You’re playing that martyr card a little too hard.
You’re right. The people for this change have really offered nothing and so the vast majority here don’t really need to rebuttal anything.
The Titanic hit the iceburg and is sunk. Wow just hit a iceburg and it is sinking.
I hear the Devs of Final Fantasy XIV actually listen to their players. Blizzard seems more intent on alienating the base of loyal fans they still have left. The portals were an inconvenience to no one, and nobody complained about them. Your reasoning smells like total male bovine poo.
You an anti vaxxer aren’t ya?
Not Harder. Simply Longer.
your analogy isn’t very objective to my reason.
And many players who are upset at this change are themselves “the silenced” who have finally had enough, so they’re speaking up.
I like it.
And +1 for the name, race, class trifecta.
Martyrs sacrifice themselves. I’d say I’m probably more of a Paladin =)
The fact that you think posting an unpopular opinion on an anonymous forum is behaving boldly is freaking rich!
I’m just picturing Sylvanas and Anduin floating on a piece of debris in the north Atlantic, but there isn’t enough room for Anduin…
Yeah, this explanation from Blizzard seems like a lot of spin for a problem of their own making. To put it mildly, this decision seems ill-advised and utterly unnecessary.
If you want the world to feel more “engaging” or “alive,” built more content; don’t arbitrarily make the old content less accessible.
they speak for the vast majority posting here and elsewhere everywhere Ive seen this discussion on the web.
Certainly takes more a spine going against the tide than to go with it like a sheep.
I’m sick to death of blizzard taking things away. Why can’t they let us keep things?
you mean like going with the tide of pointless changes that serve no valuable purpose?
Funny, you look like a druid to me.
I was initially upset at the Dalaran basement portals being removed, since there were locations that were easy to get to from them for my trabsmog farming. But all the locations offered from those portals are still rather easily accessible.
- CoT: besides the Uldum or Silithus ports, we also have the teleporter in Northrend Dalaran who can send you there. People seem to have forgotten that.
- Dragonblight: Dalaran is not far away from there, only adds a small amount of flight, but it’s closer to ICC and Ulduar which is where I usually go in Northrend.
- Kara: There is that ring from rep that ports you there I think. Plus horde have a Stonard portal, and Alliance can go from Stormwind.
- Shattrath: Pretty sure we got a port there, plus the Hellfire teleports from the mages… and that skull toy that takes you to the Black Temple… And that WoD mirror if somehow that’s you thing.
- Dalaran Crater: although a bit inconvenient, Northern EK is accessible by Undercity for Horde, mages have portals there, and Alliance can take a scenic trip from the Sunwell Isle (portal in Shattrath). TBH there isn’t another up there I’d take an alliance to anyway besides Scarlet Monestary or the plagueland dungeons, but they were still a good flight from the crater anyways.
That all said, I would like for mages to finally get a Kara portal though. For flavour. Considering almost nobody has an Atiesh, I don’t think it’s something that would offend anybody.
Alt-tabbing through flight points hardly gives me a sense of the world’s scale.
You have a problem with your design philosophy: time played does not equal time enjoyed.
During Legion, I did whatever world quests were closest, because it was convenient. I grinded the world quest reps on three toons, all at the same time, because it was convenient. During Legion, I ran ICC every week for a shot at Invincible, because it was convenient. Heck, I did Caverns every once in a while too, just because I liked playing the game and wanted to spend more time in it.
Right now? Honestly? Outside of the raid and mythics, I hate playing. I loathe alt-tabbing for 2-5 minutes at a time taking flight points, or even switching continents to easy-to-do single-mob kill world quests, because the multi-kill/collect quests are an absolute bore, and even then you’ve so severely inflated mob health in relation to player power that I have to go “c’mon really” when it takes my 114 warlock the almost same amount of time to kill a stupid rare. You made grouping through the WQs much harder, so nobody does them. Instead of doing emissaries every day, on all my alts, I just do them sporadically for gear upgrades. I can’t think of the last time I cracked a smile playing your game anymore.
Get yourselves together, honestly. A player that quits is going to invest a playtime of zero.