Rearranging and Removing Portals

I hope they fix that soon ,people need those portals like you do to finish their quests.

oh, Im positive anything youve said that wasnt crap deflection was addressed.
You just want to talk crap illogic nonsense to troll and demand someone take your bait and are upset if we put you in your place on your nonsense.

you claimed you “earned” something, and it was removed.

Thats just stupid.
Things we ‘earn’ by spending time LEVELING is ‘earned’ son. Try harder.
I can play in MoP content on a character because I EARNED it by playing and leveling to that content…portals included.
Try harder

It is actually called “Time Spent” if you look at this image

Although it was not mentioned in this last earnings call, it shows that they do track it


i did.
and i do.
…but you’ve spent so long telling me that i don’t, that i guess i should just believe you.

you don’t know that, son.
the point of having a centralized location for feedback, is to keep the feedback consolidated and relevant.

while cm’s may read things offsite, how much of that information is passed on to the devs?
…especially when there’s no way of knowing if the comments are made by people who play the game, or people who just want to cause drama.

you goofed, you know it, and now you’re trying to save face with more derailing.

try harder, son.

yeah…and its embarrassing to watch you keep doing it.

Thanks for proving my case for me.
Lowbies will take the slow tram because thats quicker than riding outside.
AND IF they can get a FAST MAGE PORT they’ll TAKE IT!
Players WILL take the FASTER route when they can.

Some of your asinine, uneducated statements about the game certainly would make any intelligent person wonder if youve ever played.


The heroes of the storm makes me sad.
But yeah, just leveling my Kul’tiran I can tell this is going to be frustrating on non mage classes.

Ah! Right! Thanks! I got it mixed up with Outland Flying. Haven’t been playing anything between 40 and 110 for a long while. :slight_smile:

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Here is a portal.
“Back through the way gate” quest.
Un Goro crater port!!

better than nothing.

The idea that some people might not have active subscriptions, or never even played the game at all, has never stopped them from doing Q&As on those other sites. You seem to be more concerned about this than Blizzard is.


So are we all for you to answer this simple question.

Are you in favour of these changes.

Yet you continue to dodge it.

That line of thought works both ways mate.


you do pretty good at convincing yourself of crap that aint true…we’ve been hoping maybe some facts might accidentally fall in there somewhere.

Yeah…I do…because unlike you I pay attention to detail.
And no one who DOESNT play WoW is going to give opinions about portals when they havent got a clue what the conversation is even about.
Good lord…the desperation is really thick with this one


sorry son…Im not the one with reading comprehension problems in here.


I feel for you, I have a several alts that I was working on and now this will just be a huge chore, but got to work up that extra “time spent” playing. I might just leave a few of them where they are at because of it.


and now they can’t.
so they take the originally intended standard route.

meanwhile, you’re celebrating the opinion of someone who thinks personal flight happens at 40. :roll_eyes:

aww boo… i thought that was my special “secret private portal” :smile:

yeah…hes quite the hypocrite about that.
Keeps crying that we arent answering his laughable deflections while dodging anything that might expose his own agenda.

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One doesn’t necessarily need to experience something first hand to understand why it may not be desirable to them or why it may not be a good change. If they play another game, for example, that has multiple, readily available portals around the world that they enjoy using, their opinion that they wouldn’t enjoy a game in which portals are suddenly much more limited is totally valid.


OH…you mean way back when MOP wasnt even part of this game, let alone half a dozen other land masses and most of the portals werent needed…the portals tht BLIZZARD ADDED to make travel to those expansions viable.

Keep trying. You’ll catch on at some point.


coming from the guy who actually thinks masses of people who DONT play WoW are sitting around discussing the missing portals. :rofl::rofl::rofl:

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“ww boo… i thought that was my special “secret private portal” :smile:

No secret just part of a quest line.

p.s. I forgot to say that it does not work for Tauren’s …sorry


and let the backpedaling begin.

No, I’m not particularly in favour of the changes
(and thank-you for using the correct spelling!)

…but i also don’t understand the need for the drama.

All my characters can still get around everywhere, without the massive addition of time which people are claiming.