Rearranging and Removing Portals

Can’t decide whether that’s the sarcasm it should be, or another facile sock puppet.


I’m cynical enough to believe it’s not sarcasm. Some people just seem to revel in anything that inconveniences or upsets others.

Edit: And I stand corrected by the very next post. My cynicism remains strong, however.

It’s sarcasm. I’m offended you think I’m stupid enough to think the world is bigger now. Just because Blizzard thinks we’re all dumb doesnt’ mean we all ahve to think we’re dumb. or something.


If you aren’t cynical then you’re losing the game of life, my friend.

That the main reason I am very weary of taking his quests and any quests in matter of fact.:unamused:

And Bran Bronzebeard, Nat Pagle, Margoss, Magni, Nessingwary… And every the other alliance race goon us Horde types need to take marching orders from because Blizzard couldn’t be bothered to give us OUR OWN npc’s. snort

Freaking rampant alliance favoritism! Even Azeroth herself bleeds alliance blue and silver-gold, what the heck is up with that?!

You can beat up everyone but Nat. Nat is my drinking buddy and fellow angler, and I must defend his honor. Or at least his beer cooler.

And while I LOVE Nessingwary and his “let’s murder all the wildlife” quests, I do wonder why there isn’t a rival goblin hunter out there, killing things for fun and profit…


Well, without a “/s” tag, what you said is too close to what some of the trolls in this thread have been spewing. Whether you were one of their alts chiming in or not was more than a bit unclear. :slight_smile:


Azeroth was originally the Alliance’s world. In the original Warcraft universe, all the elves were part of the Alliance, and Tauren and Pandaren one-off jokes that were put into fun scenarios. The Alliance between men and elves had been formed to combat the Trolls back in the day, so when the Horde (Orcs, Ogres, and their Demon allies) invaded from another world, the Alliance reformed to beat that back. The trolls jumped in on the Horde side because they hate the Alliance. Since the Alliance was the dominant force on Azeroth for so long, it’s only logical for it to bleed Alliance blue and silver-gold. Draenor, on the other hand, is the Horde’s world, and it bleeds black and red accordingly.

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Probably because it’s hard to come up with another anagram for Ernest Hemingway.

But what about Teddy Roosevelt?


“Weensy Nightmare” - the Goblin Game and Wildlife Exterminator!


Nah mon, de Trolls be here first… and dey be de progenitor o’de Elves! Look eet up mon!


Well done!
I will add on my own little bit of wisdom:
‘Happy customers tell their friends.
Unhappy EX-customers tell EVERYONE!’
(bold is mine)
Flips hair


I’m just going off what I see on wowpedia here:

The Troll Wars

Main article: The Troll Wars

One of the oldest wars in Azeroth was between the forest trolls of Zul’Aman and the high elves. High elves founded their kingdom of Quel’Thalas over ground sacred to the trolls, beneath which lay an ancient troll city. This sparked conflict between the high elves and trolls, but the elves’ magic frightened away the superstitious and angry troll warbands. 4,000 years passed while the trolls plotted and schemed as their numbers grew. Finally, a mighty troll army charged out from the shadowy forests and once again laid siege to the shining spires of Quel’Thalas.

The elves were hopelessly outnumbered. Believing defeat to be imminent, the high elves in desperation sought the aid of the humans of Arathor, teaching them the ways of magic in exchange for their assistance. Together the high elves and humans stood against the troll armies at the foot of the Alterac Mountains, and used fire magic to set the trolls ablaze and prevent them from regenerating their wounds. The troll armies broke and attempted to flee, but were chased by enemy forces and eventually killed. The forest trolls would never fully recover from their defeat, and history would never see them rise as one nation again.

Fair enough… I was going by “Race origins” at Wowpedia which claims (though it doesn’t necessarily put humans before or after trolls in any clear context, just that humans seem descended of the Vrykul):

… In time, these nocturnal habits turned their blue skin into hues of gray, becoming dark trolls. Eventually, a group made their way to the shores of the mesmerizing Well of Eternity and, as they stared into its waters, sensed a great power. Over time, the Well’s cosmic power transformed the trolls, making them strong, wise, and immortal. Their skin turned various shades of violet, and they grew taller in stature. The tribe adopted the name kal’dorei, which meant “children of the stars” in their native tongue, and became what would later be known as the night elves. Their studies of the Well led them to discover arcane magic, which quickly allowed them to establish a strong empire, led by their Highborne nobility.

Anyway, fascinating stuff! I suppose it’s only natural that the unoriginal loathesome Alliance would simply mimic Titan theme colors rather than establish their own. Rawr! :wink: :wink:

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Noted. I’ll try to /s in the future. 8)


OOF some of the posts are a bit sharp

Also hearing something about another missing portal as of the maintenance for Horde. I do not have a character over there that high anymore to know.

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It’s a reasonable question when they don’t want to even communicate with us.

More questions than I thought are being posed on the portal thing. Names I have not seen around either, a few I have.

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