-84 does not give me universal access to every Interstate Highway in the continental US. There is no “hub” for the primary ground travel system in the US. It’s all interconnected, but there is no central area that everyone has equal access to.
Please humor me for the below example, as I compare the current methods of travel in WoW to the real world, to show the disconnect this centralized portal system has.
In the game world, the vast majority of my characters, Horde and Alliance, have the hearthstone set to the shrines in the Vale of Eternal Blossoms (The exception being mages). I do this because my gameplay choice in game currently is to consistently farm the Sha of Anger and Nalak, The Storm Lord for their respective mounts. Thus my choice of content is tied directly to the Pandaria continent, and so most of my choices made on those characters are tied to it. When I kill either Sha or Nalak on a character, I use my Hearthstone, if available, to quickly return to the shrine and make it to the other in order to save time.
But what if my Hearthstone is on cooldown? Sometimes I may go to the timeless isle to farm Mogu Runes of Fate, or do other content, similar to taking a real life roadtrip to a remote location. At that point I can’t take my direct route home. It’s like the interstate is closed for maintenance. But hey, I have this other road I can take, called a Dalaran Hearthstone. It’s not quite the direct route home that the Hearthstone is, but it is still efficient, safe method of getting home, because, as of right now, there’s still a portal to each faction’s shrine in Dalaran. It’s like taking a detour route, maybe a State Highway, that is not as time efficient to get back home, but will still get you there in a reasonable amount of time. If both are down, hey, I may just take a break where I am and wait until travel conditions improve. Maybe I’ll use my Orgrimmar or Stormwind cloak to get to civilization to have a rested logout, or nab a quiet inn at a nearby town.
A centralized portal system, whereby eliminating all of these travel routes and possibilities is severely inorganic. In short, by attempting to do this to make the world seem more “consistent” you are not making it more “alive”, you’re making it inorganic, inauthentic, almost robotic. Most people don’t live day to day using a centralized hub to get everywhere they would ever want to go. Travel is organic, even with large travel systems, and your decision to remove portals is taking that life from the game.
Devs ego hurt that people do more non BFA content than BFA content. Haha.
No, we can’t. Sometimes we can though =D
I get that. Some people like the boring parts. They like to sit back and smell the roses. There’s a different audience for that for sure, and that audience is getting classic back. I think that’s great.
So why remove QoL features we’ve grown used to on live servers when the audience who prefers 15 minute flight paths to get anywhere will be playing a separate game?
Also the Caverns of Time portal has existed since like 2006 so it’s pretty much classic.
But our followers are busy doing stuff all over Azeroth. We just don’t get to see any of it.