Rearranging and Removing Portals

I wasn’t even thinking about master loot (though I do agree that we should be able to choose a different loot model than personal loot). I was thinking about what they did to guild permissions. Currently, the “is officer” grouped permissions includes both permissions I would want officers to have, but also permissions that I would only give to my own alts.

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We need more toys…uuh

… or was that portals?


I agree with your whole post, but I wanted to highlight this section. Emphasis added to highlight that sometimes it’s better to log out than take the time to travel now that the portals that used to exist have been removed. Feeling like it’s better to log out and wait for 15 min makes it much easier to find something else to do and unsub from WoW.

I also hate that Blizz is forcing me to go to SW. I prefer Dalaran aesthetically now that Blizz ruined my favorite city (Darnassus).


Exactly. This should be a big warning sign for Blizzard. A gaming company should never want to put their customers in a position of wanting to log out rather than play the game. Every time I log out, there’s a chance I’ll get busy or distracted with something else and not log back in. If that happens often enough, I’ll question why I’m bothering to pay for the game.



“What do you get when you cross a joke with a rhetorical question?” :face_with_monocle:


My last account just ran out.
Original account 2005, gave to a friend ( she tipped well :wink:), she subbed continuously until the WoD flying fiasco.
Bnet A account 2005 until now, no breaks in sub, just in play.
Bnet B account 2006 on/off long break WoD.
This throwaway account, 2006 on / off as wanted till now.
Of course there were no bnets back then but I refused to merge them, and that is how I keep them straight in my head. Altoholic beyond redemption.

I may return depending on the future flying fiasco I see coming, (I love both PvP and flying) or I may not.
I value agency and choice far more than anything else, both in real life and in games. This camel may have died from all the straws added / removed in the last 3 expansions.

Having fun in another game, trial version, and I may go to another mentioned in this thread that I haven’t seen since beta.

EQ, UO, DaoC, Wow, and various forgotten others. I have so much junk strewn across the digital universe, I’m surprised I haven’t been arrested for war crimes against NPCs.


three WoW subs.
3 copies of BfA
9 boosts at $60 a pop.
At least half a dozen character transfers ($25 each)
A list of $$$hop pets and mounts
Probably a dozen WoW tokens

and then they make me quit not long after with the childish controlling crap.
No way Im risking that kind of money with this company again.


Yes this goes along the line of my experience since the portal changes. I have been actively avoiding Orgrimar lately (I play Horde side). It is just so clunky and awkward to travel around, I feel forced to stay in the new zones instead of experiencing the entirety of the world. Keep in mind even in the new zones I am not just afking in the main city. I am out running around in the world, often seeing at most 3-4 people in these zones actively doing something.
Perhaps I am making this play on words since it is close to when I usually have dinner but it is like a slice of a cupcake instead of having the whole cupcake.


Sad to see you go. I hope you enjoy your time in other games. Sad Blizzard did this to the community they once loved. :frowning:

And lets see, you have to go through a load screen to get to the tram. Then you have to sometimes wait up to 2 minutes for a new tram to arrive. Then its another good 60-80 seconds (havent timed it) to go from SW to IF.

The tram is an excessively long travel to IF when all the other cities get a much faster Portal.

The tram is NOT what you call a valid option because of the time it takes to travel. I’d dare say that its faster to pay for a flight master from SW to IF rather than taking the tram.

Oh, and saying “it was good in vanilla!” is not an excuse because there were lots of things in Vanilla that were horribly bad that were removed from the game because they were horribly bad.


Yeah, and that’s my problem, which is probably at least partly why Blizzard implemented this portal hub the way they did. I’m avoiding playing in BfA zones until I can start working on pathfinder 2. I’ve been focusing on Legion and other content in parts of the world where I can fly. I’m trying to find parts of the game that I still enjoy playing, but Blizzard keeps squashing and handicapping everything I try to do.

Slice of cupcake, for sure. It’s a taste of something with the potential to be very enjoyable, but enough has been removed to keep it from being fully satisfying.


That is a very good point.

They may have merged it with another metric. That or they’ve given it a new name. Both are entirely possible.

I timed it earlier. On my pokey slow potato of a computer, the tram was ever so slightly faster even with slow loading screens on both ends and having the max wait time for a tram.

Your point, stands, though. Both the FP and the tram are unnecessarily slow. I miss having a portal direct to IF. 3:30 mins and 3:42 mins are both longer than it would be to simply have one loading screen after going through a portal.


The past 6 months it seems all the AAA companies have been in a “hold my beer” competition to see who can piss off their players the most.

EA consistently does things. Bethesda has done numerous things of late. Bioware (well, sure they’re part of EA but …) has been pissing off their players. And of course Blizzard, starting with Blizzcon, has been pissing off its players.

It’s like they’re competing on something extremely foolish. And the end result will be that nobody wins.


I’ll trust your numbers. I just remember the Tram involving a load screen, having to wait for a tram (sometimes you got lucky and one was just arriving), and then the actual trip. Not exactly a fast or elegant process.


so the dude who was flying from Darnassus was still making better time than the flight from Uldum?
heh no.

if it’s just a crowding issue, you could try the ah in dwarven district.

stop it.
you know there is.
if you don’t want to “earn” it, then at least don’t pretend it doesn’t exist.

still waiting for you to point out who my troll alts are…?

if you’re entering the other persons garrison, it doesn’t matter what level yours is.

but you didn’t level up son.

oh boy… and people want to call me a nit-picker? :rofl:

i truly wish i could help you with this one… but unfortunately i think you’re on your own there. :frowning:
wait… have you tried just responding to her with “QQ”?
Disclaimer: this may result in being in the doghouse for a couple of weeks.

but it’s one of those “non loading screen loading screens”… like the ones i was previously told didn’t actually count as loading screens.

i can’t keep up with what qualifies as a loading screen.


It worked. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Yeah, that sucks. Another load screen that we never needed. Another inconvenience we didn’t need.


Oh, when I do have to use the AH in SW, I always use the Dwarven district one. That doesn’t change the fact that I still prefer IF. It’s not a crowding issue. It’s an “Ironforge has always been my home in game” issue. Logical or not, it’s a personal preference that Blizzard has now made drastically less convenient.