… because everyone who disagrees with a mob with pitchforks and torches is going to walk into the middle of them and share their dissenting opinion, amirite?
I don’t play a Druid so I had a question: Can you still teleport to the Legion Druid class hall portal hub? Or is that going away too? If its still there, why isn’t it being removed too? Doesn’t that meet all the red flag criteria that got the Dalaran portals removed? Or maybe it’s all complete BS.
For the record it must be said that what the passionate players here are creating here is truly admirable. I’m glad that we have a community that is willing to put so much effort into seeing this game taken into a better direction. As much vitriol as the WoW community gets, I’m proud of you guys and the volume of feedback that you are able to give! Cheers.
WOD in it’s overall was a very poorly managed expansion the amount of cut/rework content and concepts really hindered the expansions overall performance. I also haven’t even unlocked WOD flying. (personal opinion) flying doesn’t really have that sort of impact on me like others…shrug. And that’s coming from a Vanilla/BC player who spent hours upon hours/weeks grinding to unlock flying when it 1st came out.
I just reread the OP and this is what I’ve gotten:
With new expansions, we’ve made a tradition of removing some of the portals from the previous expansion’s cities. The goal with that is to encourage transportation flow through newer places where players are more likely to interact with other players.
Doesn’t tell me why portals should be removed, only that they want the portals in new zones or high traffic areas
However, we’ve seen how updates to the game can leave the means of accessing different areas feeling increasingly chaotic.
We’re cleaning that up, and we see this as an opportunity to consolidate a lot of travel into a consistent venue with a consistent look and feel, and room for future growth when needed.
Ok, you want all the portals in the same area…so I still don’t know why portals are being removed.
It probably got buried, but I dug up a thread from back then:
Nearly 5k posts, mostly negative, about the removal of Northrend-Dalaran’s portals. And we thought they learned their lesson when they didn’t remove the Shrine portals when MoP ended. But I guess they just somehow forgot for a few years.
And your entitled to welcome the change. Btw there was an outcry I remember it. Also, the world was much smaller in Wrath. We have 4 additional land masses to run around on now. Why not make things easier? Especially for old content some of which is going on 12 years or more.
I have no idea where you got the idea that I was trying to speak for the wow playerbase from my post. I’m just stating what I believe actually happened with the whole portal room mess. Whether you agree with the removal of the portals or not is actually irrelevant to my post.
I believe they made a mistake and are trying to damage control it to avoid having to delay the patch. It’s honestly not really the end of the world, I just wish they’d admit it instead of pretending it’s better this way.
Can we…can we stop trying to pretend like your life is on the line or there is any danger to giving a different opinion here. I mean, literally the worst that will happen is that somebody will comment a rebuttal.
Some of us are bold because someone needs to be the voice of the silenced. I already have people accusing me of trolling when its fairly obvious I’ve held this view for YEARS and I have video proof of it. Then again, nothing is going to convince a flat-earther that the earth isn’t flat…