Rearranging and Removing Portals

Do it. Game is much more fun and immersive, you know Wow has gone to sh*t when doing boring stuff in FF14 is more attractive than their raids. Truth be told I could be just loving the change of scenery after 15 years of wow. (I never stopped my sub since I started playing in vanilla until now)


Right, whatever. You’ve proven time and again that you’re just here to insult us. Now shoo along and go find one of those 100 topics that you think are so much more important.


That’s your opinion and it is just that; an opinion.

But what about people who actually want to get their Legion class questlines done? The entire reason for those portals to exist in Dalaran in the first place is because of those questlines.

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Is this better?

These portal deletions don’t directly have an effect on my accounts except as symptoms. My unsubbing will be caused by something I see coming soon…removal of flight in WM.
The more things they remove or delete, the more players unsubscribe and move on. And in reality, most of those who leave do not return.


Crepe made a similar comment about the Druid Travel button when they unified all the forms under one button.

“This is a Solution looking for a Problem.”


The Northrend-Dalaran portal to CoT is going bye bye.

Doesn’t help with alts, also takes up bag space.

A bunch more items to hold (and grind for on alts) just to go to places we used to be able to portal to.


You know what’s really cool about Yoshi-P (the lead producer), he will frequently log into a random server and get mobbed by hundreds of players, and take the time to answer a bunch of their questions. He does his own Q&As. The man doesn’t even speak english, but he still tries.

  1. Are you absolutely certain about the CoT portal in Northrend Dalaran? Isn’t the rep-locked? And can you confirm she’s still there on the PTR?

  2. What about Throne of Thunder? As far as I can tell they’re moving the closest portal to that a zone further away.

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Having an opinion that 99% of the people here also have doesn’t make anyone a sheep. However, I understand for some teenagers that going against the grain so they can act like they are edgy is important, however I am certain that you will grow out of that phase.


And tedious. Very tedious.


The Shattrath NPC is the one that requires Keeper of Time rep, and I believe she’s the only one that’s staying.

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I worked for a guy 20 years ago for a bit who bought a bunch of new machines for the company.
when they were wiring everything up the guy who did the computer work for our business had laid it all out so the wiring would be as minimal as possible and thus less likely that anything would damage said wiring.

the boss comes in and takes his plans from him and lays HIS version down that literally had the machines on the opposite side of the room, which doubled the wiring required and the time needed to install it all and left 50 feet of exposed wiring running across the floor.

There was absolutely no reason the machines had to be there other than “I said so”

Some people are just control nuts. They really cant help themselves and they seem to get satisfaction from letting everyone know who the boss is even when their way is the wrong way and everyone knows it.


I’ve insulted no one. On the contrary, however, I have been insulted for merely sharing my opinion on agreeing with something unpopular.

Until Blizzard remembers her, I suppose.

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So who wants to bet whose jobs are gonna get cut once the subs dip even deeper than the marianas trench?

My bet

Bornakk and Kaivax

and yeah report and ban me another 24 hours for harassment if it makes you feel better I am not the one losing my job if the subs go even lower. Again Update your LinkedIn you gonna need them after this PR nightmare.


alt posting, are we?

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What this says to me and I’m certain countless others: It doesn’t matter how unified the playerbase is in how it feels about something, we will do what we want and you will deal with it.


And yet, the devs seem to believe the way to make the world feel alive is to make traveling to it a bigger pain.

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