Rearranging and Removing Portals

OMG,he called us trolls :rofl:


GASP, I was quoted, oh noes . .

seems YOU arent catching on.
Players WILL take the FASTEST path available.
When lowbies CANT fly they’ll use that tram.
When they CAN fly they’ll use flight.
If a PORTAL is faster, they’ll port.
When that portal is removed for childish reasons, it helps no one and does NOTHING to improve game play
Easy enough?


That means you’re famous! :slight_smile:

They are not “new zones” since they take place in existing zones. Also, you can see those “new zones” prior to hitting 120.

And if Blizzard cared about “originally intended standard routes” then they would have said something about that. But they didn’t. So it’s something you’ve made up in a lame attempt to defend Blizzard for this inane change.

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If it werent so pathetic, It’d be amusing him trying to convince anyone here that the removals werent a big deal.
Clearly to those who USED them often it IS a big deal.

For someone who is called nobully, you come across as a bully.

The point people are making, is that something that was in the game was removed. People would like it restored.

The same way Hati was restored.

People could have used any old White Wolf and named it Hati. And in the same way, people can fly, use objects, walk, or do anything else to get from A to B.

And just the same as Hati, they don’t want a poor alternative, they want the portals back, the portals they have used for YEARS.


I did, son.
I paid $60 a pop for NINE boosts just for BfA.
Whats that $$$ amount on your calculator?
And then Blizzard decided to ruin everything about BfA that I was enjoying when the first big round of nerfing hit.

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Kettle much there, pot?

Yea true. :+1:
Trolls would be put down in bug or customer support forum.
Either would be better than GD.


we’ve had a few people go out of their way to time various routes to a few different locations.
based on the additional time taken, you don’t seem to think that this entire thread is an overreaction?

the people who are stomping their feet the hardest, aren’t willing to be forthcoming with their travel routes… which screams that they’re pretty sure they’re using sub-optimal paths, but are too invested in their stomping, and just want to save face at this point.

Pretty sure that’s off limits as a name. (but am happy to be proved wrong, as always)

anyhoo, the real world calls.
let’s see how ridiculous things can get in here over the next hour or so. :smile:

Even the “sub-optimal” routes that some people might have been using were still much faster compared to going through Uldum.

I also liked you post in the Q&A thread, very good point.

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Thats just stupidity.
I KNOW what my FASTEST routes are and I dONT need some internet troll telling me that I dont because HE cant accept the fact that the portals WERE faster.
And if they WERENT faster than flight, son, then there was ZERO reason to remove them…and any such LIE that says the removals were to make the world feel bigger would be even more clearly LIES because if the travel time was exactly the same some other way then the world would feel EXACTLY the same

Try harder :roll_eyes:

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For someone who is called nobully, you come across as a bully.

nah…I know bullies. He comes off more like some uneducated kid who knows far less than he thinks he does

I mean good god…he actually thinks people who NEVER played WoW “at all” are sitting around talking about the portal removals:roll_eyes:

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Clearly as there has been no return of the portals or further response from blizzard, I would say it’s still very much an under-reaction and more is needed.

I don’t like being robbed of things I rely upon.


I logged in for a bit today to do some farming on a 110 Alliance alt. She’s hearthed in Pandaria because I still use the farm there and she’s working on getting Pandaria jewelcrafting patterns. I vastly prefer IF to SW when I need an auction house.

SW to IF by flight path = 3:42 minutes

IF to SW by tram = 3:30 minutes
(Note: Includes loading screens on both ends & I just missed tram on tracks and had to wait for next.)

To get back to Panaria while hearth is on cooldown:
SW portal to Jade Forest: 40 seconds
Jade forest FP to Vale 2:14 minutes.

I’m starting to think it makes more sense to log out and come back in 15 minutes when hearth is off cooldown.

I also really hate that Blizzard is forcing me to go to SW. I’m trying to think of another place I can set my hearth to have easy transportation around the world but there isn’t anywhere else. The fact that this game that used to be so open to a variety of options and play styles is now this forced and regimented makes me very sad. A game that makes me sad is not one I have a strong desire to play, gotta admit.


Hey, you quoted that wrong, LOL, I didn’t say that :rofl::rofl::rofl:

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Sorry, meant to include this in my previous post. Several of my posts above reference my before/after travel times.


Grr. Stupid stupid stupid change.