Rearranging and Removing Portals

What can I say. I still go back and try Dragon Soul regularly hoping that each try will finally hit that 00.01% jackpot with one of the 3 mounts I’m still missing.

Chances of getting Blizzard to respond to this issue are about the same by posting in this thread. But I can do it more quickly and I’m not limited to one try per week. :wink: :wink: :wink:


oh please. Youre deluded. This thread does just fine without you and your alt trolls, son.


Good luck on your mounts. I know that getting to CoT sucks now so I hope you get them all in one run so you don’t have to go to CoT ever again now that the portal is gone for no reason.


I got my Experiment 12-B after many runs, I have put off the others, because one, spine is a pain after doing other things, and two, I am going back over old content where I missed a lot of mount.

I am just about done with the last few Argent Tourney mounts and I just finished getting all the garrison mounts

EDIT: Well I need two from the garrison invasions

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I dunno… 40 is pretty darn “lowbie” imho, and they have flying.

But you’re right. Other than the novelty of doing it once in a while, most aren’t going to wait around for a glitchy tram or zeppelin if they can just fly and arrive in roughly the same amount of time. Same with flying if there’s better available.

Good luck! I’d offer to run a garrison invasion with you now (I think I still need one from that), but alas… my lone alliance side warlock didn’t get far with his garrison. :wink:

If you have a hordling you want to run send me a tell! =D

yeah,the zeppelin and boat sometime never arrive,it’ll be better if they had a rocket to fly to the place you need.

I feel like they canceled my bus route and I’m out here in the boonies.

Blizzard bring some or all the ports back, seems you are upsetting more than pleasing, but that’s me.


Flight is at level 60 unless something changed recently.

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What they mean to say is, “Pay more, play less. We need more money.”


I changed to Alliance after playing Horde most of my WoW life so I don’t have any that reached WoD level

I run them solo each week on several characters, thanks to my instant garrison hearth, LOL. Then I head out to Pandaland to the World bosses, I have WAY to many kills on 3 of them, you would think I would have more than just Galleon by now


Man would I love goblin express rockets to some of the more remote flight points. Wish it were a racial perk! :wink:

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Think about it. Removing access absolutely cannot please anyone but trolls.
If anyone didnt want to use the portals before thats what self control is for. Dont use them. Its called free will.
The ones in here cheering this move on are trolls, nothing more, and we know they are because the portal removing brought nothing good to the game whatsoever.

theyre in here trolling past the point of just saying they dont care about the portal removal, but in saying that theyre admitting that they didnt need the missing ports to begin with…in which case their opinion isnt relevant.

If I dont eat wheat bread what do I care if it tastes like dirt?
I dont and shouldnt and really shouldnt toss any opinions in because nothing I say is relevant to the actual topic.


I remember the one that takes you to swamp of sorrows from the plagueland ,LOL fast and fun to boot.:+1:

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That’s not the same thing as “yelling into the wind” though. And from what I understand, these forums have been broken for a while in regards to letting people without subscriptions continue posting on them.

according to you, i don’t play, and i’m posting about it.

you don’t know if the people posting about it offsite are subbed, or have even ever played the game… at all.

the only think i’m desperate for, is for you to stop ignoring the question i’ve asked about 6 times… which you keep ignoring… because you know you said something completely ridiculous.

no, it’s quite valid.

you claimed you “earned” something, and it was removed.

…but that didn’t happen.

it’s painful watching people say random stuff, then pretend they didn’t say it.

and lowbies have forever been limited to that path of travel, unless they were cheesing the game by getting one of those non-existant mages to port them somewhere they couldn’t access on their own.

so you’ve changed your mind now?
you think i do play the game?
i can’t keep up with your flip-flopping

i can assure you i haven’t posted on any alts in this thread, son.

when did that happen?

Just got to Legion on my Kul’tiran and joy the portals I need to take to get my artifact weapon are gone. This just feels like more “Time played metric” garbage.


we’ve moved past that meme now.
people have started to figure out that mau’s is a more relevant stat (but let’s not let facts get in the way of a good conspiracy!)

Try harder. YOU said you play the game. Again…try harder.

Again…try harder.
You lost this debate 400 posts ago
This is just one more attempt at deflection and distraction.
NO one who doesnt play the game is sitting around here or elsewhere posting about missing portals, son.
Again…try harder.


And see, here is one person that I have mentioned within my posts. Leveling a new character / alt and they are bound to find some other way than what the quest states to do. How many more will this happen to and how many will just not bother trying and give up because it is that last straw.