Rearranging and Removing Portals

This whole argument made me think about instruments. I play clarinet and saxophone. I need all eight fingers and one thumb to play them. (The other thumb holds the instrument, so it could theoretically be replaced with a prosthesis if necessary.)

So, now Blizzard comes along and chops off two of my fingers. I complain that I can’t play with two missing fingers. But the trumpet players scoff and say, “What do you mean you can’t play with six fingers? We do just fine using only three!”

I play woodwinds, Blizz, not brass. Gimme back my portals.

Note: Since the change, the biggest issues I’ve had are with the Caverns of Time and Hellfire peninsula portals. There is no portal option for CoT at all, and the NPC who is supposed to send folks to the Dark Portal hasn’t been doing so for at least half of my characters (level 58+). If the Hellfire portals were returned to all the major cities, and CoT put somewhere, I could probably make some kind of music.


yeah…this forum software SUCKS for that :roll_eyes:

You know youre being trolled when youre being told that people who never played this game ‘at all’ are posting about missing portals around the web :roll_eyes:

… and I want to point out that I hate going to Org so much that:

  • I built the auctioneer bot in my garrison.
  • I’m an Engineer for AH access in MoP / New Dalaran (among other reasons)
  • AND scrounged up enough gold without resorting to game tokens to get myself a Mighty Caravan Brutosaur mount

All so I never have to go to org to use the auction house.


I dunno about you, but I feel a real sense of Pride and Accomplishment™ when it takes me longer to get somewhere.

/s just in case.


Lol! Well, I’ll go so far as to say that “I feel a real ‘P… in the A…™’ when it takes me longer to get somewhere for no rational reason.”

Same. I never, never, never leave my banker/ah chars in Org or SW. Mop/Old Dal were better…imo.


Tomayto, tomahto.


Several years ago, I took a short class in customer service and was taught all of the things you list in your post. I wish that I could “Like” your post more than once.

In Warlords, Blizzard lost almost all trust I had in them as a company. Since then, they have done absolutely nothing to regain that trust.


I haven’t hopped on a flying Horde ship in some time now.

Another way to get around.

Being Alliance kinda upsets the crew and passengers though.

I hope they still let you do this.

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well said.
I started playing when legion was coming to an end.
I leveled up two goblins from 1 to current content.
Loved the game all the way thru MoP.
WoD of draenor was where the hate began.


Dear Blizzard, you over-upgraded your game. Some of us NEED to avoid congested areas for a smooth running experience.

We don’t necessarily WANT to avoid people OR current content, but we’d need some more fine-tuned graphics settings to cope with the barrel of cuttlefish you want to jam us into.


Yeah, and your ally ship crews don’t like it when the uppity goblin warlock on the bow of the Theramore or Azuremyst Isle boat yells “I’m King of the World!”. :wink:


fair is fair

I started playing in vanilla (December of 2005)… took maybe a week off here or there over the years. Since I’m no raider, the “content droughts” never affected me.

I almost quit in Warlords, and the only reason I didn’t was because they introduced Pathfinder before my time ran out.

Legion wasn’t as bad as Warlords, and if the BfA Pathfinder had not had multiple parts, I would have considered buying BfA when it went on sale.

Unfortunately, since Warlords, Blizzard has piled bad decision on top of bad decision. They destroyed guild controls. They added zone scaling to the entire world. They butchered several classes. They removed UI options (so we now have to use an add on for those). They required instanced content and mission tables for Pathfinder completion. They continued to make Pathfinder come in multiple parts. Now, they are taking portals away that had survived the first (and only) portal removal in Cataclysm. There comes a time when you have to walk away.

A guy takes his date to a dinner at the local country club. It’s an unusual setup: People have to wait in several lines for each item on the menu.

As his date sits down, the guy volunteers to go get their dinner. First he waits in the line for the roast beef. Then he waits in the line for the potatoes. Then he waits in the vegetable line, the bread line, the salad line, and the gravy line.

Finally he brings back two heaping plates of food. “Are you thirsty?” he asks his date. “What would you like to drink?”

“A glass of punch would be nice,” she says. So the guy goes to get it. He finds a line for wine, a line for beer, a line for soda, and even a line for milk. After considering all his options, he gives up and returns empty handed.

(This joke was in the April Reader’s Digest, and I thought it was appropriate.)


They probably don’t post anywhere, my wife has played since the first week of vanilla, she never posts on the forums but I hear her QQ all the time :man_shrugging:

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First time visiting the new portal room in SW. It is bittersweet how beautiful it is.

I would be very happy to see a portal to the Shrine, and every other racial city and expac hub added to it. (faction specific, naturally)

Question for NoBully - what is the fastest way to get from Boralus to Dreamer’s Rest in Feralas? I have quite a number of porting items, but perhaps not all. There may have even been some added with rep, and I have most reps. T.I.A.

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I’ll bet that restaurant felt…um…really…um…big.


Yup. At least in Cataclysm, they used the lame excuse that Death Wings broke them when he messed up the world. This time around, they don’t even have that excuse.


absolutely agree.
I dont even do the guild raiding thing and even I can see how stealing master loot from guildies was an outright crime.
Yup…I walked away. My subs expire in a couple months thanks to buying those stupid boat mounts.
Ive already moved on though, to ESO, and loving it.